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I'm not victim blaming but all generalizations are false, even this one.
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It does.
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PC and Tablet ded, send help
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I lived the land of no internet

Most Recent Posts

Sofia Stien - The Airport

Sofia opened her eyes to see that piles of dust had replaced the people that had been around. Sofia followed Chatterhead's instructions and touched the floor, activating her power to make him vanish through the floor. However, after a momentary pause when Sofia looked up she saw the green man leering at her as he stepped close to her, bringing out what appeared to be a lightsaber. Normally Sofia wouldn't be scared. But the way he had talked about her power made it sound like he knew how it worked, plus she couldn't make him fall through the floor. And if he was approaching her anyway, that meant her power wouldn't protect her. That left just about one option. "Let's run!" Sofia said, turning around and doing just that, tugging insistently at Chatterhead's hand, not so scared as to leave her charge behind.
Lance Tourmill

Lance's fingers fiddled with the coin around his neck as he listened to the speech. 500N a week was pretty substantial for what amounted to sight seeing. His attention changed from the coin to the PDA he received as he delved into its menus and features while half heartedly listening to Yugaku. Something like this was really amazing, he'd never had a chance to use something like it before. This could make things a lot easier. They had to challenge the Arenas but not necessarily even beat them. This really was quite a lax thing. Well that worked out for him, he didn't know about celebrating his nation's rich history, but being paid to travel around the continent and getting these PDAs was a pretty sweet deal. They were broken into groups and Lance kind of wandered over while putsing with the PDA, still marveling over the variety of features inside and thinking how to best put it to use.
Col Ward

Col was worried at first when the beast was looking the wrong way but it was able to snag the old man and hurry away, seemingly out of danger from whatever the hell that thing was. The old man practically cackled as they dashed away. But it seemed they weren't out of the woods yet, the sky turned ashen and began to descend on them like a cloud of darkness. It seemed Gardevoir had more tricks however and began touching their equipment, causing it to glow with a fiery light. "What did you do? Can we use these against whatever that is?" Col asked, gears already whirring in his mind. Lorenzo was busy guiding the dog, but had told him he could use his bow. Col had discarded the idea at first, any normal weapon couldn't possibly work on whatever that abomination was. However, if those arrows could help ward off this darkness he could make use of them after all. The warmth emanating from them seemed to imply such was the case at least, though perhaps that was more because he wanted it to be the case. He was no master of the bow but as a squire he had a decent level of knowledge with most weapons.

Sofia Stien - The Airport

This guy reminded Sofia of Chatterhead. He talked a lot and seemed very confident. Despite that, the blast from Alloy seemed to have caught him by surprise so he obviously wasn't as infallible as he acted. "I don't think he's a real doctor." Sofia said quietly as she clambered down from Thunderbird, holding onto Chatterhead's hand tightly. Everyone else could protect themselves to some degree so it made sense that she made sure he was able to keep talking.
Sofia Stien - The Airport

"Is the magic green man the bad guy?" Sofia asked cautiously. Bad guy was very much a relative term the Jack's track record, but it was pretty understandable in this instance, or at least Sofia thought so anyway. "Is he the one doing the thing?" She followed up, this time a bit more accusingly, accompanied by a condemning finger point. She wasn't sure entirely what was going on, but she was sure that she didn't like it. It was impossible to tell what was going on and lots of random people seemed to be getting hurt and they were probably in some sort of danger. Sofia did notice that people seemed to be less panicky than they were before but it wasn't really at the forefront of her mind.
Sofia Stien - The Airport

Sofia listened carefully, hoping that things would be made more clear quickly, but to no avail. Chatterhead was just talking about his plan and how they needed to get into costume. Sofia didn't really have much of a costume but she'd be told she needed at least a facemask so she'd gotten one. Sofia emerged from the bathroom, still mostly a gray blob, just wearing a facemask now. She waited nervously a bit for Jason, not relishing alone time when the world wasn't behaving the way it was supposed to. Things would go better than last time, they had to right? She was more than happy to piggyback on Jason as soon as he showed up, holding perhaps a bit more tightly than necessary, but still ready to help plow through anything in their way.
Col Ward

Well those weren't quite the answers any of them were looking for, but they were reasonable enough answers all the same. Plus, it seemed they had this man to thank for saving their lives initially, so a bit of good faith didn't seem out of place. It seemed only a few moments had passed when a foul wind could be heard, a glacial chill that was horridly familiar. Col continued taking agonizing steps. He needed to move. That was the most important thing when you were cold like this. Just keep... keep... moving...

Ah, like the sun emerging on a wintery day a sudden warmth burst forth from the old man, warding off the dread chill, and returning the flexibility to his body. Col turned to face the source of the wind for a mere moment. Revulsion flooded through him, causing his body to shiver in a way that had nothing to do with the cold. There were no words to explain how wrong what he saw was. The old man's words were the catalyst to cause Col to turn away with rapid steps, they had to leave. If that wrongness touched them Col could only imagine something similar to the void they had traversed to get here, only somehow worse and unending.

"Get on the dog!" Col shouted. The lighthouse was too far away, he didn't know how long the seeming wizard could hold that thing at bay, but he suspected that just running would not get them there fast enough. Col ran to the dog, intent on boarding it way one or the other. Be that the it leaned down to help him get up, or he clutched at its fur and pulled himself up. It was certainly large enough to bear all of them and still travel faster than any of them could run. Col would have perhaps thought the dog could help fight any sort of monster before he saw that thing, but he entertained such thoughts no longer. It was time to leave.

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