Avatar of Eric Horst
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 131 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Eric Horst 6 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Thinking is hard.
5 yrs ago
We all wait for something. Pizza will not be one of them.
6 yrs ago
I sense hijinx.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Dun dun dun, another one bites a tree stump, dun dun dun, another gets hit by a bus, and another one gone and another one gone... My sense of humor is dark.
6 yrs ago
Not long now... the time approaches ever quick...


You know the whole song and dance, I'm Eric, not really though, and I'm that one anti-social shy guy with a decent sense of humor and a love for Roleplays, stories, and all that good stuff. I honestly spend more time here then I should, but real life sucks, we all know that.

Although I can get behind just about any kind of roleplay, I have a passion for horror themed ones, but honestly, anything is fun.

My characters aren't the most amazing, original, or even interesting, most of them are pretty standard, thankfully I try to avoid the Mary/Gary sues when building characters.

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And there we go.

@over easy That was a fast reply. Dear god I've never seen such speed. Except my cat when he hears a car. Alright I'll get working on it.
Whazzz uppppp! Any room left in this store or should I take my 10 coins elsewhere?
Gordon Edwards

The Crabbyshack, investigating a possible sabotage.

She had certainly stepped up to the plate quickly. They both were out of the rain, and the smell of the ocean instantly hit him square in the face like a surprise tax collectors visit. Seafood practically reined supreme in the building like cats marking their scent, and it was almost overbearing. A strong stomach was certainly required for this job, it made Gordon glad he didn't mind the smell to much. He'd witnessed others turn greenish hues the last time he'd been in there.

With a light bow, the man grinned at Keeler, but said nothing. She seemed like a spoiled one, but the kind that made up for it with their wit and smarts. The insults were going to annoy him though, so he pretended not to have heard the comment about his education or his birthright. Still, if she was going to be rude about it, he'd hold off on his own introduction for now.

Running a hand through his hair, Gordon raked his eyes around the establishment, until his eyes fell on the tank that contained the precious namesakes of the pub, the crustaceans. Without waiting for Elizabeth to follow, he swiftly advanced towards the tank, staring into it with intent. From what he had read, normally the tank was filled with the buggers, but as also stated, nearly 50% of them had gotten sick or died, neither of which was good for business, and now the tank only had a few within it's glassy confines.

His presence at the tank hadn't gone unnoticed, and one of the few waiters who worked the place came dashing up to him, almost in a panic.

"Hullo! Welcome to the Crabbyshack! I see you've taken an interes' in the lobster' n' such, but we're low at the moment and these ones are for disply' only!" His accent was thick, and his demeanor clearly pointed to a person with a dire need of money who had no experience working such a position, but regardless.

Gordon's head moved from the glass tank, to the troubled employee, grinning internally to himself for tricking a staff member into coming to him instead of hailing one over like he normally had to, then jabbed a thumb towards his lovely female companion.

"We're here to speak to your manager about the lobsters actually. Go alert her to our presence if you will." His voice was surprisingly smooth, but an edge in it made it clear he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Mister!" The waiter flailed a bit, "S-She's b-busy at the moment! Y'can't jus'-"

"Your boss complained to the industry we work for, she'll be expecting us, so stop making excuses and bring us to her."

The waiter clammed up, and with a nod gestured for the two to follow him into the kitchen.

I'm just waiting on y'all. :P
Alright so here's something to think about, does a place like the Crabbyshack have enough going for it to have something fancy like waiters, or is it more of a one person show?

(Edit) Ah heck, I'll just imagine the place with one or two, nothing big, nothing fancy, just some hicks who were slapped into somewhat nice uniform and made to work because they needed money.
@Raptra Take your pick, catching cats could be tricky, but so could convincing a couple of bickering loons to tell the truth.
@LetMeDoStuff :p Oh yeah, forgot about this for a bit. Uh, I'm gonna cancel, I'm caught up in a lot of other rps.
Up and running. Though writing doesn't really run.
Gordon Edwards

Rain was like a way of reminding people that god cried too.

At least, that's how Gordon sometimes saw it, most of the time however, all he could see was pouring rain coming from the clouds above as constant reminder that life went on, and that he was glad he wore a trench coat.

The droplets of water would hit him, only to slide off like tiny waterfalls, as the wind occasionally swiped at his scarf. Wind was never really an issue in a city such as Ravenport, as even on windy days the buildings gave some cover from it. Windy days were chilly, at least that's what he had heard others complain. The only thing he could possibly complain about was his new position in the sketchy detective agency and the case file he'd been handed. Earlier that day, he'd been given his first assignment, an investigation into a possible act of sabotage over at a local pub. It was a place he'd been at least once before, though he hadn't been there long. Something about live sea creatures unsettled him, and although he had been hungry, he decided to skip lunch and left before he'd even heard the specials.

Tugging his hood slightly more over his head, the young man stepped over one of the larger puddles that had formed on the road, his boots hitting the wet cobblestone with muffled thuds. He was looking forward to the case, at least in some sense. From the look of Rolfe when he handed him the files, this kinda thing had happened before, he could tell that much even before he looked the two characters over. Neither one looked the type, but competition sometimes changed people, but for all he knew, it really could be just another stupid coincidence that Barker's seafood were dying.

He'd find out sooner or later, as he rounded a corner and out from the dark buildings of the main streets, his eyes landed on another figure, standing just outside the pub known as the 'Crabbyshack'. Crabby was right, the woman who ran it didn't sound to cheerful. Judging from the way they stood, and the fact that he knew he had a partner on this particular mission, Gordon lightly jogged towards the figure, his boots kicking up small splashes behind him.

Slowing to a stop before the figure, He nodded at them, as he pushed open the door to the better off tavern. Comparing the Crabbyshack to it's competitor, the Bloated Barge, there was honestly no real contest, though he wasn't fond of either. Stepping inside and throwing off his hood with one hand while leaving the door open with the other, he gestured for his college to follow, while running a quick once over of the one he'd be working with.

She seemed somewhat impatient, obviously not fond of rain, or being in such a place, not to mention, even under his cloak, she seemed to be of noble birth, not exactly someone he'd expect to see working such a job, but she was there, she was easy on the eyes, and she seemed to have an air of intelligence to her. Good, he'd been worried he'd be sent in with some mindless brute who ended up breaking everything.

"Sorry for the wait." His voice was sincere, though he meant it as more of a formality then anything.
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