Avatar of Evil Snowman
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Evil Snowman
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1239 (0.34 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Evil Snowman 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
When you have the urge to update your bio to something newer. But are to lazy to do it.
5 yrs ago
Merry Christmas to you all.
6 yrs ago
I really must get to posting for my RPs. But procastnating is much easier.
6 yrs ago
Just got home form seeing infinity war. Gotta say I wished I seen it sooner.
6 yrs ago
Shit when did it become my dam 25th birthday? I'm sure last time I checked it was at least a week a way.


Hello I'm Evil Snowman or Snowy as some have taken to calling me.
I'm a 27 year old baker living in Australia. I also work nights so I'm up at some weird hours.
Let's see I'm into Writing/RPing, Video games, anime, Sci-if stuff (to lazy to list what.) computers, cats and a lot of other stuff.
I spend a fair amount of my free time on the net so I tend leave tab open for the guild so I'm normally around if not I'm mostly likely working or passed out somewhere.

If you want more know more you'll have to talk to me and get to know me (don't worry I don't bite... too much) so send me an PM and I'll talk with you.

Most Recent Posts

Added a bit with Iza doing an impression interview while in stage three. Not much but give you an idea of what she is like at that point.
Bummer, thanks I'll pick another now and post her. Going 12

Kay she posted in with my other one. Relations for both will come in the next day or two. If anyone wants anything particular let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Alright her is my second chara the MK 1 version. I tried to keep things balanced. Still let me know if anything needs to be changed or whatever.

@Little Eden Thanks. Dumping her in now. Pleased you saw the possession trick. Given it be one of her common used tricks for dealing with any enemies she encounters.

Will looking at getting Anat's opinions up in a day or two.

Also working on my second character and I find myself needing to check before I get to far into it. If a character with Hemokinesis (blood manipulation) would not be considered too gory.
@Zoey WhiteThanks for the worry mate. But like I said working on a second character so even in the unlikely event Anat proves to be dull to play as, I'll be covered. That is assuming she gets accepted.
@Zoey White Hmmm, I could think of something ... but I do plan on making another chara more geared towards combat. Which I'm working on now. Just this idea just formed quicker in my head so it got done first.
Well here my character. If this gets accepted I have an idea for a second one which I'll work on.

Nice starting stats.
This looks very interesting. If there's still room I'd be interested in getting in on this.
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