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Sunset Manor
Oh! Now That's A Baseball!

Simon nodded in acknowledgement of Avenger's expert throw, not a hint of awareness of the use of Magecraft in the precision toss that the cyborg ninja had performed. And indeed, many souvenirs had been purchased, much revelry had been had, the trunk was filled to pack with miscellaneous bobbles and snowglobes that Simon had seen and bought/stolen shamelessly. And the ninja stars, couldn't forget the ninja stars. The CD clicked into place audibly as the intro to the CD started, a slow build up with pounding drums and screeching feedback for maximum impact. Phobia groaned as he realized just what was playing, was it too late to object?

Almost certainly.

Simon's head bobbed along with the tune, not so much because he enjoyed the edgy musings of the latest album from the hit band, but more so because it was annoying the living hell out of Phobia. Simon noticed Kullervo opening the glovebox out of the corner of his eye, turning his attention to the Avenger as he pulled out their map to check out the various landmarks they had circled and emphasized. Lots of casinos from Simon, places of strategic importance from Phobia as he insisted they were here for a reason besides getting drunk and gambling, whatever Kullervo found interesting. Probably edgy stuff, seemed to be his taste. This assumption was swiftly proven wrong as the Avenger pointed out his current interest, Shadow Rock Park. A park? Really? Well it did have shadow in the name, so maybe it was kind of edgy.

Nope, he wanted to play baseball. Eh, fuck it. "Never tried baseball out, suppose now's as good a time as any to hit something really hard!" Simon replied as he yanked the steering wheel to the right hard, just narrowly entering the exit ramp without hitting the divider. Some more cursing in the background from Phobia, another wild laugh from Simon as he went way over the speed limit, tearing through the city recklessly.

Soon enough they were at the park, despite the many near misses and car crashes they almost got into on their way there. Simon hit the emergency brake as he squealed to a stop, perfectly within the lines of an empty parking spot. Simon looked out the window and frowned, turning off the emergency brake as he moved forward ever so slightly. Yep. Just outside the parking lines now. Anyone who looked at his car would be mildly annoyed, but not enough to actually call someone to tow him. Perfection.

"You are a child." Phobia muttered as Simon hopped out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him and shoving the keys in his pocket. The trunk was popped open as Simon rummaged around looking for something, before emerging with a large polestaff and a satisfied grin.

"This should do! Alright, let's hit the park!" Simon cried out as Phobia fully receded into his shadow, too tired to bother arguing with his idiot of a partner. Baseballs of shadow were made, as well as an actual bat if Kullervo wanted one, with Phobia acting as the pitcher. Lights all around the park were shut off (smashed) to create a nice tense atmosphere, lots of shadows and darkness for the perfect ambiance. Simon would let Kullervo have the first swing as he stood off to the side, content with narrating as Phobia wound up the throw.

"Alright folks, looks like we've got a doozy of a game today! On the away team we've got Avenger, the freshly summoned Servant from who knows where, looking to knock one out of the park today, not a shred of mercy in his bones as he eyes the thrower down with a vengeance! And on the home team we've got the shadowy and mysterious Phobia, a real brooder in public, but not many know that in private he's an absolute downer and nobody wants him at parties-"

Phobia's "eye" twitched as Simon went on, leaning his throwing arm back as he stared at Kullervo. He rolled his shoulder, took a deep breath, cracked his non existent neck-


And the ball of darkness launched forwards at Kullervo, a quiet boom echoing through the area as the concrete shadow broke the sound barrier and rocketed forwards at Kullervo. Sheesh, what a weak throw.

Ah, dormitories. The living quarter of the college student, or highschool student if it was a fancy highschool. Regardless of whether it be highschool or college, dorm rooms always had at least one thing in common. They were incredibly cramped. Maybe a little bigger than your average bathroom when empty, but when you have to fit a bed and desk inside on top of all the other commodities you may wish to bring, there was usually barely enough room to get in and out of the room. It was a cruel reality no matter where you went, dorm rooms were small. Which brought us to now, where Rose had "moved in" to her rooming for the night. It was a miracle that they actually had an empty room for the pirate, she was fully expecting to have to bunk with Kanbaru or Akiko or something, but hey she wasn't complaining. More room for her in the end.

Furnishings are pretty barebones, desk, bed with a blanket and singular pillow, empty closet. Rose opened up the closet and grimaced, scratch the empty part, thing was filled with these dumb uniforms. Reminded her too much of prep school, stupid neck prisons she had to wear every day on top of a uniform that was either just too small to be comfortable or just too big to be worn without looking a little weird. She slammed the closet shut quickly, no point in looking in there. "Geez, they don't even have any TV in the room? What the hell do they expect me to do, go straight to sleep and wake up at a scheduled time for the crime olympics?" Rose complained aloud, jumping into the bed and landing on her back, spread eagle as she stared at the ceiling. Maybe ransacking the school for loot and treasures would count as a good enough crime to pass. Then she could get her revenge and some sweet cash to trade in at Cait's. And then she could load it all in on her newly acquired airship that they would definitely have. Yeah, that'd be cool.

"....the long face...."

The sound of a voice entered the room, or maybe it was always there to begin with. It was low, impossibly low, so low it was almost muted. "...hey little red...." But it was distinctively there, followed shortly by large, heavy pounds. They reverberated enough to sound as if they were breaking loose from Rose's skull-no wait, it was coming from the closet. "Hey, little red, let me out!" More pounding ensued.

Initially Rose brushed off the faint whispering coming from somewhere in the room, dismissing it as a figment of her imagination. Then the pounding started, which definitely got her attention as she let out a faux annoyed sigh. "Oh my god I literally just layed down." She muttered as she swung her legs over the lip of the bed, setting her feet down on the floor and standing up while she turned back to the closet. "If you're a monster in the closet or something, just know that I will stab you if you try to eat me." Rose said as she walked over to the door, yanking it open quickly and stepping back.

A flurrying coat drenched in black sputtered out from the closet, the figure nearly hopping on one foot to keep from tripping compeltely over. Rose making no motion to help didn't remedy matters. "Why I oughta...you kids have absolutely no respect for your elders!" said the Mysterious Dude. Pivoting on his heel, he pointed an accusatory finger at the pirate. "Here I was gonna blow your mind with my grand stunning entrance! But then you go off and shut the door on me! Talk about a mood." The Mysterious Dude shook his head in crossed fashion, clearly annoyed. But whether he was annoyed about his lack of an entrance or Rose trying to send him to a wall, who knew. Soon enough, he cleared his throat. "Ahem. I was going to say, "Why the long face litle red?" right up until you, as aforementioned, slammed the door in my face."

Well this was a surprise! Last thing Rose was expecting to see in the closet was the very Mysterious Dude who had first greeted everyone on their awakening in the Tower. Not an unpleasant surprise by any means though, the Mysterious Dude was much more fun than the other Mysterious Guy who had tried to kill them all. "Oh hey there Mysterious Dude! Long time no see, how's it been?" She asked, completely ignoring his complaints and sucking all the metaphorical wind out of his metaphorical sails. "Ah, I'm just kind of annoyed by this world. Bunch of stuck up weirdos in some Student Council trying to flex their power, managed to rope me and my crew into some kind of crime olympics. Which sounds fun and all, but it's annoying that I'm being forced to do it. You know what I mean?" Rose asked with a slight frown, before stepping back and taking a seat on "her" bed.

"It's like, yeah I'd love to do this kind of stuff normally. Competition for who can cause the most chaos and mayhem in one day, sounds awesome! I would sign up in a heartbeat! But when you're being forced to do something you would normally like, it kind of loses a lot of that luster, you know?"She rested her hand on one fist, looking very thoughtful in her musings.

"Oh you know, keeping an eye on you kiddos and all that fun stuff. Everyone else looked like they were having a nice flashback so I figured you'd have one too. Ignoring some of those other weirdos who just jump into the thick of things." With Rose taking a seat to the bed, the Mysterious Dude planted himself on the only actual chair in the room, taking the seat as his own. "Eh? But don't you love this sort of thing. I would have thought stealing and crime and bad guys was totally your jam! Besides, if you really wanted to do it for fun, you could have just signed up as a student like everyone else. You, uh, aren't a student right? I can't actually tell without your uniform on..."

"Oh nice, I hope their flashbacks are going well. Or at least Kanbaru's anyways." Rose noted offhandedly, before listening to Mysterious Dude's questions. "And I totally would, I would love this kind of stuff if I had a choice! But that's just the thing, I don't have a choice! Which pisses me off!" Rose complained, throwing her hands in the air in frusturation. "Like, Akiko didn't sign up as a student! The weird bard girl. But she's still being forced to participate in the crime olympics!" Was she a student? Kanbaru had ended up signing a lot of papers, many of which Rose was supposed to sign. Eh, she'd figure it out soon enough probably. "I dunno, I kinda let Kanbaru, the one with the blue hair and the keysword, sign a lot of those papers. I might be a student. Not wearing the uniform though. Uniforms are for nerds." She said with a sage like look on her face, nodding as if she was speaking an enlightened truth that anyone with a hint of common sense would know. "Regardless, it's just not the same if I don't have the freedom to choose whether or not I do the crime games. It just ends up feeling like some homework assignment, or even worse, a job." Rose shuddered at the word, absolutely disgusting.

"Oh, I see, I see. That does sound terrible." Mimicking Rose's movements, the Mysterious grasped his imaginary chin and nodded along to her words. "It sounds like you're stuck with a weird little group, especially Hex Girl and Sea Salt. That would put a bummer on things, wouldn't it." Another pause. "Well, maybe not as bad as you make it. You must be making all sorts of friends if you know them on a first name basis. Oooh, I'm almost jealous! Just thinking of all the kinds of girl talk and sleepovers you all host is...kind of creepy. But I bet it wouldn't be creepy in your line of business?"

"Weird is one way to put it yeah."Rose agreed, closing her eyes and sighing. A pacifist and a paperwork obsessed former student council member. It sounded like Kanbaru used to be a part of a student council anyways, or whatever the hell a Detention Club was. "Oh, I wouldn't say I'm really close with Akiko to be honest. Actually I kind of think we hate each other." Rose giggled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head as she thought on how she felt about Akiko. "Actually nah, I don't hate her. I don't really feel anything about her, I'm just not the kind of person who does honorifics."She said with a shrug, her expression going neutral. "My line of business? And what would you mean by that huh? I hope you aren't implying anything about me."Rose's face shifted to one of annoyance, looking at the Mysterious Dude seriously as she crossed her arms and waited for his response.

"....but what if you did hate her?" Like Rose, the Mysterious Dude's tone dipped to a low octave, ignoring her second set of questions altogether. "I mean, yeah, wouldn't it make sense? If you haven't gotten along by now, there's no telling when. Actually, now that I think about it, has she actually been helpful to the group so far? Oh sure, I think she saved you from being sold back in Exilia, but can she really take all the credit? I'm pretty sure you and Sea Salt had a plan, certainly no need to be rescued like damsels." The Mysterious Dude leaned forward, once again mirroring Rose and placing a fist against his cheek, if he even had one. "Not to pry or be rude, but frankly she doesn't seem quite cut for the job here. Even those other girls look like they want to be here or at least want some adventure. Can't say I get the same vibe from Hex Girl, you know?"

Rose listened to the Mysterious Dude intently, especially since it looked like he was actually getting serious. You could tell because he was using his serious voice. He did strike many good points, ones that she couldn't help but agree with. But... "Well I can't say you're wrong about a lot of this stuff. Akiko doesn't really do much aside from tag along, and it doesn't seem like she even wants to be on this adventure. But I still don't hate her." And why may that be? "Honestly, I just can't help but feel this overwhelming... apathy, towards the girl. Like she hasn't done anything particularly helpful or detrimental. She's just kind of around. It would be like hating a cardboard cutout in the background. I notice she's there occasionally, but for the most part I just ignore her and move on with whatever cool stuff I plan on doing. Like stealing an airship. You know if there's any airships in this city, I wanna steal an airship."

"Ah, so she's not even worth your attention. Pretty sure that's not what a friend would say." The Mysterious Dude raised a finger, wagging it in place. "Sure, she hasn't done anything now. Maybe she never will. But the way you talk about her, it sounds like she's not much fun to be around, let alone get along with. Not to say she could be the weakest link, but....how long is it gonna be before she repeats her slip up in Exilia?" The Mysterious Dude shrugged. "Clearly I don't know what I'm talking about, but it looked like you were having fun on that Floor. Well, maybe not the whole getting sold thing but the build up, hoooh, boy! And then it all just ended because Hex Girl showed up. How long's it gonna be before she ruins your fun again, eh? I wouldn't be surprised if she found some way to cheat you out of another adventure, the way she's going."

"Never said she was a friend." Rose said in a rather neutral tone. "If it ever gets to the point where she's actively annoying to be around, I'll just ditch her. I came to this Tower for adventure and fun, ditching my past life without a second thought in pursuit of the unknown. No way in hell am I gonna hang around with another boring person who just wants to play it safe and be a killjoy. Simple as that." She brushed off the matter pretty easily, not putting much thought into the question. Not much thought was needed here after all. If Akiko became boring, then Rose would just ditch her in the bar and continue adventuring with Kanbaru and Claire and whoever else she may find to add to the crew. "Way things are going now, I'd say we've got one or two floors before Akiko does something dumb and boring. But hey, I'd love to see her prove me wrong and shape up. Maybe she just needs to find a good reason to go on this adventure and I'm just not that reason. Whatever the case may be, she's not actively annoying me right now, so I don't hate her. And that's that." Rose's lifestyle was pretty simple all things considered, she discarded what she didn't like and held onto what she did like. The whims of a pirate were ever shifting, just like the tides she sailed upon.

"I gotta say though, you seem to have taken an awful personal interest in my relationship with Akiko. You have some kind of ulterior motive or something?" Rose turned the questioning back on the Mysterious Dude, a look of interest and a smirk on her face. "I'm not gonna get offended if you do, Mysterious Dudes like you always have ulterior motives when interacting with fresh adventurers. That's just how the plot goes in stuff like this. I don't expect you to tell me either, though I'd appreciate it if you did. Then I could be the suave and mysterious protagonist who knows just a little more than her companions at all times."

"Hey I'm just calling it like it is. She's the one who's never actually smiling." The Mysterious Dude waved his hand as if physically brushing off Rose's questions. "And besides, like you said, would I really tell you anything? You're not exactly the best role model to be a dashing protagonist to follow along." A pause then. "Unless....oh no, don't tell me...you...you've already figured it out! Oh, and I spent so much time trying to keep it a secret! There goes all my plans to totally ship you two! Yes, it would have been the perfect romance plot! Two heated rivals who can't see eye to eye, brough together by the trials of their adventures. Or maybe they come to a common agreement as they're ruthlessly captured, trapped and force to work together as young love blossoms whole!" By now the Mysterious Dude was waving his arms about frantically, further illustrating his point.

“Hail to think the fetching pirate would see through my schemes so easily. You’ve completely bested me.”

"Fair enough." Rose shrugged, raising her arms in a "what can you do" motion. And then the Mysterious Dude went on and on about his cheesy fanfic, prompting an exaggerated look of disgust from Rose. "Oh my god, ew!" She laughed, clutching her stomach mirthfully as the Mysterious Dude kept talking. "Yep, I caught you in the act completely. No awe inspiring tales of romance and blossoming love for you now, you showed your hand too early!" Rose stood up, pointing an accusing finger at the Mysterious Dude's "face" in much the same way he had earlier, a stern look on her face. Until it cracked less than a second later as she started laughing again. "You are such a weirdo!"Rose laughed, before hopping back on the bed, laying down once more and turning to look at Mysterious Dude from the side. "Hey, while I've got you here actually. Do you know what was up with that one guy we met a little after we started adventuring? They were wearing the same outfit as you, but they were trying to kill us. Couldn't even touch the guy." She questioned, curious if the Mysterious Dude would answer even that. Probably not, but it was worth a shot regardless.

"Eh? Some guy who looks like me?" The Mysterious Dude vividly jumped in place, looking about as if checking his own shadow. "Woah, super creepy! Couldn't tell you, must have been someone I passed wise words of wisdom to secondhand. Or some fanboy." Once more the Mysterious Dude waved his hand, dismissing the matter. He did this for a few seconds, only to stare at Rose; or rather, stare in the sense he could if he could. "It'd be wise to keep out of his way. Who knows if he'd be nice enough to let you go the next time," he spoke, words reverting back to his 'sage' mode, so to speak. "Course, a feckless adventurer like you would probably enjoy a dramatic end to your tale. You junkie sorts live for that kind of thing. Actually, I'm pretty sure I warned you not to go through that door anyway so you all have yourselves to blame." He actually didn't, but didn't bother to point this out.

"Ah of course, must be completely unrelated to you." Rose said with the most unconvinced look possible on her face, but she wasn't gonna press the issue further. The Mysterious Dude would say what Mysterious Dudes said, if she was lucky it might be something she even wants to hear. Luckily for her, he absolutely did follow up with some actual good advice! "Alright, I'll take note of that. And hey, there won't be any kind of dramatic end to my tale!"Rose pointed a thumb at her chest as she said this, coupled with a rather proud expression as she continued. "My story will never end! A Neverending Story, if you will." Indeed, her journey would only continue forwards and up, all the way until she reached the top of this Tower. And then after that, she would ascend to the sky, and the stars above. When down wasn't an option, the only way one could go was up.

"Well, you've got your work cut out for you," said the Mysterious Dude, rising up from his seat and stretching. "Just like you've got a long day tomorrow Ruby, long day indeed. Or is it night? You know, I don't think there's actually a sun on this Floor, huh. Well, I'll leave you to it then, writing your own story. Or whatever. Shame we couldn't discuss how shady Sea Salt is, or what's really at the top of this Tower." He was already walking back to the closet. "Actually, is this even a Tower to begin with? Who knows, who knows." He was at the door. "Later than little red. Seriously, you should keep an eye on that Sea Salt freak. Yeeesh she's got skeletons in her closet!" Much like how he was inside Rose's, shutting the door, gone from sight.

Rose hummed in agreement, much work to be done indeed. And hey, she'd found a way to entertain herself until she decided to go to sleep. Good stuff Rose. Was there a sun on this Floor actually? Hm, she would have to keep an eye out for that. It'd probably freak everyone out if she like, threw a giant fireball in the air to act as a sun. If she could do that. Which she can't. The little teases of mystery from the Mysterious Dude were met with a noncomittal hum, though they were shuffled away for later questioning when they met up again.When, not if. An important distinction, as there was no way they wouldn't meet again down the line. The Mysterious Dude opened the closet and stepped in, throwing out one last piece of advice before shutting the door, mysteriously. A long period of silence passed, Rose staring at the ceiling and pondering many things. Such as...

"Just out of curiousity, are you just hanging out in the closet, or did you do some magic to disappear?" She asked aloud, really hoping the Mysterious Dude would awkwardly answer her. That would be a very funny end to her night.

"....go to sleep kid.
Sunset Manor
Fashionably Late To The Party

There was much to do in the City of Sin, and little time to do it. Many of the Master and Servants had surely shown up ahead of time, setting up their Workshops, making what preparations they could to tip the odds in their favor. Calculating innumerable possibilities and pruning undesirable variables, taking hold of the Leylines that littered the city, anything and everything they could to make use of what little time they had. So surely the final pair to arrive had taken similar precautions, prepared extra well for the coming battles. Hence why they had shown up so late. Right?

Not even close.

"You could have paid for those you know. You had literally no reason to steal them. You have a credit card with no limit, you have bought every single dumb thing that's caught your eye." A set of red eyes peered from a shadow on the back seat, stern and annoyed with the driver of the Mercedes Benz. Simon didn't bother responding, too pleased with his newly acquired sunglasses as he drove down the highway at speeds that were most certainly unsafe and against the law.

"They were five dollars Simon. Five dollars. And you took them without paying, for no reason whatsoever." A set of crossed arms emerged from the shadows, really laying it on thick on how disappointed he was with his partner. Simon finally sighed as he took off the sunglasses, an exasperated look on his face as he turned to look over his shoulder at Phobia.

"I don't know why you're still on about this Phobia, this was an hour ago. What do you want me to do, turn around and give the sunglasses back?" Simon asked as he took a hand off the wheel to motion questioningly, much to the chagrin of Phobia.


"Relax man, I'm not crashing into anything, there's not a single car on the road." Simon rolled the steering wheel to the left slightly, just narrowly avoiding careening off the road and into the desert as he barely stayed on the asphalt.

""YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT!" Phobia roared, a shadowy hand reaching over and smacking Simon in the side of the head before forcing him to look back at the road.

"Ow! There's no need to fucking slap me you bastard!" Simon complained as he rubbed the side of his head, eyes on the road as he grumbled under his breath about grumpy shadows. Phobia growled for a moment, before stopping and sighing in the most tired tone he could muster.

"God, you know what, forget it. Whatever, you're right, too late to give em back." Phobia sunk back into the shadows, leaving the car in an awkward silence as Simon continued to drive. Things continued like this for a few minutes, nothing but the sound of the engine and wheels rumbling over a shitty road.

"...you are such a fucking baby." Simon muttered as he took off the sunglasses and tossed them out the window, the accessory now tainted by Phobia throwing a temper tantrum over it. "You can turn on the radio if you want dude. Just don't play anything shitty." Simon said as he looked to the passenger seat, where his Servant was sitting and doing... something. Simon hadn't been paying much attention to the guy admittedly, spending more time driving and arguing with Phobia then had actually talking to his new companion.

"Don't listen to him, play whatever you want. If it were up to him the only radio station in existence would be classic rock." Phobia piped up, the shadowy creature emerging once more to start digging through the many plastic bags all over the floor of the backseat.

"Oh shut the fuck up, you like violin bullshit you have no right to talk." Simon shot back, his eyes darting to the rearview mirror to check on Phobia. "Hey you better not be eating my fucking chips."

Phobia did not bother responding as he took out a bag of Fritos, tearing it open and grabbing a handful as he flipped off Simon. Such was the norm for the two, constant arguing and insults being flung back and forth throughout the entire drive.

"And for the record, classic rock is badass. Queen knew how to fucking rock."

And so the bloodshed began, the guards of the prison fighting to avenge their fallen and to throw the wannabe escapists back into cells where they belonged, permanently this time. But the numbers were on the side of the wolves this time, 5 to 1 at least as the groups began their clash. Chyrseis would find himself met by three werewolves at once as they rushed him, one with a sword and shield in paws to keep the mighty beat at bay while the other two were armed with spears from a slight distance, jabbing at the lion whenever they saw an opening.

Jukati's wanton slaughter caught the attention of much of the swarm as well, most of the group diverting their attentions to deal with what they saw as the clear biggest threat. If Jukati was particularly keen eared she may have even heard the subtle sound of string stretching as several wolves on top of the fortress walls pulled back their bowstrings, arrows aimed directly at the rampaging oni as they let loose. She would certainly have at least a moment to react as the wolves backed away in unison to avoid the shower of arrows, their pack tactics honed sharply enough that they could tell what their teammates were doing without even speaking.

Noire would have to deal with the leftovers then, only three other wolves who were approaching the cat with caution. "Alright kitty, be a good girl and die quickly will ya?" The lead snarled, before one of his companions jabbed him in the ribs with their elbow. "Don't be a fucking idiot Derick. This is the one we heard about." That last part was a somewhat fearful whisper, seems that Noire was a bit infamous among the wolves.

The wolf fled of course, leading the group of prisoners directly to the fortress of the werewolves and the still lakes there. Rafiq kept looking nervously at Noire, rarely taking their eyes off of the cat for more than a second at a time as they ventured forth. So of course Rafiq would quickly volunteer to get the hell away from this damn cat, to sneak into the fortress and open the doors from the inside. As they stopped, a howl echoed through the caves. A single sorrowful tone that pierced the silence of the cave. Another howl joined in, followed by another and another. From sorrow to rage, the wolves howled in unison as the gates opened, releasing a veritable swarm of werewolves charging at the group, these ones with much better equipment. "I think the wolf told his boss we were coming. Told, informed, disclosed." Rafiq whispered to the group as they disappeared, taking the opportunity to get in quickly while the rest of the group distracted them. Gone were the splintered spears and rusty swords, while this wasn't top of the grade equipment by any means it was most certainly better than the garbage those patrols had been using. The gates closed behind the swarm quickly, only the slightest opportunity for Rafiq to sneak in and begin their work while the others began the fight.

Looks like they would be stalling for time while Rafiq figured out how to get the gates open. Fun stuff.
Utena Soriyu

Utena smiled quietly as she felt her lines go suddenly slack, knowing for a fact that was likely Diva transforming and escaping somehow with Terrorkeat in tow. It was for the best really, she didn't know what the commander would do with two restrained GMGs, all that pent up anger and frustration... ok maybe she kind of wanted to know. But that was besides the point! A distant yelp shook the world as Utena exited the fog bank, looking to the sky where it came from and seeing... nothing. How odd.

The sound of a low chirp stole her attention as she looked over to Akari, her eyes widening a tad as she saw the captured Terrorkeat. Shit. Shit shit shit, that was not supposed to happen. Akari's voice crackled to life in the comms, asking what they were supposed to do with the giant bird now that they had captured her, command was probably going insane right now trying to figure out what to do. They had never actually caught a GMG before, only ever driven them off, so this was a major victory for them all in all. It was also going to be a major turning point, they were going to expect more and more captures now that they had gotten one, life was going to get a lot crazier for everyone soon enough.

Utena landed in front of Terrorkeat's face quickly, her face wrinkling with concern as she held herself back from touching the GMG's face. "I'm sorry about this. I'll make sure they treat you right, you just gotta play along with everything for now." She whispered, before turning her comms on herself. "Alright crew, I know you're all in a celebratory mood but now's not the time to get sloppy. Get some cranes, clear a path to HQ, hopefully we have a warehouse big enough to store our "guest" until we can build better accommodations. Move!" She ordered, whipping the MFF into a frenzy as she layed out the gameplan for now.

Rose payed little attention to what Kanbaru was signing up for, more than trusting her 2nd mate to not do something ridiculous and sign her up for some ridiculously packed lesson plan in the hopes of turning her into a pirate lord. She would really hate that.

So the graduation ceremony was the world's biggest crime spree. Rose could get behind that, maybe she could finally cut loose and have some real fun around these parts. Of course Kanbaru and her had the same idea at the same time, gotta steal an airship, Rose was in desperate need of a proper vessel.

Claire stepped away to grab a uniform, Rose looked thoroughly unimpressed as she rested her hands behind her head. "If you think you're getting me into a uniform you've got another thing coming." She said aloud as she looked at Iona, her look particularly challenging as she stared down the fake angel. But her mood brightened when Claire asked their plans. "Well I'm glad you asked my fellow thief slash ne'er-do-well! Our first and foremost plan is to of course discover where the airships are in this city! But perhaps we shouldn't discuss our plans in front of the judges. Don't wanna spoil our surprises right?" She winked mischievously, before popping out of her chair and stretching her arms.

"Alright gang, let's get a move on. Caprice, Akiko, you can have fun in the BDSM dungeon if you want, maybe I'll visit, but we pirates need to get moving. So if you're coming with, it's now or never." She remarked to the two as she walked towards the door, before stopping and turning back to the president and Iona. "Now where the hell are the dorms?"
I'm in, even have a Master idea already plotted out.
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