Avatar of Fennec
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 208 (0.07 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. Fennec 9 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Something very bad just happened to me. Would some kind soul cheer me up somehow?
8 yrs ago
For my birthday today: One shirt that says 'The dice giveth and the dice taketh away.' And one D&D inspired beach towel, with a huge-ass ancient red dragon on it.
8 yrs ago
Chaotic Neutral: Aim to Misbehave.
1 like
8 yrs ago
I have fallen into a dark abyss filled with d20s and D&D.


Alright, I'm not one to prattle one.

My Interests!

Dungeons & Dragons. I am both a player and a DM.
Books. I read them. Often.
Music. I play violin.
Video games. Yes.

As for roleplaying, I enjoy most genres if it involves fiction. Unless it's Slice of Life. I don't see the appeal in writing about real things when I'm already living out that stuff. I'm eighteen, and I am comfortable writing smut.

Anything else, we'll have to discuss.

Most Recent Posts

I apologize for my absence, I had work. And that's cool. I hope the picture I used is up to standard. Just need everyone to put up their sheets and we can quickly brainstorm a decent setting.
@NuttsnBolts My character has gone up!
Adair (Addie) Carter
Addie is not the type of person to share her past. When the apocalypse hit, she was with a group of friends, watching a movie in the city. She didn't know what came over her, but something told her to leave them behind. And she did. She got up out of her chair and left her friends in the theater as the zombies poured in through the doors. She ran through the emergency exit and found some supplies, and now she's holed up in a small library at the edge of the city.
She found some decent hunting knives in a pawn shop and she stole a gun from a dead cop. She hasn't used it, and she doesn't really know how to.

Do you know if our other group members use the same? I'm going with anime, if that's the case. @NuttsnBolts
@NuttsnBolts What type of pictures do you think we should use?
If you're going to roleplay with me, you'll have to quickly get used to my very shitty titles and my crappy sense of humor. xD

Run free, children! Bring your brain babies to life!
@Vash, @ADParis, @NuttsnBolts.

Alright, I think we're just about ready for this. I'll lay out a small skeleton for character sheets and then I'll go make the thread. If there's anything in the skeleton you'd like to add or anything you think should be there for all of us, don't hesitate to mention it.

Age (Maybe 20-30?)
Short (or long, whatever) bio.
Weapons they use.
And whatever else you think necessary.
@Vash Beautiful! We just need Nutts to sign off on that setting I thought up. Also, do we want to do this in a thread or as a group PM?

@NuttsnBolts How does everything sound? Are we set?
@ClocktowerEchos Sorry about that. Message me if you ever feel like a 1x1 though.
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