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    1. Etranger 7 yrs ago


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Tfw you always thought of months between posts as being a long time...and now there's month long gaps between your own posts


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I might give this a go too.
Osamu Kenzo

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th

Interacting With: @Sunbather

From what Osamu could tell, it seemed as though Ookouchi had little interest in such politics. That suited Osamu just perfectly. He had come here to become a Hero, not get bogged down in debating his father's politics. He would have breathed a sigh of relief if he had been alone at that moment. With that out of the way, he could focus on that which mattered; getting to know his fellow first years as people. Ookouchi, for one, seemed like a perfectly nice person. Extremely polite and formal to a fault. It was more than likely practised, but that hardly mattered to Osamu. Formalities were practically intrinsic to the Japanese experience, and it was only fitting that Japanese people exhibited Japanese virtues, whether they explicitly chose to or not. "The honour is all mine, Ookouchi Yachiyo." He replied to her, with his own practised smile plastered on his face.

Following her gaze, it seemed she too was curious about their soon-to-be comrades. "Interesting indeed." Osamu remarked in response to her observation. Shortly after taking in the sight of the irritable blue haired girl Ookouchi appeared to stare at, Osamu took notice of a foreigner making a decidedly nasty face not far from her. She was difficult not to notice, being one of the few pure foreigners Osamu had seen, and possessing of both significant height and an overtly hostile countenance. She appeared to be attempting to visually burn a hole into the blue haired girl's head. "I must admit, I am concerned as to how such a diverse group will co-exist without significant tension." He spoke to Ookouchi in a somewhat hushed tone. If the hostility of their foreign peer boiled over into direct conflict, Osamu would take it upon himself to intervene. However, even he did not fully expect a foreigner to be so reckless as to start a brawl on their first day, in the sight of all gathered for the assembly no less. Still, the overwhelming contempt exuding from the foreigners demeanour made him question just what she planned to do...and why such a person was admitted to Ishin Academy in the first place.
Osamu Kenzo

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th

Interacting With: @Sunbather

"Indeed, very promising." Osamu replied to her commentary on the other's timeliness. It was certainly good to see that everyone was showing up well before the ceremony had started, rather than just before. Admittedly, Osamu would have been most surprised to find his fellow Japanese students skirting the bounds of proper attendance, whereas that was precisely what he would expect from the foreigners, a few more of which had presented themselves. He supposed it was for the best that they at least did not besmirch the school with tardiness, but it would remain to be seen just how well behaved they would really be.

Unfortunately for Osamu, it appeared that Ookouchi was familiar with him. Being quite sure he had never met her in person, it was more than likely that she was aware of him by association with his father. While Osamu was hardly ashamed of him, bringing up the name "Kenzo Miura" in polite conversation provided a mixed reception. Even in this country, there were those that did not appreciate harsh words spoken about foreigners, even if they did not all openly complain about such views. Osamu had been challenged over his father's politics a handful of times before, and it was usually a less than pleasant experience. Not one to be dishonest, Osamu would simply have to say it plainly. "No, I am from Aomori. I suspect you find me familiar due to my parentage. Does the name Kenzo Miura ring a bell? He's a member of the Diet. I have appeared at his side on more than a few occasions, so that would be the most likely place to see my face." Thinking about it more, it was probably for the best if he discovered Ookouchi was largely disinterested in politics. If she happened to support his father, she was likely to be a rather controversial individual herself. He would just have to wait and see.
Nicola Khumalo

The fight ended up being way shorter than Nicky had expected, which was probably for the best. Who wanted to trudge through this forest fighting weird wobbly black thingies all day? Nicky sure didn't. With these things out of the way, they could all get a move on and go find the caterpillar the Hatter had told them about, and when they found the caterpillar they might have a clearer picture of whatever the heck they were even supposed to be doing here. Nicky knew it was all about the children, but they still had no idea how they were going to do anything about it, or where they had to go to do anything.

Upon arriving in the Caterpillar's Grotto, Nicky found herself enraptured by the beauty of it all. Having had some time to calm down, and being on a slight confidence rush since the whole Persona thingy, she was finally able to appreciate how nice the environment looked around here. If only they could have started out somewhere like this, things may not have seemed so bad here. It was only when the caterpillar started talking in its booming voice that Nicky finally stopped admiring her surroundings. Now they had to pay attention, because this was precisely who they had come here to listen to. What he ended up saying seemed a whole lot more straightforward than she had been expecting at this point. Go places, defeat things, make a way into the big baddies' lair. Seeing as they had the means to do so, it was as simple as just getting in there and doing it. The caterpillar opened the floor to questions, but Nicky decided to keep her mouth shut here. She had a billion trivial questions on her mind, but she knew well now was the time for meaningful questions, and she could not think of any good ones.
Osamu Kenzo

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th

Interacting With: @Sunbather

Osamu chose this morning to jog, not walk, to the academy once he had exited the train. His father had suggested a much more elegant form of transportation, but Osamu had refused any such offers. It would not do for him to be indulgent prior to beginning his formal education as a Hero. The jog would do him good, and it would set a better example to others. His father had made a great deal of his selflessness, but Osamu was not keen to indulge in such talk either. As his father regularly reminded him, it was not as important to be praised for being a Hero as it was to act in the manner befitting of one. The need for humility among Heroes was yet another notion impressed upon him by his father.

More recently, his father had been raving on the subject of the recent increase of foreigners among the student population at Ishin. Being an alumnus himself, he was mortified to hear they were allowing even one of them at his old school. Anyone that knew Miura Kenzo knew he was renowned for his virulently bigoted views. Osamu remembered hearing that there was a whole channel on that "Youtube" website dedicated to hosting his "greatest hits", which were all the times he had said something controversial about foreigners. Osamu considered himself fortunate these people could not record his father while at home, else they would have far more damning comments to plaster all over the internet. While Osamu did not share his father's passion for the subject, he had come to the conclusion as of late that perhaps it was better that Japan remained dedicated to the Japanese. However, he had no desire to go about offending people if he could help it, and if the foreigners would stay clear of him, then he would stay clear of them.

Upon arriving at their designated gathering place, Osamu was sure he had picked a few foreign faces out of the crowd already. While his face did not betray it, he was already making mental notes of whom to be concerned about. Trying to place foreign concerns out of mind, Osamu turned his attentions to those arriving. Many people were milling about, making greetings and starting conversations. As these people were to be his comrades for some time, it was only fitting he too attempt to get to know as many as he could. Out of all those that spoke out, there was one that caught his attention. It was natural for many people to feel nervous on their first day anywhere, but this "Ookouchi Yachiyo" seemed particularly uncomfortable. While Osamu did not wish to act patronizingly, he did wonder if perhaps it would be best if somebody attempted to assuage her nerves.

Approaching the seat beside her, he began to speak. "Ah, hello. My name is Kenzo Osamu. Would you mind terribly if I sat beside you?" It was only proper to at least ask permission before simply plopping himself down and chatting away, though he would be somewhat surprised to be told not to sit next to her. Hopefully, they could get the awkwardness out of the way quickly.
Katrina Makhno

It seemed that she was indeed recognized by somebody. Truth be told, Katrina had the fuzziest feeling she recognized the voice on the other end herself. Then again, she heard so many voices in her time that some of them tended to blur together. She once swore she recognized the voice of a client before physically discovering it had not been them at the place and time she was certain she remembered them from. It was hardly important right now, as everyone had a billion bigger problems on their hands, including her. Katrina wasn't all that concerned about the Reaver ships on her tail, as she was confident the Free-Loader could keep out of their sights, but it wouldn't hurt to let the Gates soldiers light them up. She did a pass of the gate, and sure enough, they all opened up on the ones riding her coattails.

"I'm going to run air-support. Just keep them off my ass." She replied to the main channel before swinging around to engage the ships swarming around the Gate. She would pick her targets from those engaged with others, using the armor piercing rounds from her cannons to shred them from behind. She kept this up until she took notice of the Infestor Swarm. She let out a string of curses at the sight of it. Whoever the hell was behind all this was apparently cool with letting the Reavers try to assimilate the whole planet. It was like they wanted to create a monster or something. What did they even stand to gain out of this, if it wasn't taking over the planet themselves? How the hell could they benefit from having the Reavers try to restart their dumbass crusade from Terersg? It was infuriating to watch this unfold.

Katrina couldn't afford to sit here and curse and spit over the stupidity of it all. Neither could the Cerberus Gate. She resolved to carry on her hit and run tactics and hopefully buy the others the time needed to act. She maneuvered behind yet another Reaver ship, lined it up with her cannons, and opened fire. Only, she swore she saw the ship rocket off backwards before she could hit it. Then she saw another ship rocket backwards. Then another, and another, and another. Something was causing multiple Reaver ships in the vicinity to veer away, all seemingly headed back to the Infestor ship. "Hey, is anyone else seeing this? The Reavers are being tossed around like rag dolls!" She spoke aloud to the public channel. Whatever was going on, it looked like it was happening to their benefit.

O s a m u

(Pictured wearing a family uniform)

Personal Dossier

Kenzo Osamu


Aomori, Aomori Prefecture, Japan

Physical Description
Osamu is 172cm tall (5’8”) and possesses a well-toned physique. Osamu makes a point of having his black hair cut short and made presentable, and would never be seen in anything short of the neatest, if unimaginative, clothing. Due to his generally stoic demeanour, Osamu maintains an intense expression on his face at almost all times, even if he doesn’t mean to.


Personal History
Osamu is the son of Miura Kenzo, a politician known for his conservative, nationalistic and nigh-bigoted beliefs. Their family has a history of military service, and Miura prides himself on being descended from someone who fought and died in the name of his country. As a child, Osamu didn’t pay much attention to his father’s politics. While he never opposed him, he never really took his fiery words to heart. Rather than seeking to follow in his father’s footsteps, he wanted to become a Hero like many young boys. One notion he did take from his father was a disdain for U.A. and many mainstream heroic institutions. Partly due to being a graduate of Ishin Academy, Miura was highly critical of the frivolousness of modern heroes, believing they should serve the public interest rather than compete for rankings. The youthful idealist in Osamu agreed, and he vowed to be a man that looked out for others rather than seeking personal gain.

As a young teenager, Osamu had a close knit group of friends. Every one of them entertained aspirations of heroism, but not all of them had much talent for it. Osamu, however, considered it his mission to try and help his fellows make the best of themselves, and always invited them to join him in learning martial arts. Miura was initially supportive of Osamu’s group, and even paid for lessons for those that could not afford it. However, when the group came to include two Zainichi Koreans, siblings named Joji and Jun, Miura became immediately hostile. He counseled Osamu to disassociate with them, spewing all sorts of hateful rhetoric. For the first time in his life, Osamu openly defied his father, refusing to cut ties with his new friends.

Osamu continued to visit his friends until one day when his wallet went missing. It happened at a time when he had been with the Zainichi siblings and a few others. When they were unable to find it, Osamu’s father was quick to suggest one of the siblings had stolen it. Osamu naturally refused to believe it, and defended him to his father’s face. Going behind Osamu’s back, Miura arranged for the police to investigate the sibling’s house, and found the wallet in Joji’s room. Osamu initially didn’t want to believe it, but after neither sibling had been prepared to speak with him since, and with his father constantly speaking bile into his ear, Osamu resigned himself to the situation. He grew alienated from his friends, and spent some time in relative isolation.

Eventually, Osamu got over himself, and resolved that whatever the case was, he still had a dream to live up to. While a great deal of his idealism had died of late, he still wanted to be a hero that would do right by somebody, if not everyone. He threw himself back into his martial arts and exercise, preparing for the day that he would make his debut at Ishin Academy in earnest.

Character Development & Conceptualization
After reading through the premise, I felt that this school could use at least one character that is in line with the spirit of the school. Osamu is based on a character I have made before, though heavily adapted to fit the setting. Obviously, the character could be described as ever so slightly racist, though hopefully not to a degree that people will find distasteful. I hope to express Osamu’s prejudices in a subtle fashion, rather than having him be a caricature that runs around shouting slurs. Naturally, I’m expecting to have his prejudices challenged in due time, though as in all things, it remains to be seen what the exact result of his experiences will entail.

In spite of his prejudices, Osamu is still intended to be a mostly good person. He will try to help others and breed a sense of camaraderie among his peers. This will be subject to change depending on the demeanour of those he finds himself around, but barring any overwhelming hostility, he will likely try to become something of a leader among those that will allow him to. In regards to those who aren’t fully or even partially Japanese, he will be inclined to politely maintain a distance from them until otherwise encouraged to overcome his aversion to them.

Abilities & Talents

Quirk Type

Quirk Description
The quirk is named Rising Sun, and it entails absorbing solar energy and storing it in Osamu’s body until it needs to be used. Osamu can use it by ejecting it from his hands in a concentrated form, allowing him to, for example, create searing beams of solar power. These attacks naturally create intense light, and are harmful to look at directly. However, concentrated attacks tend to drain Osamu’s reserves quite quickly, and the energy charges fairly slowly even in direct sunlight, hence Osamu tends to favour smaller, less flashy uses of his power.

One crippling disadvantage to his power is the fact that he cannot recharge it at night or in any location where the sun’s rays cannot reach him. While energy can be stored and kept until a time where he needs it, it will be quickly drained and unable to replenish if he were to use it liberally under those circumstances.

Other Talents & Attributes
Trained Martial Artist: Ever since he was young, Osamu wanted to learn martial arts in order to be better as a Hero. Encouraged by his father, Osamu spent much time over his formative years learning Judo. He is not only skilled in said martial art, but has also reaped the benefits of the regular exercise associated with it.

Amateur Tactician: Learning of his families’ military history from his father, Osamu became interested in military tactics after reading more about it. While you probably wouldn’t want to put him in charge of a military unit just yet, you might find he’ll come up with an inspired idea from time to time.
Heya, I thought I might make an application to this. Hope it's all acceptable.

Katrina Makhno

By the time Katrina got her was ready to go, the Reavers were already swarming over the planet. It was like these guys wanted to be the most amoral villains in Elysia. Who the fuck would hire a race of insane, assimilating monsters just to get a better chance at winning? Employing the Reavers basically meant creating an enemy for anybody to fight down the track, no matter who you were. Whoever had come up with the idea to involve them was the king of all assholes. It didn't matter in the end though, because Katrina would just have to kick their asses harder, both them and the Reavers.

Just as she was getting ready to rock, the public channel opened up, alerting her to the plight of the local military. Katrina didn't have to think twice. "This is Katrina Makhno." She spoke in reply. "I'm yours to command for the day." It was entirely possible her name might be recognised. Plenty of people knew the woman that had helped topple multiple planetary governments. It would be less certain how mention of her would be taken, however. Some people thought of her as a hero that stood up for others, and some considered her nothing but a dangerously psychotic anarchist. Neither one was completely wrong, as far as she was concerned. Either way, she was going to add herself into the mix whether they liked it or not.

The Free-Loader took flight, and Katrina began to duck and weave through the embattled city, making her way to the Cerebus Gate. This place was practically choked with Reavers and their ships at this point, but none of them had anything on the Free-Loader. Between her adjustments and those of her parents, this thing could outrun most military ships on a good day. It wasn't immune to accidents, however, and Katrina heard a loud thump on the hull of the ship on the way to the gate. It wasn't long after that she heard something pounding on the door to the ship. One glance out the window showed her a Reaver had somehow managed to land on top the Free-Loader. To the brief surprise of the Reaver, Katrina actually opened the door to it. It quickly grabbed at her, trying to snatch her from the ship. Katrina simply placed something in its hand before kicking it hard, causing it to lose its grip and begin to free-fall. It was only in the midst of falling that it discovered that she had left an explosive charge in its hand, which she detonated shortly after closing the door to the ship.

No longer sparing a thought to that strange episode, Katrina continued on her way to the Cerberus Gate. While the Free-Loader wasn't built for offense, it more than made up for it by being able to outmaneuver and opponent like there was no tomorrow. If she could help by having her ship zip about putting holes in the more sluggish enemies, then that's exactly what she was going to do.

Nicola Khumalo

Naturally, it didn't take them too long to stumble across some weird and wacky villains. It seemed each one of them had a shtick, but at this point, Nicky couldn't muster enough care to pay attention. All they were to her at this point were a representation of what was ever so deeply wrong with this place right now. She gripped her axe tightly, expecting to have to defend herself, but before any of them had to lift a finger, the one called the "Dorm Mouse" showed up to take them on herself. Nicky was A-okay to leave it all up to her. Even if she was psyched up for a fight, she was still dreading the advent of one deep down. She would have had more concern for her safety, but she had no idea how she could help at this point, so she just got out of there like the others.

Not long after getting out of there, they came across even more hostile creatures. There really was no escaping the hostility in this world, was there? The worst part was, as one of the others discovered, their weapons didn't even work! Apparently they had to do something with them first. Nicky started to worry that she was going to do that "losing control of her emotions" thing round about now. They were right in the heart of danger and they had no way of defending themselves.

"You have to push back." A voice echoed in the back of her mind. "They'll kill you if you don't. You can fret and worry later."

Nicky had no idea what she was hearing, but it just sounded right. She couldn't just lay down and die here. She had every intention of going on living. She brought out that watch thingy she had been given and flicked it open. Even as all the flashing lights and wacky patterns erupted around her, all Nicky could think of was a pure desire to keep going. "Persona!" She cried out, knowing not what she was even saying. In a flash of saffron, something came to her. They were bald, but definitely female. More than anything, she filled Nicky with nothing but confidence.

"Thou art I, and I am Thou. From the sea of thy Soul I cometh. I am Kundalakesi, the resolute monk. We shall not die here." Those were the words she spoke to Nicky. Filled with determination, Nicky instinctively focused, and between her and her "Persona" they called a mystical light forth that enveloped one of the slimy creatures, which perished within. Not missing a beat, Nicky readied her axe once again, knowing deep down that this time, every swing would have feeling behind it.

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