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    1. eclecticwitch 6 yrs ago


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Sure, that is fine with me. I totally understand and can sympathize.
Mona Windrider

Location: The Palace Courtyard
Skills: N/A

How many times had she awoken from this dream with shivers running not only through her spine but through her soul? How many times had she seen the unchanging face of that man? How many times had she seen his throne and the darkness that seemed to seep off of him? All those times things had not changed. She could describe the dream in acute detail now. She could count the number of whiskers upon his face and rings upon his fingers. Today she awoke feeling dread for the dream had changed. There was new information and what it meant... Well, she had never been the sort able to decipher dreams. She would have taken this to one of the grandmothers back in her tribe.

Mona went through the process of self-care, bathing, combing out her wild curls and rubbing a finger over her teeth to clean them. She dressed warmly for the day, not forgetting to bring along her usual belt of stones and supplies strapped firmly about her hips. Mona had almost forgotten about the celebration today. It was something new and foreign to her but she did love a chance to drink and dance and be merry! How sad the day should start out with such anxiety.

It was hours and hours before she finally found the only person she had spoken about these dreams with. Amarantha was with a young man and woman. The pair seemed to be at the latter end of their teens and she knew she had met them before. However, Mona was despicable at remembering names and could not recall either. The rock witch hesitated, which was a rare thing for her to do as she was the type to charge forward stupidly and blindly. Finally, she decided to approach them. The young male held a cup of cider and the scent of it wafted toward her. It made her mouth water and she remembered she had not eaten all day. "G' den," she greeted with a tone of optimism she did not feel. By now her curls had dried and were a comparatively tame halo about her lightly tanned face. Her wide lips were drawn back in a smile which showed a few too many of her teeth.

Location: Root's Teeth, Dhemlan Terreille

Fatima smiled at Jassen through a mouth full of succulent meat. She chewed quickly and swallowed hard as the bite had been just a might too large. "Of course that's fine. And I believe you," she said with more confidence than she actually felt. It might not be a bad thing if he did have a drink just to calm the shaking and sweating from withdrawals. She could not condone such a practice though. Not especially with her life in danger the way it was.

She watched him leave before she finished up eating as much as her stomach could hold. She leaned back in her chair, rubbing her midsection as she glanced about the room. Alone she was feeling antsy. Fatima wasn't the sort that liked to sit still too long. And there were a few drawers and things she could poke about inside of them. So she stood and went about the room, looking for anything interesting and digging in many a place she should not have been digging about. She passed by the door to her room for the umpteenth time as she scoured it for excitement.

There were a couple of maids, she presumed, passing outside of it that mentioned that there was a bit of a scuffle and some people nosing about in the attic. They mentioned a young witch and two unsavory men. Her hackles rose and her temper bristled lightly. Who in their right mind would allow such an arrangement to take place? She wished Jassen were here so she could have him look into it. However, she was on her own and there was no way she was going to let two men have their way with that girl.

Once she was sure the maids had gone, she opened the door and peeked out. In so far she did not see anyone, good news for her. With sure-footed and stealthy steps she began making her way toward the attic.

Location: Casino

Bobbi shrugged when there was a trade off in dance partners, so to speak. She was feeling a bit pouty since she wouldn't be able to knock a little sense into Richard, but what can a girl do? She turned her attention toward Gambit with a sly little smirk, "Comme tu veux mon capitaine." She took a few paces back and readied herself for a delightful spar and work out.

"Do y'all be needin' any silly rules? Or can we be startin'?" She gestured vaguely toward Ana and Rogue since they seemed to need to flesh things out. A spar was simple, why all of these rules? Just hit 'em hard and hit 'em good and leave 'em unable to stand. Well, so to speak. No sense in damaging a teammate for the pure sake of showing off or winning.

Location: Casino

Her attention on Gambit and Rogue were brief as they discussed Mary. This information and news were uninteresting to her. There was always something going on with the twins and unless any of it was particularly juicy Bobbi could not care less. Instead, she watched the small chat between Ayita and Richard. This turned out to be equally as boring. She was ready to get down to business. Her body was aching for a battle.

She nodded, swinging the hammer up onto her shoulder as she turned her gaze upon the reptilian shifter. "O'course I can take 'im. Question is, can Ri-shard take me?" she said playfully. She placed her free hand on her cocked hip as she watched him carefully remove his suit jacket. It certainly took all types to make up a successful thieves guild, didn't it?
@QueenNugget Thank you so much!

EDIT: Also yes, I love discord! Easy plotting
@QueenNugget@Canidae Okay, I've finished. See above. Let me know what I can fix!

Or follow the link~ roleplayerguild.com/posts/4892218
Mona Windrider

Location: The Palace Barracks
Skills: N/A

Mona just about peed her pants when the rattle caught flame. She quickly dropped it with a muffled yell and used her skirts to pat out the fire. She looked bewildered at the infant. It had to be a coincidence right? Babies generally didn't make things catch fire with sneezes. So, note taken, nothing flammable for little baby Dawn. Mona studied the charred remains of the rattle, tiny pebbles escaped from the burnt leather wrappings. It hadn't been anything with sentimental value and was not at all an expensive item to make. However, it was a bit concerning how easy it was for the rattle to become engulfed in baby-fire. She would need to consider a new way of making it, perhaps some stones around the outside that would give the rattle protection against fire.

She looked up from her wonderings when the spooky lady asked the baby's name. Mona could honestly say she hadn't the faintest clue. The child had not been concerning to her through her short time spent here and so the name never learned. They went on chattering about some witch lady and Mona went back to entertaining the flame sneezing baby.
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