Avatar of Drinky
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    1. Drinky 10 yrs ago


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Madness can take many forms, but none so contemptible as man's belief in a mythology of his own making.

A world view buttressed by dogmatic desperation invariably leads to single-minded fanaticism, and a need to do terrible things in the name of righteousness.

This man is an animal. Rabid, destructive, and incapable of nuanced understanding.

He. Must. Be. Put Down.

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I'd like to express my interest.

I have questions about the "behind the scenes game-like elements" though I'll hold them till the OOC is up.

I can already tell Gish and Vigilance will get along quite well should they ever meet. :p

Holy crap man, that looks wicked!

But seriously, thank you. You didn't have to do that for me, a complete stranger. Especially considering the picture I supplied had no color so I would imagine it took more time than the others.

So thanks, that was really cool of you.

Welcome to the site.

I remember when I found this site too. My roleplaying experience started back on an old facebook app called "Bathroom Wall", though I doubt anyone remembers that. Now I feel old...

Like you I came to this site in search of a more serious roleplaying experience.

You shouldn't have any trouble finding Star Wars or Post-Apocalyptic Fallout RP's these days, seems they're all over the place.

I myself am currently in a gangster-noire type RP.

If you fancy yourself a more advanced writer you could swing by the OOC and see if the GM is still accepting.
-the take a break: go do something else. Read a book. Watch a show. Play a video game. Subconsciously steal from that shit later.

Shit boys, He's onto me. :p
The smell of gunpowder and cigar smoke filled the air of a small apartment in Chinatown. Scraps of metal and rusted firearm parts lined the kitchen counter top and filled the sink. Bottles of varying color, size, and fullness lay sprinkled atop any other flat surface. Lights flickered and flies danced around a trash bin long forgotten and festering. Black burns dotted the vinyl kitchen floors, likely due to lit powder and accidental discharges of homemade ammunition.

At the center of it all, a large makeshift workbench sat. The vinyl floor of the kitchen had begun to buckle and bend from the mass of the workbench shifting around during use. Atop it sat a vice, an ammunition punch, and various hammers and screwdrivers. The table itself looked as though various pieces of scrap planks were simply placed atop one another, then bolted and banded together.

Gish sat atop a stool at the workbench, lightly hammering the sights of an old pistol back into place.

"How much longer man?"

A thuggish looking human paced back and forth in the already cramped kitchen. Black toque, black hoodie, and jeans. He looked the part of your typical thug ready to rob his next liquor store.

"Listen son, I don't show up at your job and knock the dicks out of your mouth while you're working, so pipe down eh?"

He had just about enough of the brat. Kid would probably be dead within a week, so no need for pleasantries on the hope for repeat business. Thinks he's tough enough to go toe to toe with anyone on the block, won't get him far.

Gish gave the sidearm a last look over and checked the sights.

'Good enough' he thought. He placed the gun down on the workbench.

"Alright son, she's good to put down any git what gets in your way eh? New firing pin, some thorough cleaning, and a little sight adjustment. She's as good as she'll ever get given the age of the piece."

The thug stepped forward and grabbed the gun. He looked it over but only briefly, it wouldn't surprise Gish if the kid even knew what a firing pin was.

"That'll be 80 for all that." Gish cracked a small grin.

The thug reached into his hoodie pocket and lay 4 syringes filled with red liquid on the workbench.

Gish's golden eyes narrowed and his grin quickly faded.

"Whuh the 'ell is dat there mate?!" Gish stood up with his hands raised and knife like teeth bearing as he spoke.

"It's Demon's Blood. 100$ worth. That's a good deal for you man." The thug looked confused.

"Me knows dats Demon's Blood ya git! Me work gets paid for in dosh, and dat there ain't dosh!"

Gish had become irate and his inner cockney began to shine through. His decaying heart raced at the thought of this nobody trying to pass off drugs to him as payment when he had previously asked for cash.

"If I was being in da drug business I wouldn't be fixing burnahs son!".

The thug took a step back and furrowed his brow. He took his free hand and pointed towards his own chest.

"I work for The Bloodbloom Syndicate man, you should take my offer before I make a call."

Gish let out a loud laugh, bending his back and projecting his voice towards the ceiling. As he reeled back and sat upright he let one arm rest on the workbench and the other slid into his coat.

"Ooh's yah boss den son?"

The thug's expression went blank for a moment, Gish knew he had already caught him in a lie.

"Malcolm" he blurted.

Gish grinned again.

"Listen son, put da dosh on da coun'er now before I call dat fit looking Nyxvira bird and 'ave 'er mates open yah up like a tin of beans!"

The thug paused for a moment and looked at Gish. His eyes drawn to his teeth and hypnotic eyes. Gish wasn't sure if the kid had believed his bluff about Nyxvira or simply knew his own bluff and 'Malcolm' had been called. The thug came forward and swapped the drugs for a few bills then stormed out the front door of the apartment.

Gish quickly grabbed the money from the workbench and counted it. 80$ in all. He stuffed the money underneath his hat and grabbed a bottle of bleach that had been sitting on the workbench. He poured some into his mouth and swashed it around for a bit, before spitting it onto the stained floor.

Had to keep his teeth nice and white.

Question regarding the setting.

I got the impression this RP leans more towards the modern age rather than fantasy when it comes to technology, but would this setting allow for what I can only describe as 'Goblin Tech'?

Sparky things, Sharp things, Things that look like they have way too many tubes, conductors, and batteries strapped to them?

The sort of thing that looks like scraps of metal were hammered together till they resembled a bar, strap a battery to it, insulate the handle and call it a stun gun?

I wanna take my Goblin character to the highest level of cheese that I can, whilst still giving his character depth of course.

Name/Nicknames: Godric "Gish" Styx

Race: Goblin

Age: 28

Appearance: As with all Goblins, Gish only stand at 4' 5". His nose and chin almost come to a fine point, much like his teeth. Yellowed eyes dart around beneath the shade provided by a black top hat. A thin and malnourished body hidden behind a large, padded coat. Sewn patches cover the coat almost entirely. The colors all faded, look as though they had been torn from whatever was available to fill a hole.

Gish has the vain idea his over sized, padded coat give him the appearance that he is larger than he actually is. Realistically the coat only serves to protect him from a quick slash given by a small knife or to provide a means of 'slipping loose' from an attackers grasp should he be cornered.

Beneath his beloved coat he wears a stain ridden white shirt and some black slacks he picked from a garbage can. He carries a sawn off shotgun with his own brand of extra hot loaded shells, just in case.

Personality: Gish doesn't do much to break the mold for what most people have come to think of Goblins.

Greed is his one and only motivation. Money for food, cigars, booze, and whatever else he needs are what drives him. Though coin is often preferred, Gish knows the going price for other commodities traded in the city.

Information is always useful. A good contact with one of the small time or larger gangs can come in handy if one ever needs to point fingers to turn a buck. Someone who can get things done are worth calling in a favor from. Drugs can be traded, cut, doubled in quantity (as far as the buyer knows) and traded for something more useful. There's always a way to make an exchange work for Gish if the other party can be relied on.

Gish isn't a tough guy. He'll weasel his way out of almost anything if his tongue is fast enough.

He'll be your best friend if you have something he wants, or if he knows you're ready to start a fight if you're not told what you want to hear.

People who cheat Gish won't be met with bricks and firebombs flying through their bedroom windows. Too much heat comes with that. If Gish gets cheated, he draws on his wealth of contacts to find the person who screwed him and everything about them. A bit of poison served in a cocktail at their favorite bar, a call girl who's been bribed to call foul when no foul was committed. Gish will find a way to get them back.

Bio: Gish makes his way in the criminal underworld mostly in firearms. All conducted from his own small apartment.

His skill as an under the table gunsmith is what puts bread on the table, though he's been known to deal drugs and stolen charms on the side.

If a piece needs repairs Gish may not be your first choice, but he'll get the job done. Guns get a good amount use in Santa Somabra, a "wall hanger" is almost unheard of. If you're a nobody and can barely figure out which end of the gun the bullet comes out of, Gish might take the liberty of dulling a firing pin and tacking a replacement on to the bill. "Excess use" is his go-to line.

If you're a somebody or are linked to a big gang, Gish knows his place. Rather cut the potential profits than have enforcers busting down his door.

Need a few extra loud rounds to tell everyone in a 3 block radius to stay clear? Gish is your guy. Custom loads, blessed silver bullets for a pesky werewolf, want em extra hot to make sure an ogre stays down? Gish will even engrave them if the shot is for a 'special someone'.

Despite the demand, Gish rarely deals in whole firearms. Too much heat. Doing repairs with no questions asked and no paper trail is a much safer bet with still plenty of demand. If a good buck can be made on a small order for whole firearms, Gish can pull a few strings, but only if his gut tells him he can trust you.

Elves pay double.

Other: Gish does his best to keep neutral with all the city's big players. Widens his customer base that way. Keeps the favors and information dealing as even as he can between them. Moves locations every few months to stay off anybody's turf to avoid being directly associated with them.

Big players may mean bigger profits, but they can also mean bigger problems.

Cast a wider net, and you'll pull in enough small fish to have a meal or two.

I was referring to the profile picture for 'The Narrator'.

Of course that being said this RP in general has a Vampire the Masquerade vibe to it.
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