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>mfw Eldrich gods invade and are about to destroy reality and i still dont get a day off...

Interwar/70s-80s-punk settings
I for one, welcome our new eldrich Overlords! All employees of Yotun Interstellar are reminded that their work contracts (see 366-77-alpha) does include a binding non-disclosure agreement to take part in both active and passive roles during sacrifices to elder beings

*Yotun Interstellar takes its duties seriously and likes to point out that it's virgin sacrifices are non-gender based!


"Socialism and democracy are two sides of the same coin. Let it be known, all over Zengrav, that our republic is build upon three legs. Wellfare, Education and Internationalism"
Cheng Wan "Socialist Party of Zengrav / Rally on the 12th anniversary of the Haidan University Massacre"

General Wang Wu - 3rd Republican Mobile Army
Ruins of Kaifang - Palace of the Duke - Headquarter of the 3rd Republican Mobile Army

"Nationalist forces have crossed the Laugan at multiple points, and established beachheads. Royalist lines are broken, their fifth and seventh army is in fully retreat south, most likely to form a defensive line in the Lauhan Hills." Sipping his tea, the young general looked at the map in front of him, as his officers moved figures and blocks over it. "They wont be able to keep this up. The nationalist are exhausted and overstretched." Nodding to the words of his adviser, Wangs eyes moved slowly to the eastern part, and the looming red blocks, amassed at the royalist border. "Any Intel from the east?" A servant entered, fresh tea and dumpling on a plate, soon to be placed on the crowded map in front of the general. "Bloody reds still deny any planned offensive, while they bring more and more material to the border, sir. They know, that the royalist tigers neck has been broken by Yesui´s forces. Its all about the race to Zur-Han and who gets the emperor first." Turning his back from the map, Wang walked towards the grand wall of windows, that gave a view over what was left of Kaifang. Where once had been a city, now was a camp. Houses, burned out and shelled for weeks, now had been turned into barracks for the soldiers of the 3rd, while halls now harbored the tanks and trucks of the army. All in between, huddled and dirty, the last civilians of Kaifang endured. Children running errants or selling black market goods to the soldiers, while their mothers sold their bodies. The were hardly any father left. Most had been drafted by the royalists to defend the city, after Bede Sukh had retaken it from the weak leadership that had been Deputy Governors General Ma Auroit folly. He paid with the wire jacket for it, his dying extended for weeks.

It had his first task, to reclaim the city from the royalists, just half a year ago. Hao Lin had taken the city during the first siege masterfully and with surprisingly little bloodshed, but Wangs conquest had not been so lucky. The iron Duke was not one to leave much to chance and had made him bleed deeply for every inch of ground. With the nationalist offensive in the north, Sukh had traded the lives of the civilian population for time. It was an irony, that he, one of the last to leave the city, would be heavily wounded by an artillery shell. With him wounded, the Royalists were easy prey, and for the second time, the blue banner of the republic flew high above the ducal palace. Still there was no order for the 3rd to advance, or do anything, besides holding its position.

Wang knew why this was the case. The royalists were at an end, their manpower drained, their armies crushed and their industry spend. But this war, was far from other. To the east, the reds, allies of the republic, would soon move on-mass, pouncing onto the dry-bleed royalist territory, racing the nationalists to the imperial capital of ancient days. There, it would be, where the dreaded next phase of the war would begin. For neither nationalists nor the Socalists had any intention of negotiation. When the white and red tide would meet, blood would be spilled.
To all who are intrested! Page one has the link to the discord. There you can present your nation in the #war-never-changes channel.

And yeah, Ayazi already had picked Hawaii first

Look mate. This is a two year rp, that has around 300 posts. While i appriciate your effort in redoing your sheet and it clearly shows a lot of it, it did not address the problem we had with it. I cant just give you a tl´dr of the lore, since i am just one faction inside it. Your faction would have a heavy impact on this rp, and while we always looking for new players, we dont want to introduce new players who we dont know, with factions that could impact the rp like that.

Sorry, got to stay with a Veto from my side on this. And if you are not able to make it to discord, this maybe aint the rp for you.
@Crusader Lord
1. Currently active are:
MWBOS - The Midwest Brotherhood of Steel, the powerhouse of the midwest of america. Lead by Simon Barnaky, who has his brain placed into an ancient machine, it is currently locked in an apocalyptic war with the Cult

The Legion - Losing Hoover Dam, but winning the war with help of the MWBoS, the Legion is now lead by Lucius, who is currently joining the war against the Cult. They also won a second, smaller war against the NCR, that the whole of America agrees on, was pretty damn stupid to begin with.

The Children of Atom - Taking over the power-vacum left behind by the cult in the Capital Wasteland, they Children of Atom became quite a power to be reconed with in the north of the US.

The Institute - Winning the war for the commonwealth and with a 200 year old former ice-cube in charge, the Institute remains a wildcard in the conflict

New Vegas - Remaining independent and heavily profitable, Mr.House has restored the city of Sin to ancient glory, uncaring of the costs. He remains a power broker in the West and an economical Juggernaut

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - A proper christan nation, the Commonwealth was a regional power, before finally joining the conflict against the cult. Also containing badass pirate hunters

Free Texan States - Dont mess with Texas...duh!

Western Brotherhood of Steel - Far to the west, the WBoS is not quite content with the current status and the looming threat of becoming a Junior partner to the MWBoS, now sporting territorial ambitions of its own

Free State of Franklin - We dont talk about the crazy hill people

80s - Remnants of the old great tribes along the I80, divided and beaten by the NCR. Now, with a new warchief trying to unit them to win a future for his people

EcBoS: Shattered remnats of Lyons Brotherhood, now lead by a very pissed of Sarah Lyons

The Cult - Stars bleed for Ug-qualtoth. Embrace the monolith!


Key Republic: Trader republic that currently has a pretty bad civil war

Detroit: Powerhouse in the east, that was infiltrated by the cult and now is fighting for its surivial

NCR: Still greatest power in the US, but heavily beaten down due to an insanely dumb war. Also had a civil conflict that futher saw it decline. May or may not be eclipsed by the MWBoS soon

Great Khans: Local power in the east, currently facing some minor problems with an 80s warlord

As for our GM, he left one day and never returned. Which is a damn shame, cause we really would like him back. Still, we run this thing mostly over discord and its almost a must-be to join, to be on there.

@Crusader Lord
Hey! This rp is indeed alive and kicking. Its atm in a bit of a slow pace, but posts are still regularly. Its kept alive by its discord community. But we are also very much concerned about any potential nation joining, so it has to fit the theme and the lore of the rp so far.

Okay? Cause there is just no way the ferals are gonna fit in the current lore. If you want to work something out, join us in the discord or give us some more to work with.
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