Avatar of Ezmeralda
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  • Old Guild Username: Ezmeralda
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Katherine gasped as she heard some odd noises from the door and it opened in front of her and someone slipped inside. The girl seemed awestruck as she looked at Kathy. Even though her face was hidden by a cowl, she could make out silver hair, and a bit of the light from her room showed the theif's face. She smiled at her, and spoke quietly, as the girl seemed to want stealth, "Well, hello....am I so breathtaking? It must be the dress...." the girl reminded her a bit of the bandit leader. She nodded to the girl that she'd follow, "You don't have to ask me twice, trust me. And you mean Felix? Is he here already? How did he know to come back?" she asked.

There was no way he had made it all the way to headquarters and then back here so someone must've caught him before he'd gone too far. It was safe to assume it was this girl's doing. But how did she know about Kathy's predicament?
Katherine had been sitting there in the chair for quite some time considering her options before she heard the loud rumbling of her stomach... When had she ate last? Last night? She remembered only having a snack this morning. And even though Stefan had invited her to a feast, she'd never gotten to eat anything since he promptly literally threw her back in her room and locked her up again.

She stood up and walked over to the door, before knocking on it softly, she waited a moment to see if they'd open the door. "Hello? Um, excuse me ...would it be possible to have some food brought to me, please? I...wasn't really able to eat much earlier. Perhaps warm it up for me a little, if it's not too much trouble? I'd really appreciate it!" she said with a smile, even with the door still closed, and trying to sound sweet and demure.

She probably should eat anyway even if she didn't really feel like it, she'd need her strength. And if they declined at least she'd know a little more about her situation.
@NobodiesHero You and VK, but mostly the latter. Take your time, though. I know you're busy with moving and stuff. There's no need to rush. It's all good. c:
Katherine frowned and listened to the Lord's words. And then abruptly found herself back in her room. Or she supposed "cell" was more accurate. She plopped down into one of the plush chairs and considered her options, grabbing her tome and staff beforehand. She looked around to see if there were windows or a balcony or anything and, of course, found none. He had clearly planned this room to allow her no escape.

"So the letter was a fake. Why would Emmerich send me to this monster? Surely, he wouldn't willingly? Hmmm..." she needed some answers, but it seemed she wasn't about to get any. She did, however, need to get out of here. She wasn't about to marry Stefan. She would NOT be a trophy wife.

Unfortunately, Kathy couldn't really think of anything to do right now. So she'd just have to wait....perhaps a chance would come.
@NobodiesHero That's fine. Thanks for letting us know, dear. <3

@evershadow I believe Blaze is allowing a slow trickle of players in. However, he wants to do a little test. Which is basically just "Can you type decently when posting? And can we get along?" Which shouldn't be too difficult. :P

He did, however just let Nobody there in. So I'm not sure if he wants to or not, but I'm leaning more towards yes since this is Fire Emblem and our group is pretty small right now after losing one.
Katherine frowned as she listened to Lord Stefan, becoming more and more uncomfortable as he spoke, she looked down at the box as he opened it, saw it's contents, and then looked back up at him, "I didn't think everyone would accept me that easily, but I...I'm sorry. I do not know if I can do that, my lord... We've only just met, after all. I realize I am new to... noble affairs, but I am... still me. I can't just jump into that kinda thing." she said softly.

She sighed and rubbed her arm, "I know that yes, logically, you do have a point that it might help... but, I take matters of love very seriously. I can't just give you my heart for the sake of convenience... Besides, I am a cleric. Not that we don't marry, but we marry for love and know that the Gods smile upon our marriage. I... cannot honestly say the same for this. Please understand..."

Kathy didn't know what else to say to him. But she hoped he would take the rejection well. He could after all have her killed on an order if he really wanted to. That's why she hadn't specifically said no. Kathy wondered if Emmerich knew about this. The more she thought about it, the more she thought he might have. It would explain why he gave her this dress. It would also explain why he ordered Felix back so quickly. He would've had a cow over this. Although, there probably were other reasons too. It seemed she had fallen right into his trap when she decided to wear it this morning.
Katherine looked at all the food as she walked by. It all certainly looked nice, but she wondered about the taste. Nothing beats a homegrown homecooked meal for her. Plus, she wasn't all that hungry, she felt very uncomfortable here. But she supposed she ought to eat... She'd need the energy.

She took the seat he gestured for her to take, "Yes. It's a lovely room. Thank you, Lord Stefan. You have a beautiful mansion here....I really do appreciate your hospitality. You really didn't need to go through all this trouble just for me." she said, giving him a bit of an uncomfortable smile. "It's just all a bit much, don't you think?"
Katherine smiled at Felix, "Thanks. You be careful, too okay?"


"Alright, I'm coming." she said, she had just been walking around the room, examining it the whole time. It took her mind off of feeling so alone and Felix. Kathy went over to the door, and opened it. She'd follow the other woman to the dining hall....or wherever it was she took her.
Katherine smiled at Stefan as he left, "Thank you."

She waited for Felix to read the letter, listening, "Yes, you were only allowed to escort me here, unfortunately. But surely you've deserved a little rest before you go back, right?" she asked, clearly not wanting him to leave her.
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