Avatar of Ellri
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Ellri
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3731 (0.98 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. Ellri 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Peace is a Lie, there is only Passion. Through Passion, I gain Strength. Through Strength, I gain Power. Through Power, I gain Victory. Through Victory, My Chains are Broken. The Force Shall Free Me.
6 yrs ago
"Never was, never will be."
6 yrs ago
We find that our favorite damage type is collateral.
6 yrs ago
We do not corrupt mortals. We teach them enlightened self-interest.
6 yrs ago
Peace is a lie. There is only passion (for cookies).


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how would it be to defend against the cavalry charge if it were then equipped with curved shields?

Wouldn't it be fun to defend against such a charge the firewall you put up to stop it is instead rolled in front of the charge, as the curvature of the shields pushes it along?

we weren't thinking of enhancing no. The only way, using formaroth's magic that we can think of to make non-mage "supersoldiers" would require modifying them with something like restoration magic, which would end up making them into abominations. A process fraught with danger and decidedly unpopular with all other mages. Though it'd probably just result in a lot of modified corpses.

over time and across different settings, we've ended up collecting a decent amount of lore for war magic. What (usually) works, what (usually) doesn't, what is impressive, and so on. That's probably part of why we made Urd not be a war mage.
As Urd will never have a particularly good head for military tactics, she won't discover the means we had in mind.

But just out of curiosity, @Klomster... If your opponent had cavalry, and you had mages capable of creating fire at a distance. Your opponent also has mages to protect its forces. How would you stop the cavalry charge?
How do Army A's mages protect against Army B's mages?
heh. There's magic that kills, and then there's magic that is designed to kill. Big difference.

what sort of anti-magic defenses are there in armies?


We discovered one thing in a discussion with Echo...

You really don't want to let us have control of a charismatic mage with a head for tactics and interest in war...
He or she would end up providing a small force of soldiers with the means to eradicate entire armies, all without needing any mages of great power. All he or she would need is to collect numerous relatively weak mages who'd serve his/her cause.

Not gonna describe the exact means, but lets just say that defensive magics aimed at defending the mundane soldiers would be quite necessary against such a unit if their opponents seek to keep their soldiers alive.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@Klomster we could not replicate your issue here.
hmm... there usually is no single thing that best solves it, mostly because writer's block usually has several sources at least.

But on the level of complexity we RP, there is no problem with taking a week off (or even two-three weeks). however, we've found that the source usually lies in RL. It could be anything from poor sleep, to not having eaten well, to RL issues, to countless other issues there. For issues from an IC perspective, it could be that something is trying to force your character into a position that would break it, or that you need some additional inspiration.

No doubt we covered but a small fraction of the possible sources above, but there's no point in every trying to cover all. For solutions, we usually take our time, try to sleep on it, discuss it with someone, maybe watch a movie, read something, write something else (if functional at the time), etc.

Watching some sort of movie or series or reading something relevant can also help inspire. As can discussions with others about it. If the writer's block shows up in a 1x1 or a collab, it can quite often help to discuss the block with the partner. If necessary, to go back and try an alternate path. There's nothing wrong with discarding a few paragraphs if you get stuck. In fact, there's nothing wrong with discarding multiple pages that way.

Same goes for sheets, really. We've lost count of how many times certain sheets we've got have been rewritten, sometimes partially, other times from the bottom up.

all in all, our solution lies in trying to find the source and solving that.
no specific plans yet. we've had extra D&D work recently, as we DM'd on sunday.
we have no clear preference. Some characters are old, some are young, some are in between. It all depends on what purpose the character is supposed to fulfill. Some characters get their age set by how they might relate to another character. Others by the amount of experience we want them to have from life.
though some RPs in advanced use such lengths, not all do. In the RP we're running there, we generally don't care how much someone writes in a post (within reason), but rather what they do with it. Also, Aftermath (our RP) uses collabs heavily, which naturally tends towards far longer posts.

Give it time, and you will learn to write more too, @Rockerman403. Especially if you find the right GM that doesn't mind having someone around who posts shorter than the rest do.

  • Tip #1: Find a GM that will let you participate even if you can't post the same lengths as all others can.
  • Tip #2: Collabs with people who typically write longer. Though a 30-para collab can seem massive, remember that only half of that comes from each player, and that it is helped along by the other participant.
  • Tip #3: Take your time. While some advanced RPs can have posts thrown in pretty quickly, most move at a slower pace than casual. Not all can throw up a long post in an hour. Some might write the post over several days, if not longer. Most reasonable GMs accept that posts may not come as quickly from all players.
  • Tip #4: Have fun and make sure your character has sufficient depth. We've seen in the past how some characters sort of "overrule" their players in what they will/won't do. Those types of characters can easily let you churn out more than you otherwise would.

any questions?
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