Avatar of Dusty
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    1. Dusty 7 yrs ago


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Definitely, which is why we need to plan our next step so that we have some goal to push for. I’m thinking our characters should have a meeting and are all shook up about the early loss of Emma, and one of them suggests they should ensure they have control over the morphs they pick, so the same thing doesn’t happen to anyone else. Essentially they should practice. And then another character suggests they collect morphs. So our first mission will be them raiding the local pet store/zoo for morphs, and then testing them out in an controllable environment. Which of course all goes terribly wrong.

It’s no hawk that’s for sure. But it shouldn’t be a problem really. Emma could return as a human later on and say she managed to morph out in time and was just lost in the woods.

She did vanish into the woods as a deer. That’s a pretty great way to explain her character’s disappearance.

I’m pretty sure most of us are still here

The first cries hinting at something bad happening reached Serpentine and Talon fairly quickly. Glancing over her shoulder Serpentine gulped at the sight of a number of changed students rounded the street corner ambling over to where the two heroes stood.

“I think I might have an idea.” Serpentine told Furitta and Talon as the students drew closer by the second. “You guys have to trust me though, and Furitta you need to find us. We’re on the corner of Fifth and Wenburry, about a block from the mall. Anyway one of us needs to get ourselves captured, and they’ll take the captured hero straight to him and the other two can follow. We can defeat him the same way as before, then purify the akuma this time. And yeah it did look kind of like a bat Talon. It flew away once his whip broke, remember I told you.”

Now the students were getting very close. Serpentine kept one eye on them as she spoke to Talon and Furitta. “Now, who wants to be bait?”

How many years has it been since the avatar died? And what nation should the new one come from?
"You young whippersnappers wouldnt know a Glock from Beretta!"
- Daisy probably, trying to shoo the rest of the team off her lawn

@DustyNo idea how old Robuv is though.

@DefaultWhoops-a-diddily-do! Will edit now!

I got you fam

Suffering from a combination of jumpy nerves, jet lag, and a ruined inner clock Robuv Karkovof found sleep difficult to come by. The Russian tossed and turned well into the early hours of the morning unable to drift off despite a large dosage of sleeping pills and three glasses of cheap alcohol he bought at the local drug store. His inability to sleep plagued him for what seemed like eternity, until at last his bedside alarm clock beeped into life, filling the small room with its agonizing wailing. Raising a meaty hand Robuv slammed his palm down onto it shutting the beeping off and slipping out of his bed. Releasing a pent up sigh of relief Robuv slipped on his socks and a pair of sneakers, not bothering to change as he was already been dressed in his PT clothes. The next few hours were spent preforming a morning run, complete with pushups and stretches. Robuv didn’t go as hard as he normally would have, realizing his lack of sleep and a potentially long day would lead to some negative consequences if he burned himself out. Instead he focused on reenergizing his body pushing himself just far enough to brighten his eyes and allow deep lungful’s of fresh air to penetrate his chest. Today was a big one, for both Robuv and the rest of the world. The day of truth, if you will. Would this new team Rainbow prove to be a monstrous disaster demonstrating clearly the unreachable divide between the world powers? Or would it herald in a new beginning of cohesion and understanding between the modern nations? Only time would tell, but the efforts of cooperation between those chosen to participate would set the tone from this point on.

Robuv had been selected specifically for this mission, to act both as a Rainbow agent, and as an inside asset into their operations and organization. Funneling information directly to the Kremlin. The magnitude of this responsibility weighed heavy on Robuv’s shoulders, but he carried it with the pride and diligence of a true Russian born man. Of course not all was well in regards to his team. Robuv had been briefed thoroughly by his command on what exactly he’d be doing, and how he would have to trust his life to Americans, Brits, and Frenchmen. A truly terrifying prospect to any man who’d seen action and knew how reliant one was on their team in a tight spot. For all Robuv knew these foreigners would leave him to die at the first sign of trouble. Nevertheless his nation was counting on him, and the lives of innocents depended upon his ability to act dependably with his team. He was the best of the Russian Federation, and he was going to prove it by standing firm in the face of any hardship.

Returning from his morning workout roughly thirty minutes before they were scheduled to meet in the lobby, Robuv climbed the stairs up to his second floor room. Showering hurriedly Robuv threw on a pair of kakis and a black button up shirt and boots. Making sure his pistol was hidden properly under his waist line the stalwart Russian exited and locked his room, giving his back pocket one last tap to ensure himself of the presence of his wallet and passport. The last thing he needed was American cops hounding him about missing papers on his first day. Stepping into the lobby Robuv cast about spotting a likely looking pair loitering about in the lobby. Approaching the Frenchmen with a GIGN patch and two women he was with Robuv stopped a few paces away ignoring the ladies for the time being he nodded towards Bernard’s patch, formulating his question in heavily accented English.

“That is GIGN badge da? I am Karkovof of Russian army, you are Bernard, correct?” Reaching out his big hand to shake Robuv gave a slight bow of his head, wanting to show respect to a fellow team member but not submission. Their command structure hadn’t yet been fully explained and the Frenchman before him could either be a superior, peer, or subordinate. “It is good to meet you, I have flown all way from Russia and this is my first visit to the America. This entire situation has been, stressful, for you as well no doubt. But I trust of course, I have good men... And Women to watch my back, da?”


How would are characters come together in order to search for the Avatar? Do they have to be like minded adventurers out to help save the world, or can more personal or malicious motivations be at play?
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