Avatar of Ellri
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Ellri
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3731 (0.98 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. Ellri 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Peace is a Lie, there is only Passion. Through Passion, I gain Strength. Through Strength, I gain Power. Through Power, I gain Victory. Through Victory, My Chains are Broken. The Force Shall Free Me.
6 yrs ago
"Never was, never will be."
6 yrs ago
We find that our favorite damage type is collateral.
6 yrs ago
We do not corrupt mortals. We teach them enlightened self-interest.
6 yrs ago
Peace is a lie. There is only passion (for cookies).


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The dislike doesn't have to be personal, after all...

The church is notorious for blaming mages for pretty much everything that goes wrong. Just look at that pesky habit of burning mages alive found among rural villagers and the generally uneducated masses.

also, if someone doesn't set something up to barricade @sundered Echo's machinations, Lana will end up ruling all of Formaroth in a backseat driver sort of manner, mind you.

here are the two reviews you've been waiting for.

Following a GM discussion, it has been determined that a deadline is in order for incomplete sheets. This will be to set the stage for a proper launch of the IC.

We've got it noted down that the following people are working on sheets and are not waiting on us GMs for reviews:
@Heat@phoenixwhite@Vesuvius00@Sundered Echo@Demonic Angel@gowi

The following people either have their sheets approved, or are waiting on GM reviews of their sheets:

We also know that @bingthewing may be working on a sheet. So that will be taken into account.

Anyways, the deadline:
It is at midnight, February 1st. Timezone is probably one of the American ones. So you know roughly when you've got to be finished.

Any questions?

So, the deadline for getting stuff ready so that it will be included in the IC launch is the end of this month, specifically, the day it changes from January to February. We'd say the moment, but that moment is 24 hours long.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
plain, utterly biased opinions say the blame lies sorely upon spam and that mythical free section that some claim exists.

On a somewhat more serious note:

Long time no see, @Mahz.
Fair enough, @BingTheWing.

Feel free to drop by the aftermath discord if there's any questions you might have or such.
In principle, all four factions are open, @BingTheWing.

Either approved or in the making, we've got nine Sith, nine prisoners, four rescuers and five strike teams. As the last two groups will (mostly) be working together, that means its all fairly balanced.

As such, you can make:
  • a Sith apprentice
  • a captive Jedi padawan/knight
  • a Jedi Knight on the strike team
  • a Jedi Knight or Padawan among the rescuers
  • a republic soldier that is part of the Strike Team

Know that the last option (Republic Soldier) will mean that your character would be at a severe disadvantage in quite a lot of the situations that happen in the RP. He or she will be far more likely than the others to die.

We are.
we'll begin something eventually. Just got back home from christmas, so we're getting things fully back into order here first. Unless we suddenly find a post spark.
indeed. That is quite respectable.

And there's lots of good guides out there. we just remember when we started reading that guide how wonderful we found the worldbuilding section.

Not sure if the right sections are available as (free) excerpts on the net, but there are at least some segment available, @Oak7ree. If legality is not the issue, we're sure there's more complete sources out there too.
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