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Still here! Life's just been a lot lately, hopefully I can work up a post tomorrow(ish). Alos struggling a bit to figure out how Maritza would respond.
Maritza Verenna

For several moments the naga offered nothing in reply, except for her snake half which carefully tightened it's grip around Lady Cal further. Though not enough to risk genuinely hurting the girl, the knight serpenta's scales were tight enough to most certainly be uncomfortable. Then with a slow sigh, Maritza unraveled herself, gently pulling away from the young noblewoman. "As you command, Dame Radistirin." The naga's reply came in the same eerily calm voice, as she withdrew to a more polite distance and sheathed her axe in the process.

"Very well Lady Cal, if you won't answer to us, then I suppose you will have to answer to the crown and church. The daughter of a traitor with an undying bodyguard who has hired mercenaries to acquire a shard of an apocalyptic weapon which is responsible for the death of an entire garrison of soldiers, all of which neatly coincides with an assassination attempt on the princess... You must understand that this does not look good from our position." The naga added with slow, carefully chosen words; folding her arms across her chest as she looked on noblewoman.
Hopefully have a reply up tomorrow night, will do my best to not slow things down.
Maritza Verenna

Throughout the melee, the naga had spared the occasional glance over her shoulder to keep tabs on the action behind her. When Sir Haelstadt had his head lopped clean off, Maritza tensed briefly, the Knight Serpenta clearly noting Lady Cal's words as she filed the information away for future use. Having returned her attention to the still seemingly empty woods behind them, it was not until after the Boar's commander had called for a retreat that the naga finally let up on her vigilance of their back.

With a twist of her human body, Naritza looked down at the young noblewoman still loosely wrapped in her scales. "As long as you're alive, Haelstadt won't fall. Those were your words, yes Lady Cal?" There was something oddly detached about the naga's tone; a cold, predatory attitude, as if preparing for the kill. "I do believe you owe us an explanation in full for all this, now." The Knight Serpenta added in the same too-calm voice as her coils tightened around the childish noble with gentle firmness. For Lady Cal, the naga loomed above her, the demi-human's helmeted face and not entirely human body language offering little in readability.
I wonder if we'd get interesting results if everyone listed a weakness of their character? xD
Raineh Daze

Hmm... Maritza's biggest weakness' is her swordplay, part of the reason she sticks with other weapons. The Naga is also at a serious disadvantage for integrating into any kind of tight line formation. Between physiology, training and experience she's a seasoned skirmisher through at through. A lot like Tyaethe in that regard.
I'll be passing on this round of posting.
Maritza Verenna

Instead of meeting the Golden Boar's charge, the Knight Serpenta fell back, moving to Veileena's side. "Apologies for my cold tongue Lady Cal, but we needed to ascertain as much about this situation as we could and you were not the most forthcoming." Unlimbering her axe, Maritza surveyed the woods and low brush to the noblewoman's back. If the Naga had learned anything about the Boars from their previous encounter, it was that nothing was beneath them when it came to achieving their goals. As such, a simple flanking maneuver, kidnapping Lady Cal out from behind them while the main force sacrificed themselves to draw the knight's attention seemed well within the realm of possibility to the former nomadic survivalist.

"And excuse the intrusion on your personal space, but on the off-chance anyone should make it around behind us, they will have to go though me first." The Naga informed Veileena as she loosely coiled herself around the young noblewoman, forming a protective barrier of scales that only the most foolhardy would try and wrest the girl from. Her axe at the ready, Maritza turned her back to Haelstadt, her fellow knights and the unfolding battle to watch their rear with a vigilant gaze.
Maritza Verenna

The knight serpenta listened to the unfolding conversation with impassive silence, the occasional twitch of her tail the Naga's only major movement. Out of the corner of her visor, Maritza caught the shifting in the bushes. Almost tensing up, she relaxed as Sir Segremors took up the vanguard. Unless their potential enemy bore powerful magic or inhuman strength, the Naga was confident in the former mercenary's ability to blunt any would-be attack with a counter charge almost as ferocious as her own.

Instead, she wove her way a little closer to Veileena Cal, one hand surreptitiously dropping to her axe, the Naga twisting her body to hide the action from any prying eyes within the bushes. "That's all well and good Lady Cal, but forgive me if we're not so quick to trust. You see, there were multiple mercenary bands within the fort, all aiming for the shard, all with clearly different intents. And now all but one of them are dead. So who were the mercenaries you hired to retrieve the shard, Lady Cal? The truth if you would be so kind." Maritza asked, her tone impassively neutral as she stretched the truth a little.
Maritza Verenna

With a grunt, Maritza slithered somewhat ungainly out of the cart they'd procured from the fort's supplies. The distance they'd needed to cover, and the speed at which they had done so would have been too far, too fast for the Naga to have kept up with the group on her own. Carefully navigating around the horses, the Knight Serpenta ignored their newest arrival and wove her way to front of the column to join Fanilly, Tyaethe and any other senior members of the order.

"If someone had a shard of Angroron and bore it here with ill intent, my first assumption is that they would have simply tossed it down the well and into the moon pool. Can't imagine that not having any ill affects. Is there any way we can get down into the underground chamber? This is my first time here." Maritza half-commented, half-stated her thoughts aloud; the naga's head on a swivel of danger in spite of the shrine's serenity.

There was a digital grunt from Fox in response to HQ's reply. <<Copy that, Pandora.>> The young man paused for a moment, listening to the Chief continue, speaking up again once they'd finished. <<Is it just going to be us on this boarding action or will we be flying escort for a ground team?>> Not waiting for an answer, he refocused on his self-appointed task at hand. A few quick system inputs later, the Outrider's computer system began compiling a full error report. With all of his Raven drones now safely stowed away, the young man gave the battlefield one last look over.

Noting Stel's awkward departure and lack of combat action, Fox frowned slightly. The Michael was clearly an impressive and complicated piece of engineering with a completely green pilot. The latter of which was a problem they'd need to fix, and fast. Someone was going to need to teach the Plutonian how to fight, Fox mused, and that someone should definitely be somebody other than himself.

Wracking his brain, Fox went through what he could remember of his fellow pilot's dossiers. Himself and Kon were both bad ideas for obvious reasons. There was Colonel Brusilov, but the old marine might be a bit too heavy-handed of a solution. Gypsy was too much of a wildcard to be a reliable option... But Volana wasn't. Skilled enough to probably be a good teacher, the Cytherean was about the same age and build Stel. Someone similar enough to make for an easy connection but skilled enough to be taken seriously as a teacher. And perhaps most importantly, Volana was level-headed and confident without being overbearing.

Mentally filing that thought away, Fox's attention settled on Halim's Casket, the mass-produced Orbital pulling more than a few old memories out of the harsh depths of his mind. Noting a slight listing in the Casket's stance, a result of having spent too many years fighting with and against CSC Orbitals, the young man's face hardened in concern when he realized that the former BTF pilot hadn't sounded off yet. Pushing the Outrider into motion, the Exo-Frame skipped across the dune tops as it rapidly closed distance with the Casket. Aggressively forcing himself to remember Halim's BTF number, Fox adjusted his voice down a couple of octaves and hardened his tone. <<BTF-unit AGL-001, Status report. Now.>> Fox snapped off over comms, his synthetic voice hard and flat.
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