Avatar of Firecracker_
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: FIrecrackerMain
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 427 (0.11 / day)
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    1. Firecracker_ 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
if you have ever gone grocery shopping and just left your empty cart in the middle of a parking spot or just out in the lot, please die. die.
5 yrs ago
I call these people friends.
5 yrs ago
alright, now what are you all thankful for?
5 yrs ago
i got like half a 6-pack in the fridge...who tryna go halfsies
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hello, my name is cordell

Most Recent Posts

i hope people come crawling out the woodworks to apply tbh I'd like this to be a big RP.
@OppositionI PM'd you btw. Waiting on you to determine how I finish my post.

ooh page claim
got a post up!

Hacking and coughing, one of the two men that walked across the floor was hunched over in pain, struggling to keep up with the other as he could barely focus on walking. The pair of patrons had garnered the wary attention of many sets of suspicious looking eyes, but, finally made it out the front door and out of the cafe, and as Gideon rose from his seat, stretching, everyone turned back to the televisions along the wall. Even more news was coming up about more instances of violence around the city. Gideon was immediately drawn to it, but quickly sidestepped out of Jesus’ way, as he and the other two men all exited the booth after leaving their respective bits of tip money on the table. Even with their attention pulled in the way of the televisions, the four men had routes to return to and packages to deliver. After a moment to soak in the sudden rush of breaking news, the four men all made the agreement to leave with a shared nod, and began weaving between and around crowded tables. Everyone craned their neck and moved their heads, and patrons’ eyes looked right through them as if the four weren’t even there. Everyone’s attention was on the news.

Passing through the glass doors, entering back into the relative warmth of the afternoon, Gideon was glad he had forced himself to hold back on ordering desert, as he felt just stuffed enough that it wouldn’t make him sick to cycle around the city for the remainder of the day. His friends had begun to put their protective equipment back on, fastening helmet straps as they talked about the routes they faced for the rest of the day. Carter and David began to have their usual cigarettes, as Jesus sat on his bike making sure the packages in his backpack were well arranged.

”How do you guys do it? One cigarette fucks my whole day up, but you guys just ride around smoking one after the other.”

Carter chuckled, but David simply frowned.

”I’ve been trying to stop, man. Ricky keeps telling me to hurry up and kick this shit so I can help save for our vacation, but it’s so tough. If I try cold turkey, the withdrawal makes me cranky as fuck, and if I try the patches or shit, it just makes me crave having an actual cigarette.” David said, taking the cigarette out of his mouth, taking a look at it, and reluctantly taking another drag.

”You didn’t even smoke before the two of you got married, did you?” Carter said, not even bothering to take the cigarette out of his mouth as he spoke. His hands were busy fastening straps on his pads and bike bags as he spoke.

”No, I did, but the stress of the whole wedding made me start just churning through these damn things, and I never have been able to slow down.”

”Good luck with tha-” Jesus had just pushed off the sidewalk on his bike, when a loud yell broke through the usual cacophony of city traffic and chatter, stopping Jesus in his tracks and making everyone’s head turn towards the source of the scream.

Just down the sidewalk, there was a crowd growing around a bit of a developing situation. Spread eagle on the sidewalk was the man from before, who seemed to be in even worse shape than before. His chest was rising up and down rapidly as his friend held onto his hand, begging passersby to help him as he rushed to pull his phone out and get ahold of emergency services. While, many people walked by, unsure how to react, just as many had gathered around the two, with a few good samaritans kneeling by the struggling man, asking him questions or trying to give him water. Jesus had started to slowly move again, staring at the scene as same as everyone else, before he finally took all the way off, eventually disappearing from view amongst parked cars and traffic.

David, Carter and Gideon all shared a bit of a confused glance, as they all stood in one place, trying to get a peek at what going on, not wanting to be nosy enough to walk up and join it. One after the other, David, then Carter secured their packages and rode onto the street, just the same as Jesus did. Carter, who had gone down the street in the same direction as Jesus, noticeably slowed down as he tried to get a better look at the ordeal but the attempt was short lived, and he rode on, leaving just Gideon, alone, to watch from afar.

Giving into temptation, Gideon took his bike, and slowly walked down the sidewalk, towards the frazzled crowd. He knew better, he knew he had a job to be doing, but a few minutes wouldn’t hurt, would they?

Just as Gideon finally got close to the crowd, Gideon could hear a cry pierce the air, and many concerned voices followed it. Gideon froze, and watched in horror as the healthy man began to panic and cry. The sick man seemed to be lifeless now, and was ghost pale, unresponsive to even the violent shakes from his friend. Many of the onlookers had taken out their phones, and were all frantically trying to explain the situation to whatever dispatcher they had been connected to. One of the good samaritans was trying to take a pulse, but appeared to get more frazzled and frightened with every failed attempt.

Finally breaking his gaze and looking away from the rather shocking scene, Gideon realized that there was a pair of prying eyes even in a nearby alleyway. In the alley stood a white bearded man in tattered clothing, who seemed to be watching the ordeal intently, but out of anyone else’s line of sight. Gideon could tell the old man felt the same trepidation he did, not wanting to get involved. But Gideon also felt this tugging sort of guilt for doing nothing for what could be a dying or dead man.

They’re all already calling ambulances for this guy. There’s not much left I could do any way. I’m no life saver. Gideon tried his best to free himself from any sort of guilt or responsibility, was began on his way out of the whole situation.

Giving the old man one last look, Gideon picked up his bike, which he had dropped in surprise when he had noticed the severity of the situation. As Gideon made his quick exit from the whole fiasco, he could hear people get more frantic as it seemed the man was not getting any better, and the pitiful sobs from the man’s friend were getting even more gut wrenchingly audible, even over the city’s worth of noise. Hopping up onto the seat, and setting his legs into the ever familiar motion, Gideon’s bike began to gain some speed, and right before he took the turn to enter the street, he gave one last quick glance back. Through a gap in the crowd surrounding them, he could see that someone had resorted to doing CPR on the fallen man, with his friend watching ever so intently. The man on the sidewalk was a sick, ghostly pale that he’d never seen before. It had to be the color of death.

Gideon felt a chill run up his spine as he quickly turned back around and got onto the road.

That had to be one of the rougher things he’d seen in his time riding around Baltham. Fights, shootings, car wrecks and housefires, Gideon had seen all of it at least once, but it wasn’t every day you see a man drop dead in the streets. Today, the world seemed filled to the brim with a lot of bad news and people dying left and right. Gideon shook his head to himself, trying to shake the thought and focus on the road. Slipping his sunglasses on, Gideon was now onto the afternoon part of his route, and traffic was sure to be as dangerous as ever.

Hope cars don’t come flying at me today. I’m not trying to be on the news anytime soon.

As he turned the corner of the street, and entered one of many busy roads, en route to his next delivery, the situation certainly escalated to a level that he wouldn’t have believed. One deathly white hand rose from the sidewalk, eliciting a gasp from the group of people surrounding the man. Even after seemingly dying, the man had the vigor to sit straight up, and before anyone could react, grabbed his friend and yanking his collar violent towards him. What they thought was going to be a frightened embrace after a brush with death, instead turned into a violent bite, with the sickly man sinking his teeth deep into his shocked friend’s shoulder, dragging a scared scream from the whole crowd that only made it to the end of the block. Past that, no one really seemed to notice what was going on. The rest of the city continued with it’s bustling everyday routine.

im also writing a reply for another roleplay at the same time as this one, so please excuse a little delay
alright, finally got the chance to catch up and read, gonna start on my post right now. hope to have it posted it within the next few days.

EDIT: While I've got your attention, can someone remind me how the team is meant to communicate?? All the characters had little mics and connections to Delilah, right?
time for me to get to WORK
i've had my head deep in fallout 4 mods, how many people are left to post?

~a meal to start the end
-1:32 PM, Downtown in Ramen Cafe

Famished and dehydrated, Gideon had finally made his way to his seat, after having been in the line for almost half an hour. Lunch hour was in full swing, as the restaurant was packed from wall to wall with patrons, but something felt off for today. Instead of seeing lively faces active in a litany of conversations, many faces were all huddled together, staring into their phone screens. Gideon pulled his out, thinking maybe there’d be an obvious reason, but scrolling through his normal Instagram feed gave him no such answers. All his focus on this topic, however, dissipated when the waitress came to his table, giving him a friendly smile, and sliding a menu in front of him.

Now, to eat…

After another 10 minutes, a group of Gideon’s courier colleagues walked in, spotting him at his table and started coming over. They only glanced up at him once, though, making their way over slowly, all while staring into their phones, same as the rest of the patrons. Gulping down some water, Gideon spoke up as his friends closed the distance.

”Everyone’s glued to their damn phones today, the hell is going on?”

”Oh, that’s right! You don’t use Twitter, huh?” David asked, finally making eye contact as he sat down in the booth with him, along with Carter and Jesus.

David, a 29 year old white man, with long brown hair in a smooth ponytail doing down his back and a scruffy beard, turned his phone towards Gideon. ”This video is being posted all over the place, check it out.”

Looking down at the screen, Gideon watched as two people, covered in blood and with crazed looks in their eyes, attacked and tried to bite or maul a pair of police officers, all the while, a man with a massive wound in his neck was bleeding to death behind them, all for an entire neighborhood to watch. The belligerent woman then turned her attention to a pair of police officers, who responded by pulling guns and shooting her multiple times, to seemingly no effect. Gideon watched on, horrified at how this madwoman had taken and simply ignored multiple rounds. He’d see some disturbing internet videos, witnessed how just one or two bullets could drop even the strongest man like a limp sack of potatoes, but this woman didn’t care. She just kept coming.

Finally, as the police trained their aim on her head, she finally fell limp, the headshot draining her body of all life. Gideon sat back, taking a deep breath and a sip of water.

”Christ, that kinda fucked up my appetite.”

”C’mon, G. We’ve shown you worse than that stuff.” chuckled Carter. Carter, with his very short blonde hair, brown eyes, and red, slightly sunburned pale skin, stretched out in his seat, and began to sip the lemonade the waitress had just placed, as Jesus and David ordered their food.

”I dunno, dude, I’ve never seen someone take bullets like that. Plus, it looked like that one dude got bit or shot in the neck? What the fuck is going on in that clip, dude?!” Gideon chuckled nervously, as he took another sip of his water.

Jesus, an older, early thirties, man of Hispanic descent, with short salt and pepper hair and long, survivalist style beard, spoke up after handing his menu to the waitress.” My wife sent me that video, she said she thinks they have rabies or something.”

”Rabies? Rabies don’t make you eat bullets like that, dude.”

”Can people even get rabies? I thought that was just bats and dogs and shit.”

”Yes, people can get rabies, dude. But usually, it just makes them hydrophobic and all shaky, I’ve never seen rabies do that to someone. That’s freaky dude. Way too fuckin’ freaky.”

As Gideon’s eyes began to wander, he noticed that some of the patrons had asked to change the channel on one of the cafe’s TVs, and turned it to the news. On the channel, a Special Report was airing, covering the same video that Gideon had just watched. Apparently the scene was still hectic, and the police had cordoned off the neighborhood, and residents were on lockdown.

The table of four men had all craned their necks to watch the report, as did most of the patrons in the cafe. Suddenly, Jesus raised a pointed finger, and began speaking to the table,

”Oh, holy shit! I know why I recognize that place! That’s where my sister-in-law lives!” He dropped his pointing hand, and pulled out his phone.

”You’re telling me your wife didn’t notice that the first time around?”

”I guess not, bro. But she just texted me the same thing, I guess she was watching the news too.” He paused, with his eyes scanning over his phone for a second.”She says her sister hasn’t sent her anything yet, but she’s about to call her. That’s crazy shit dude, I wonder if she saw it all.”

”Shiet, dude, you sure that wasn’t the one taking all those shots in that video? David joked.

Jesus gave him a playful punch in the shoulder, which drew a laugh out of David. ”That shit ain’t funny, bro. But no, my wife’s sister is even more Mexican than me, she’s dark skinned. The lady in that video looked white or something. She didn’t look like my sister-in-law.”

Gideon chuckled to himself, but the table’s conversation was cut short by the arrival of their steaming bowls of ramen, which they were more than ready to dig into.
@officaz all the characters were written/submitted by other people, and the RP is full.
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