Avatar of Fairy Tale Dreamer


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Current I hate working during the Holidays and Big Event runs me ragged
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Hey all Hurricane Dorian has passed and I am back from evacuation let’s have some fun now.
5 yrs ago
Hey all Hurricane Dorian has passed and I am back from evacuation let’s have some fun now.
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5 yrs ago
Hi everyone just to let you all know Inlive in Florida now and by the looks of it wen have a hurricane heading our way so if I stop coming on it’s due to lost of power or internet or both
5 yrs ago
I need new rp ideas anyone got some good ideas out there maybe even a Harry Potter one.......


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Raven (last name changed so much she doesn’t really have one and picks random one once in a while)

Age: 21

Her whole story is in the first post but her family heirloom is a special pocket arch that is actually passed down too royal family members in the opposing kingdoms but has no knowledge after her parents where killed

In a far away and between two different kingdoms lived a family of three a simple woodcutter, and herblist and a sweet little girl that loved both of her parents and was loved by both of her parents. They may not of have that much money but all three of them were happy. The young girls mother taught ear about all plants and herbs that existed along with how to make certain passions for protection and medicines that help heal ailments. While her father taught her about how to be kind but also to defend herself from any danger in life. The little girl was truly happy and cold wish or anything better.

But one night her mother had rushed into her child’s room waking her up and talking her to keep quest as she hid her under the floorboards of the home. Her father telling her mother to hurry and the child looked up at her mother watching her cry and kiss her forehead before losing the floor. The little girl watched through the floorboards to only see both of her parents being slaughtered right before her eyes by intruders....intruders with the royal seal on them.

Once they had left she made her way back up to only see her parents on the ground dead along with blood everywhere. Tears filled her eyes before the smell of smoke reached her nose and she realized they intruders had set the house on fire to burn evidence land if there was someone else in the home. She was able to get a couple of her favorite belonging along with her family heirloom that her father gave her and rushed out of the home before it was fully engulfed in flames. After that day the young girl swore revenge for her family and she was going to do it by taking down the royal famil that caused all of this.

Years have gone by the streets of the Dainia Kingdom many people walked around the streets with no care in the world but one man wearing a cloak walked down the streets with a mission and a bag full of gold. Once he turned down one dark street down into the dark parts of the kingdom and made his way into a tavern that did not look safe but made his way in. The tavern was filled with brutes, thrives and raft rafts. But the one the man seeked was one female and he finally caught her sitting at a booth with her drink and he made his way to her.
“Miss. Raven Omare I presume the most well known assasin around?” He asked the female and made a blade appeared from her cuff bracelet and pointed at him with a dark glare from her ice blue eyes.

“Who wants to know pretty boy?” SHe asked in a dark voice and the man pulled his hood off revealing he was the second prince of the kingdom.

“That is no way to treat the Second Prince Mathazar Of Dainia.” He siad and a bunch of the brutes turned their heads and Raven sent a glare at them telling them to back off or they die.

“One never announce who you are in a bar like this and second give me one very good reason why I should not kill you right now.” Raven said to him as she pulled her hood off showing her raven long hair and fair white skin.
“As you know my oh so dear eldest brother by a few minutes is to be the next king and its not fair, for from what I know he does not desire it but I do.” Mathazar said and Raven just yawned.

“Look Prince boy pretty much everyone in this tavern hates the whole royal family even me to where all of you are on my personal hit list why should I bother helping you.” She explained to him and he pulled out a large bag of gold.

“I need you to assasinate my older twin brother so all rights to the throne goes to me if you complete it successfully I will grant you anything else besides the gold.” The second prince said with a smirk and Raven looked at the bag and at him.

“I will take the gold but I want one other thing and that is your father alive for I want information from him before I kill him.” Raven explained and the Prince nodded holding his hand out.

“Looks like we have a deal partner.” He explained and SHe held her hand out and shook it.

Now Raven was at the palace all dressed up with the clothes Mathazar gave her and she felt unformrtable for she was used to her assasin outfit not a form fitting dress. All of this was just to sneak in as a so cal potential bride for the prince and Mathazar lead her to the room where the other girls are and Raven recognized most of them being from nobility.

“Now then gain m stupid brothers trust and kill him once you do I will give you my father along with all the gold.” He whispered to her and she shooed him away before she walked over to the other girls waiting for the eldest prince to arrive.
Avery was in the kitchen get her glass of water trying to be quiet as possible not wanting to wake anyone up. But once the lights went on and she heard Roland’s voice she got spooked and dropped her glass on the ground causing it to break near her feet freaking her out a bit. She jumped on the counter so she would not step on the glass and she was still a bit freaked out.

“I...I am in the kitchen roland.” Avery said still really spooked out for she did not expect Roland to wake up She said a bit shaken for when the lights went on and she heard a voice it meant beating time.

“I am sorry Roland I got spooked and I dropped the glass.” She said for she was freaking abit fearing she was going to get yelled at ow worst hit.
It was going to take a lot of time for the fear to start fading and for her to feel safe once again and know that she was no longer going to get hit.

Avery curled up a bit on the counter trying to look small wanting to not risk anything and it was her defense mechanizing so it was second nature for her to do it.
But still working at least lol.
Avery thanked mrs. Noonan and dozed off into a peaceful sleep not knowing what was happening or going on at all. She did dream but it was plain simple ones out there where nothing happened in her dream and she knew that but did not care at all for it was the first night that she could peacefully dream and not fear her father would come and do something or one of his friends.

The past is what she desired to forget and just move on in hopes of finally being happy once again and not live in a little world full of fear and not knowing if she was going to die the next day or not. She remained curled up into a ball in a deep sleep not knowing how much she actually missed sleeping in a real bed instea of an old mattress on the floor. To her she was in paradise and was glad to finally just be a normal teenager and possibly have a great future.

But unfortunately her father was out and on the hunt for Avery saying it was finally time for the brat to die. “I am coming for you Avery soon your blood will spill and all the bad you caused will be erased with the price of your blood.” He said as he went off robbing a convenience store and killing a couple to steal their car and drove off to find the little brat that he believed ruined everything in his life, especially his marriage to his wife.

After a few hours though Avery opened her eyes and sat up looking around trying to remember where she was at but soon reliazed she was being fostered at Roland’s families friends home. She slowly got out of bed and made her way to the door looking out still a bit cautious about everything. Once she saw the hall was empty and slowly walked out and made her ways down stairs for she wanted a drink of water at least. She did not want to bother Mr. or Mrs. Noonan for a drink since they were nice enough for her to stay with them. She made her way to the kitchen slowly wanting to stay quiet and not cause any problems.
Here are a few of my ideas
I am open to different ideas for these rps (the ones with plots) they are just ideas and willing to collaberate
(Please PM if you are interested I tend to forget to look here once in a while)

Note my grammar is not the greatest and use my phone more to type up post so I tend to not re-read my post to catch the mistakes. So if you are one of those rpers that like to write well written post and have others do that same that is fine but I may not be the best partner for you then. (Just do not want to waste your time)
If you can care less about that and just want to have fun then I am your rper. ^_^

I work a bakery in a grocery store (mainly closing) plus my puppy who is super active. So my replies might be slow paced.

On a final Note I do not do MxM of FxF rps not my style or preference.

Other ideas that I have no plot ideas for so willing to collaborate
Princess X Knight
Vampire X Werewolf
Neko Girl X Human
Vampire X Human
Mermaid X Human
<Snipped quote by Fairy Tale Dreamer>

You've done fine on that count, in my book - there are other posts on page 2 and beyond of 1x1 interest checks (they were recently at the front, but actually been knocked off the first page) that would legitimately earn my ire.

In this case, it seems odd to single you out, because while I agree with where he's coming from - you're not the problem. Other posts in this section, yes, do make it clear that they want player = character gender.

You want a male character, which for a time was a rarity, and so the male focus was slightly refreshing at first glance. I didn't consider there to be a heavy bias towards the roleplayers actually being male.

Consider the affair a non-issue, carry on, and continue preparations for the ball that will spout more IC drama.

Thanks right now I just want to move past this now and get ready for my test
You're good. Thanks for fixing it. I hope you find loads of people to RP with. Consider it dropped. :)

thank you very much and once again I am very sorry about that and thank you for telling me about it so i could fix that mistake that I have made
<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

I say exactly the same thing, actually. I've made several posts about it in the past. You know that because you've liked my posts on the matter in the rp discussion section of the forum. The only reason this post "stuck out to me" is that today was the first day in months that I actually skimmed through the interest checks. None of the other posts I clicked on mentioned such a blatant inability to distinguish between player and character. I also do not think that a vagina is required to play female characters, full stop.

OK can we please drop this I made a mistake and I do apologize for it and changed my title of the interest check. I am only human and I made a mistake I admit it. I see how it can offend people I do apologize for that deeply that was never my intention to do so. So please stop I don't want to lose potential people to rp with because of a stupid mistake I made and obviously had to be called out on but I don't want this blown up anymore then it has been.
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