Avatar of FlitterFaux
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 480 (0.19 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. FlitterFaux 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current If it doesn't hurt it's not spicy enough.
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
7 yrs ago
Lol, site says I have no friends- wait a minute... I have no friends? Sad now.
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7 yrs ago
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The years behind me grow and become brighter whilst the years ahead shrink and become dimmer, providing me an excellent opportunity to use the word 'whilst'. Now I'm tired and can't think of anything else funny to say. Let's see, classy info dump should do. I am FlitterFaux this time around, I tend to get horribly busy (still am) and leave the guild sometimes for years at a time but I just can't stay away forever. I'm not awesome enough for advanced but fast paced one lining does not work for me either so casual is juuusst right. I'm a lady, possibly past 29 but don't ask which 29th birthday I'm at, I like rainbows which is good because they're hard to escape in Hawaii, I like fantasy and sci fi with liberal sprinklings of horror and drama, and I'm tired again. I'll finish the rest later. Edit: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the phone. I can start a private conversation... with myself!? Epic. Truly epic.

Most Recent Posts

~sings~ The first post is the biggest~~
Yrhen Oharra

Rail Station

The train station was mostly deserted save for a few railway personel and one unimpressive individual wearing what might roughly be considered a generic military uniform. The small figure had their arms crossed and tapped one foot impatiently, glaring at a much taller man operating a nearby telephone. This man seemed to be having an uncomfortable conversation with the person on the other end, and the mounting irritation of the one waiting on him only made things more unpleasant. With a 'yes sir' and an apology for the trouble the man on the phone finally hung up and turned to the person that had been waiting on that particular call. He opened his mouth and began to relay what he had been told, trying to work in an apology while he spoke.

"You're cleared to keep the rifle on your person as long as it remains unloaded at all times. I'm sorry for the delay, miss-"


The waiting Yrhen Oharra, a young woman who was not at all a soldier despite her choice of dress, interrupted the man before he could even finish speaking. She stepped forward and snatched up her prized 13mm anti armor rifle as the older man recoiled from her abrupt and aggressive approach. She slung the oversized gun over her shoulder and picked up her duffel bag with her free hand. With one last scathing look at the man she abruptly turned and set off at a very brisk walk. He watched her go and shook his head.

"When did kids get so scary? I hope my daughter doesn't turn out like that."


Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit- ow! DAMMIT!! I cannot be late for my first day, I just can't. First impressions! What kind of a mage shows up late to where they need to be? Yrhen thought of numerous curses as she ran down the path towards Mordhaben's Institute for Aspiring Mages, most of them directed at the man that had held her up so long at the rails. She had already been dead last off the train in the first place; by the time approval to carry her rifle came, every other passenger was long gone to attend the opening ceremony. Besides not wanting to be late because it was a standard she held herself to, the ceremony itself was important. At least it was to her. Just as she intended to make a good impression on her soon to be mentors, she hoped the Institute would leave a good first impression on her, too.

Up ahead, at last, she could make out the intricate front gates and an open space just beyond. That's it! I made it! With a burst of adrenaline fueled speed she quickly covered the remaining distance and ran past the open gates into the courtyard beyond. The empty courtyard.

Too late.

She slowed to a stop, the only sound apart from the rain her own boots hitting the stonework. She stood there, alone, crestfallen. Looking around it was plain to see there was not so much as one person here, not even a staff member to wait for potential late arrivals. She was just that far behind. She had missed her chance. The best she could hope for was that missing the opening ceremony did not count as a negative mark on one's record. Yeah right. If I could be so lucky I would have made it here on time.

She sighed and felt the full effect of the chilly weather as the adrenaline seeped out of her. It was very uncomfortable actually. She guessed it was just above freezing out here and the rain made it feel even colder. Some of the raindrops were still frozen when they reached the ground, ticking against the stone and her hat. Even her heavy coat did little to protect her from the icy chill in the air. The fact that it was so cold in turn brought her attention to the flowers planted around the courtyard.

"In this? How?"

She walked towards the beautiful blossoms, setting her duffel bag down gently as she neared. There was an impressive array of flora present, most of it unfamiliar to her. Some were wildflowers she did recognize, however, and she knew most of those only bloomed this well in warmer months. She knew it had been closer to summer weather just a few days ago but even just one day of this temperature should see some of them wilting. That these were so vibrant and healthy could only mean magic was at work here. But how? Is the the air near them kept warmer? Or are they enhanced to handle the cold better? She held a gloved hand just over the flowers, trying to feel any difference in temperature through the leather.

It wasn't the air at all but it did feel slightly warmer closer to the flowers. Resisting the urge to remove her glove altogether she touched a bright pink petal. Her eyes widened slightly when she did so. The flower itself was warm, notably so compared to the air. And yet the courtyard was not blanketed in a thick fog, either. The gardeners here are amazing. Such skill and attention to detail... The slightest smile came to her face as she gently caressed the beautiful plants, and took in their sweet mixed scents. Oh well. I may have missed the ceremony, but as much as that sucks... I still have this moment all to myself. All in all? Good first impression, Mordhaben.
Thanks to the combined contribution of overexcitement and a little encouragement I've decided to attempt to start posting :D We'll see how this goes. I'll try to leave things open ended enough Yrhen could be ignored or left behind if necessary. If I can't post in a given day it will be unlikely I can warn anyone.
Madock's fiiiine, don't worry. Lester though, wow, hehe

I guess that was just one bump too many and now chaos reigns! Shucks, I miss all the fun cafeteria fights
It seems literally bumping into people is a great way to meet someone and make friends. In RP at least. People just get angry at me whe it happens irl. Then again I'm not attending magic school irl (bummer)

Here's to hoping it's not much longer till I'm back online consistently :3
10:48pm here. Not that late at all. And Az probably won't even be awake for maybe another 4-5 hours. Hm.... things are relatively slow IC right now. Maybe it might be fine if I joined in now and just picked up the pace later. Nyeh, dunno about the wisdom there, though. Uncertainty abounds.
So a very amusing coincidence, or amusing at least as far as I'm concerned :3
@Eragon Far beit for me to judge, but thanks for the heads up.

Really I have to ask, Phillip M. Jackson? Did you make the name at random or was that intentional? Cause that guy is one of my favorite artists ever.
I DO like your thing. Fan of purple eyes and white hair in a big way. Trolls are also fun. Though your avatar upsets me on a deep, primal level...
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