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    1. drewccapp 10 yrs ago


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Current Rocking out to Within Temptation Pandora Station and writing my novel.
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Experiencing that feeling when absolutely no game is satisfying to play and all you do is watch videos on youtube and streams on twitch -.- I feel so unproductive.
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Revising the wonders of a horribly inefficient murderer with a horribly inefficient weapon.
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That feeling when Fallout 4 pre-load :3 3 days!


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@baraquiel Well here's a preemptive congrats on graduation!
Alrighty I have made my edits and we shall have to see the consequences of that edit! I'm pretty excited about the results.
Ah alright, I shall make some edits then to adjust for that and he is likely instead going to touch the obelisk to force the opposing sides to separate. I should have considered the noise. I'll make my edits at some point in the next couple days.
Huzzah for a slightly sloppy attempt to negotiate. Lets see how this goes. :)
Elliot's heart pounded in his chest as he heard the boy respond to him with a question. A one word question. "Friends?" Typically that was not a good sign from anyone. The last time someone responded with a single word the conversation devolved into a brawl. Of course that was in a tavern between a pair of drunks, however he had seen similar reactions to varying degrees for exactly the same reason.

"You're from very far away, aren't you?" she asked in a breathy voice, somewhere between astonished and very confused. Her eyes widened even further. "You've seen the sun, haven't you?"

Elliot blinked and stared at the girl with blank confusion. Why was the sun important? He wracked his brain as the pair spoke back and forth. The energy shifted quickly from tense to excitement, and the fear Elliot felt slowly faded as he relaxed. Confusion quickly settled back in as she started excitedly calling him a Lightborn.

He was about to ask for clarification when she grabbed his wrist.

"You have to help us, everything is wrong, the light is in pieces and the Dragon is stirring, and the Gods have locked themselves up, we're at the mercy of the Dark --"

They were interrupted by a sudden attack from above in the form of a net. A fearsome metal machine and griffin entered combat in which the griffin was clearly far more agile. The metal of the machine proved to be a poor defense against the beast’s fierce claws as well as they dug into one of the scythes and dismounted its rider viciously. Elliot reluctantly braced himself for combat. The loud machines drowned out almost everything around them.

He then looked hard at the obelisk. What better way to protect his fellow castaways than to literally blow away all the threats. Then they could run back to the beach. He then glanced toward the beach and promptly his heart sunk. A swarm of the fiends had risen, and he could only imagine what they might be capable of doing. One bite was likely no problem at all, but dozens would be lethal.

The next concern that came to his mind in regards to the obelisk was if he could even direct the wind at all. The fact that he was even considering attempting this caused him to question his sanity. Ultimately, there would be only one way to tell, and he had no time to wait.

Elliot mouthed to Golde and Ifor. "Brace yourselves." Then he dashed for the obelisk and pounced on it. As soon as he made contact and the wind picked up he tried to focus it so that all threats would be blown away. He prayed to the fates that would be enough.

All the fantasies, myths, and legends of old were coming to life right in front of him. Would this revelation unravel Elliot’s mind or open it to new possibilities? He worried about the consequences of both.
In Lantern 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@c3p-0h How are things going here? Life gone crazy?
I have the feeling that Elliot is going to end up becoming somewhat similar to Anise from the original and turning into a hero (Minus going temporarily insane).
"Is he waking up? Is he waking up and we're the ones who'll see it? We'll go down in history!"
"But why, do you think? Have we done something? Is someone down there?"
"Who knows! I wanna know why he stopped! C'mon!"

Elliot wondered what exactly he had gotten himself into. Who were they talking about? He could barely hear what they said, but a clear level of excitement was present. This caused him to relax a little as they clearly were not thinking they were under attack or anything like that. That much was a great relief. He noticed they wore hoods that took on the appearance of animals and wondered at the historical and cultural significance to it.

Since he was a close as he cared to get, the griffin appeared even more imposing than ever before. What kind of legend had he stumbled into? Everything he had understood as reality had been blown away. Everything was now different, and he could not operate under any assumptions from before.

The boy leaped and splashed recklessly across the rocks, nearly slipped once, and boldly pressed both hands against the obelisk while the water frothed at his ankles. "Wind-god! Come out!" he hollered with a grin. The obelisk didn't respond at all. "We've been watching over you! We're ready for your return! Help us take back the island! We'll fight for our land and our freedom!"

A wind god? Is that what the obelisk represented? Is that what created that gust of wind?

"That is not quite how I would speak to a god," the girl pointed out calmly -- and she did not mention the fact that the wind-god did not appear to be at all interested in the boy's raucous crowing.

Elliot rather liked the girl's response. She was certainly far more level headed than the boy. He had seen children act similarly before in which boys were generally far more reckless than girls the same age. At a young age, he learned to avoid most recklessness, but even so he could not come close to the cautious nature of most women he knew young and older.

Then he noticed he had been caught. He had been seen. Elliot sighed, stood up tall, and faced the girl and her griffin.

"You can release him," she called to Eliot, while her companion was distracted by his own ego. "It was you."

Elliot stared for a while at the magnificent beast. There was no way to have been able to know he could be seen in that darkness. He could barely see a thing himself had there not been the glowing obelisk and the fire. He extended his hands out in a wide shrug.

"I'm not exactly sure how I could do that," Elliot said. "Why would I even want to?"

He then heard a warble not far off in the distance and glanced off towards the sound. It came from not far off beyond the obelisk. "Those are my friends. We were just attacked by a fiend, and we don't even know where we are. Our ship was caught in a storm and only a few of us survived. If you can help us then I may help you. I don't want us to run into anything dangerous without more information, so what causes a need for a god to help you achieve freedom? What makes releasing him a good idea? What is this land in the first place?"
I'm pretty locked in on gathering more information, Elliot wouldn't do anything without more knowledge.
I'm not a fan of that small post, but it's the best I could come up with.
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