Avatar of Dud
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 119 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Dud 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current The spawn of hell / Screams in rage / Cuz you're about to win / The final stage


I was there and now I'm not.

How many roleplayers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Quit trying to railroad the plot, the room is perfectly fine in the dark.

Most Recent Posts

When I get a life outside of work and sleep I'll make a post! I forgot to eat supper last night. Again.
I only have phone Internet for the next day and a half, but I'm working on it! Also I need to clean the house by myself so I need to find out how to do things like dust and shit. Also I need to buy things to dust and shit.
I have a lot going on right now, so I'll have something up in a day or two. My Grit will be a beautiful and horrific insectoid!
Happy Oldness Day to the Mok of Ley!
Okay I'm back and I typed things. I'm bruised in several places but I had a nice time. I don't expect Moth to be out for long, he'll probably just have a vision or two and wake up soon.
Moth manhandled the Grit child, and the smack of his hand across the creature's face rang out in the stairwell. The boy's head snapped to the side with the impact -- and then he lunged with a terrible speed. The child drove his sharpened teeth deep into Moth's forearm, scraping bone and drawing a mouthful of blood. He would have continued his assault, except Maria thrashed him suddenly against the rail and forced him to release Moth.

Bright red flooded Moth's vision as a dark wet stain spread across the left arm of his suit. The flexible plastic screens on the sleeve were cracked and flickered slightly before burning out. He opened his mouth several times but no sound came out.

He looked the man right in the eye. "I can draw a Sigil that can stop the bleeding on your arm, but I have to draw it over your wound or it won't work. That means it'll hurt, but once I'm done the bleeding will stop until tomorrow. Hopefully by then we'll have the time and space to properly fix it up." Vincent personally felt that this man wasn't fit to survive in this new cruel world, but perhaps he would be surprised.

The words and sounds flowed around him as though he was no longer a part of anything going on. Moth stared back at Vincent, wide-eyed, and let out a single squeak. He fell backward, stiff as rock, landing flat with a thud and passing out.
Hope you had fun!

I've got a post planned, so I'll have something up in the next half a day or so! After that I'll be on a mini vacation myself this weekend. I'm excited. I might have pictures when I get back. =P

Edit: Okay, so that didn't happen. I'm currently sitting in a Dennys waiting for my afternoon breakfast. If anyone needs to know what happens to Moth, just assume he lets out a small squeak and passes out. Thanks. =D
@Mokley Damn. Moth just can't get a break. =P

No one else is hurt, so...yay? =D
@Eodwyn Aether@Tojin
HAHAHAHAHAH. Heh. I find all this very amusing. =P
I've had a busy week but I'm still very much interested in this. I think for the most part we're just trying to pretend we're responsible adults and do work and things first. =P

For me, weekends are best for contributing. I've felt shitty and exhausted all week, so once I have some time to slow down and recuperate I'll be back in story mode. I have so much planned for Moth and so many more facets of his personality to explore. Did you know he loves insects? Yep, one of the few things he's not terrified of. Now to continue work on his family tree...
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