Avatar of Fairess
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    1. Fairess 9 yrs ago


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Aw, thanku! I enjoyed reading your posts as well. 'Tis sad I joined too late to crash the Narrows party!

Is Lady Silver the Mistress of Shadows? Regardless, yeah, it should be fun! I'm ready to coordinate a post when you are!
Yay moar posts! And happy to be of service. <3

I realize I took a few creative liberties with my post, so if there's any boundaries I overstepped or something you disagree with lore-wise, feel free to say as much and I'll give it the ol' edit.

Proper Introductions


Eve, Adam, Unknown

Day 0, Yesterday Evening



Over the past few days, I've been using my downtime to make my way below the central district of Angel's Landing--much further than most are willing to spelunk for fear of getting lost. Above me was dim, slitted light from sewage grates, and surrounding me was the stench of only a few thousand years of accumulated humanoid (and otherwise) excrement. For years, waterways have carved a twisted labyrinth under Angel's Landing, the ancient roots of what once was a city buried, eroded, and forgotten along these former canals. Tall pillars, once white and new, are covered in moss and muck, most of them collapsed and twisted like silent stone serpents. Even so, the most rotten of ruins can hide secrets, messages from our past we lost long ago. I can't help the gut feeling there's something still here, just waiting to be discovered.


"What the--really, Eve? Right now?" Adam's finger curled around his earpiece, one slight jerk away from yanking it out. "Turn off that garbage so I can focus."

The voice in his earpiece snerked. "I don't need to defend Plasmic Star to you. She's sold more than a hundred thousand records--the lack of one classical snob won't leave a dent."

"Eve." The hint of warning in Adam's voice was always hot-cold, like a spout of water threatening entropic emnity with a burn before a frosty snap. "You can see I'm suspended more than a hundred feet above a septic, rocky death. I'd appreciate my last moments not being played alongside 'Kiss, kiss, give me love!' How can such a heavily auto-tuned voice still manage to be so grating?"

"Whatever! She's my robot angel girl. And besides, you've been reinforced to withstand over a hundred G's. Worst that would happen is you might dislocate a few joints. Easy fix."

Adam resisted the urge to roll his eyes, fixing his gaze on a pillar well out of his reach. "Eve, if you experienced 'dislocating' several of your joints, I don't think you'd bank on calling it 'easy.' Now turn it off or you're getting poached eggs for breakfast tomorrow."

"Eugh, like rubber, so thick and tasteless and..." An audible shudder passed through the earpiece before the music flipped off. "Fine! But I better get extra Parmesan on my scrambled. You always scrimp on the cheese. No sense of adventure."

"Says the girl sitting safe and sound in her lab while I climb around ancient waterways. Is it even worth pointing out the irony?" Adam kicked himself into motion, feeling the heavy swing of his legs push him through space. When he deactivated his grapple hook, there was a familiar rush of adrenaline--one was never quite so vulnerable nor so graceful as when mid-air, relying on the aerodynamics of one's own body to steer toward doom or destiny. His hand punched safely into the pillar he'd targeted, sending a puff of dust and plunk of pebbles to dissipate into the black, watery abyss below.

"Well, some of us get our rush of adventure in more reasonable ways. You know, like listening to heart-pumping, beat blasting music or indulging in delicious fo--well now, that's interesting."

"Do tell." Adam's voice was a grunt as he grasped a chink in the pillar to climb around it. Another little leap awaited him--he could see the beginnings of a rooftop some seven meters away. After a deep breath, he pressed his feet up against the pillar before kicking off it and turning mid-air. His arms stretched out on either side of him, a whirring, metal man-bird before his fingertips grasped the end of the rooftop. Eve, as ever, went on as though they were in the middle of a game of croquet.

"All your monkeying around has picked up some interesting info on Perkle's sonar. I mean, it's still just underground sewage runoff below you, but the aqueduct system around you is very different from the sewage lines above. I mean, most places build off and feed purposely into the old water systems, but this... it's like it was totally skipped. I wouldn't be surprised if you were climbing on a fresh water feed."

"Not surprising." Adam pulled himself onto the rooftop with a soft huff, then turned to gaze back at the system Eve described. "After the Stygian occupation of Angel's Landing, we lost more than can ever be accounted for of our history. The detail in these markings the pillars have--they were clearly made before the Abberation Wars occurred. Craftsmen of the era--"

"Ohmigods, I think I just aged ten years! I'm not following you on a live feed for a history lesson, A-Boy."

Adam pinched the bridge of his nose and flicked a hand in the empty air. "Right, I'm sorry; I keep forgetting you have no interest in Orieon artifacts."

"Come again?" Something clattered on Eve's end--probably chopsticks. She always had a tendency to order out instead of putting up with Ace's lunches.

"You remember I've been searching for the Seraphic Library. You know, supposedly built near the end of Orieon's life and sanctioned by Orcorum?" Adam started walking again, following the line of the roof with an eye on the ruined stone he could see stretching out from far beneath it. "There's an old prophecy about the library's founding: 'We who were formed from the flesh of a god bear also the seeds of His knowledge. We treasure not only our bodies formed from divine will, but also the minds we are blessed with, which create beauty, reason, and the foundation of a society that will build upon itself until it ascends into the stars. But let it be known to all my brethren that there is secret knowledge, dreadful knowledge, that could entice us toward our own destruction. When the flesh of Orieon turns against itself with dreams of blood and greed, the divine knowledge and all its great purpose will be lost to us all.'

"And that's what happened, in a sense. During the First Stygian War, it's recorded that the Seraphic Library collapsed in on itself during the fighting and fell into a chasm. Primitive explosives that exploited the city's sewers, maybe, or tremors caused by elemental magic. Just like that, it disappeared off the face of the planet, wiped out, built on top of, forgotten. A good number of scholars don't even believe it exists. Orcorum's clerics, though... they're less willing to give up on such a legend and much more helpful for it."

"Well, sounds like you ought to be indoctrinated into their church. Should I pick up some robes and a pamphlet before you get back?" A tight squeak sounded--her chair leaning back. How was it she was the tired one between them?

"Not all scholars can afford to collect dust while debating and theorizing. And even I have to admit, this looks prom...ising." Adam's voice trailed off as he caught a glimpse of one of the exposed aqueducts below. A golden glitter flashed as the comfortably perched Perkle on his shoulder cast a beam toward the water.

What could he do but smile?


(¬‿¬) I see you. Chat properly over dinner sometime? <3

Making Friends and Influencing People: Part I


Eve, Adam

Day 1, Morning

"You're way too chipper for just having stepped out of a sewer. And last I checked, it's not your birthday." Eve glanced up from her computer as Adam came striding into the lab. His smile was, unfortunately enough, contagious, and the fresh waft of juniper-esque cologne was equally perky.

"Well, I am expecting a present this morning. Have you finished compiling Perkle's sonar data?" Adam was already leaning closer to catch a glimpse of her screen, and just like that, his smile disappeared. One of his bronzey fingers pointed accusingly at the offensive imagage as he scowled. "How the blazes did you get that?"

Eve simply shrugged and tabbed up some visual reconstruction software on her computer. There were a few faint, but recognizable features of the ruins Adam had visited the day before. "Perkle gets around more than just smelly sewers, you know. And come on, a shirtless Eiishii in the middle of training? Priceless. I mean, he's sorta older, but those abs! Gods, the things linen hides. I mean, if he wears linen. Do you think it's imported silk? Or maybe genetically altered spider silk he wears?"

"Eve! This voyeur habit of yours? It needs to stop. It's not endearing, you're well above the age and breeding of a lust-addled stalker, and... just... really? Mr. Umemoto? The traitor? The blademaster who can cut anything?" Adam grasped the armrests of Eve's desk chair, swiveling her around to face the burning amber of his eyes directly. "Do you want to end up dead?"

"Yipes, so serious." Eve held up her hands oh-so-peacefully, only to scowl and grab at Adam's arm as he moved one hand to delete her precious Eiishii compilation. "Hey! Destruction of personal property! Way worse!"

Adam didn't even bother to look her way as he held her at arm's length. "Eve, that man is dangerous. If he caught you snooping around him... gods! Why do you have such a perverted sense of curiosity?"

"Keeps me entertained. Unlike you." Eve stood up from her chair in a huff and moved toward the window--which happened to be the entirety of the walls. "Does this mean I can delete your request for an excavation team?"

"Absolutely not. Our findings were... well. There's no understating it--this could be the most promising lead in finding the Seraphic Library ever. We can't afford to pass up the chance! And I'll make sure the Tower Masters know." Adam's hands clenched before one ducked under his chin. "I'm sure they'll listen. I know we're short handed and the Stygian Blades are at large, but our findings... our findings are irrefutable. If I can't get their support, I'll find an Orcorum church that's more like-minded."

"Aaaand there he goes again, from ice to fire!" Eve leaned up against the glass and sighed. "Ace told me we'll be landing at the Tower docking bay in less than an hour. Did you want me to come with?"

Adam actually hesitated before flashing a smile. "Well, it was our discovery. Short of the Stygian Blades raining fire on us, I can't imagine anything will deter us. It's short notice, but my request for an audience should get us going again by the end of the day. Well... one hopes."

"Aw, don't pitter out already!" Eve sauntered her way back to him and clasped his metal hand in her squishy one. "Let's do this!"
@Rockin Strings

Heya, I'mma do you a solid and write up a quick FAQ with all the pertinent information already existing about Angel's Landing and where things are headed right now. Lez go!

What is Angel's Landing like?

From the first post of the OoC:
Knighthood takes place in the city of Angel’s Landing. Millennium of war and peace have ground the city of Angel’s Landing to dust repeatedly only to have the city be rebuilt upon the old cities bones. Now it is home to towers that rise from slum streets, to the pinnacle of opulence in the homes of the rich and powerful. Below them the poor scrape by in the muck beneath the towering heights of the city.

The setting is Fantasy turned sci-fi. Galendar started out as a fantasy setting that has seen progress towards a higher tech future. This can be seen in the way that the line between technology and magic is not always clear. It can also be seen in the appearance of races that are traditionally seen in fantasy settings making use of 60th century top of the line tech in conjunction with their 5000 year old magic.

Fun trivia, though, The Tower of Stars (y'know, where our merc group operates) might actually not be inside the city, but rather, just outside of that. I'll leave it to Merlin to clarify.

From the Codex:
The Treaty of Angel’s Landing (5805 aft)- The Stygian Empire finally signs a lasting peace accord with Galendar after the death of the Stygian God-King. Kevin’s Watch issues a decree of absolution and province on behalf of Christian Highfell giving him a tract of land outside of Angel’s Landing where he had originally begun construction of the Tower. The decree also prevented any action against Shard or his Knights for their operations on behalf of the Stygian Empire.

Additionally, from the Codex:

The central province of Galendar; a small valley surrounded on the Northern side by high mountains. Lorrath is also the location of Angel’s Landing which prior to the second Stygian War was the capital of all of Galendar. After the war the provinces officially became sovereign with their own monarchs and governments agreeing to a set of accords which govern trade and agree to non hostility and free travel within all of the provinces. Beyond Angel’s Landing Lorrath is largely a metropolitan center of commerce and culture for most of Galendar; they are also the technology center of the world with most of Galendar’s tech companies taking up residence in Angel’s Landing.

Is There Another Important Location in the RP Right Now?

Yes. This is from an IC post, which talks about where the first mission and its members are going. The location happens to be the Narrows, which I believe is a district somewhere within Angel's Landing.

Ralrisk, from the IC:
“It's in the Narrows”

The Narrows were a testament to the phrase urban decay. They were a blighted segment of the city that had never really been rebuilt after the second Stygian blade. Fittingly the disease ridden, poverty stricken, desolate section of the city was also home to the more militant segment of the Stygian Blade.

“The outer edge right where it hits high rises, call it the suburban portion of the Narrows.” It was still incredibly dangerous to send a team even to the edge of the Narrows. The Lawbringers of Exandar that patrolled the Narrows did so with some of the heaviest weaponry that Ralrisk had ever seen their kind operate with. Understandably so. Even with the incredible fire power, Lawbringer precincts and check points within the Narrows much of the decrepit city blocks still managed to run amok, there was not much they could do without leveling the Narrows and that was not something the Church of Exandar had the authority to do. Angel’s Landing had its own internal problems so the Narrows remained a bastion for the Stygian Blade. One of far too many in Ralrisk’s opinion.

What is the Stygian Blade, you might ask? Well...

From the Codex:
The appearance of the Stygian Blade (5902-present aft)- not even a hundred years after the treaty of Angel’s Landing a terrorist group calling themselves the Stygian Blade appears and begins carrying out ‘missions’ on behalf of the Stygian Empire. The Stygian Empire has made no comment on the actions of this group and have refused all envoys from Galendar since the Twilight Blades emergence. Two years after their appearance Christian Highfell disappears and Clarisa Silversun inherits the title of Mistress of Stars from her husband. Shortly thereafter the last of the Original Masters leaves as Master of Sight Urthar takes almost all of the Old guard and disappears leaving the Tower of Stars to fight the Twilight Blade in the streets of Angel’s Landing with few veterans and to find the Master of Stars Christian Highfell.

This bit of info is important because this is the present situation you should definitely be aware of.

What is the Narrows Mission?

Well, Crow tells it pretty simply in the IC:
“The mistress of Shadows has requested our service for finding out what happened to an individual who we recovered from the Narrows earlier today. I couldn't determine from the body so I suspect his spirit is still in the Narrows somewhere. Though it is stygia blade territory so we are being sent with a lot of people that carry large weapons..."

Who is this Mistress of Shadows?

From the Codex:
Orders of the Tower

The Tower is home to a varying list of Orders with a few consistent Orders that are headed by The Masters and Mistresses of the Tower.

  • Order of Shadows- This Order of the Tower is responsible for information gathering, espionage and sabotage. One of the original Orders within the Tower there has always been a Master or Mistress of Shadow. Occasionally this organization is also responsible for the elimination of the targets dictated by those who hire the Tower

A brief blurb about her from the IC:

The Mistress of Shadow’s calf length skirt swished ominously as she cut through the few other Knights in the hall which had business in the top most levels of the Tower. Irritation rolled off the notoriously sweet and quick to anger woman. The Knights that knew her were quick to leap aside as she moved towards the elevator. What was Calrisa thinking? She’d dispatched a team to recover a corpse from Stygian Blade territory without a thought to the potential fall out. Without consulting Ris which really if she thought about it was what pissed her off. There were Knight Captains that Lady SIlver relied on more than the capricious Mistress of Shadow, even though Ris was the last of the remaining Mistresses and Masters. The others had slowly faded away over the years and the last three had left shortly after the disappearance of Christian. Urthar had claimed he had to take care of something, Ris had decent enough intel that said Kordus, the master of Steel had been murdered by a Talon of the Covenant of Shadow but Ris couldn’t prove the money had come from the remains of the Stygian High Command. Then there was Moory she’d simply up and left in the middle of the Knight, no doubt fleeing back to the Courts of Winter no doubt finding it safer that trying to occupy the massive boots left behind by Lady Akime and before her Thomas Pavaine. Ris almost wished that Christian had instituted a Master or Mistress of Fist before he’d left. That would have curtailed the rampant politicking and cowardice that the Tower was facing right now.

As if that were not enough now Ris had to collect up an inconspicuous enough group of Knights for her to send back into Stygian Blade held territory in Angel’s Landing to see if they could scrounge up evidence of what the hell had happened to the corpse the previous team had recovered. Ris was tempted to just go herself but she knew that it was not only not her place but that more than just her own talents were required. Best to start with Lilac, the woman’s nickname always made Ris giggle internally considering that she’d personally seen Adela bench press more than any human should be able to. Stepping into the elevator Ris hit the button for the training fields. “Senechal, locate Captain Laska for me. I need to speak with her.” The Tower’s second AI updated the Mistress of Shadow’s PDA as Ris flicked through the other on staff Knights. “Kirane, Crimson, Mal, Markus, Crow...Hmm” She continued to flick. Not lots of options which was becoming a theme for the Tower lately. Probably have to put Sirus on this detail too because of Kirane’s condition. That meant they could probably use a blade….her thumb hovered over his picture for a long moment before she tapped on Megelis profile. That ought to round the team out. Hopefully the fucker caught a bullet while he was out there. The thought made Ris grin like an angry teenager imagining the downfall of one of her school yard rivals.

Who's Going on the Narrows Mission?

Well, that would be:

Where is Everyone Else?

Well, last I read, Malakus and Crimson were brawling with peeps... somewhere. The rest of us newly approved people are supposed to be at the Tower... and presumably writing our introductions. As for what the tower is like, well... I think it's widely up to interpretation. Your character can have an apartment within the Tower or outside of it, it would appear. Anyways, the last of the peeps who are posted in the character tab who will presumably be set on a different mission are:

Eve and Adam Clarke
And of course, your character, Ulrich.

That's all I have for you now, but that should hopefully put you on the same page as everyone else. Hopefully.


Will do! Can't wait to start discussing how to get these twins in the thick of things. I'll probably also add a lot more detail about their yacht. It'd be fun to get some use out of it!

Hey, I’m really glad you liked the pair! And thanks for lookin’ over ‘em.

I purposely left the Official vague, as I wasn’t really sure of the setting’s current political landscape. While I didn’t plan for this part of the backstory to carry into the roleplay, I’m also open for it to be. There are a number of scenarios that could have played out, but the general idea is that Adam had connections to high society and that’s where he got caught in some nasty crossfire. The Official could have been related to the government, or even just been a writer whose subject was too sensitive to continue being published. It could also have just been a random act of terrorism from the Stygians. For the sake of simplicity, I’d probably go with that last option—some terrorist Stygians attacking a celebrity whose party Adam happened to be at.

As for Thotafus… I’m not really sure Thotafus would care much about Adam. While Adam did endure intense pain over a long period of time, he didn’t have any addictions borne from it or gain a desire to cause pain on others. Quite the opposite, even—he’d be more likely to follow gods like Elsingdar or Orcorum in his thirst for culture and knowledge.

And the parents! Also didn’t really have any plans there. I just figured it was a mother with an unwanted pregnancy and no family support who just wanted to be rid of them. It would be fun to tie something more into their parentage (like a teensy shard of Orieon’s knowledge somehow getting implanted into the mother, causing her to go insane and Eve to become a messed up genius), but as I’ve said before, I don’t mind just keeping things simple for the sake of practicality.
Yay, Fairess, welcome! ^~^

Thank ye kindly, Wind! It's good to see yeh.
I was told I should check out this here RP. So! I brought some characters along, too.

Hey, no need for apologies! (I've obviously been away for a while myself.) Life happens to everyone, and people popping in and out is so common to roleplay it's hardly something for me to be bitter over.

Much more importantly, I'm glad to see you back and I'm sorry to hear about life bringing you down. Here's a cup of cheer and hopes that you're still around and writing!
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