Avatar of evierose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current No one likes a bad egg? What about Dr. Eggman???
1 like
1 yr ago
Spending the day with friends, won't be able to post today
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1 yr ago
Look at me, subbing to all these RPs I'll prob never join
1 yr ago
No one expects the main character (looking at you, Agatha)
1 yr ago
Death is just the permanent procrastination of waking up


(2nd resurrection and counting)

Feel free to call me Evie, it's one of my aliases. I go by a lot of names, tbh. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing...

I've done a bit of RP back in middle school/high school, and haven't touched it again until COVID made me question my hobbies (which I dropped and came back a year later). Sometimes I think I'm a decent writer, but most of the time I feel like I still write like a teenager. I mean, I still act and live like a teenager... Oh yea, I also write at snail's speed QwQ (hopefully I've gotten a bit faster over the past year)

As a self-proclaimed hardcore weeb (not the cringey type I swear), I'm well-versed in the anime/manga scene. If anything I probably know more of the obscure stuff than the mainstream. Although, I've been getting more into Chinese webnovels and webtoons. I would like to be a gamer, but unfortunately, I was cursed with the inability to play anything but casual or puzzle games (and even then, I get motion sick from some). (Even then, I barely touch games anymore orz)

My favorite genres are mystery, fantasy, and sci-fi (not so much sci-fi in writing thou). Been laying low with 1x1s; might try to expand into Casual groups. Oh, I also think that I like to world-build, since that's what I did most as co-GM for my ex's DnD campaigns. As mentioned before, I'm slow at writing, so I'm reluctant to take on more than a couple RPs at a time.

I swear I'm not a cannibal or creep, so please feel free to shoot me a PM for anything ;p

Most Recent Posts

(tbh I'm not colourblind and I have to highlight to read what Lucian says)
(why did we all choose shades of red)
- Vampire X Vampire/Hunter (fantasy, romance)
- Ancient China setting (political, group)
- Isekai (fantasy, group, dice?)
- Demon x summoner (fantasy, romance?)
- redo/savepoint (fantasy, group, dice?)
Banning for memeing on my mistaking.

(aiya I just forgot to delete one word qwq)
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