Avatar of Forett
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 210 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Forett 9 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current So let me get this straight... I get immortality and all you want is to let me let you kill me... in order to GIVE me said immortality... Is this one of those cult things? Cult of the Dragon? I guess.
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2 yrs ago
Oh come now, Fetzen! There is plenty of room to grow. Just think of each little atrocity as a landmark along your road to damnation- real or otherwise! There is no shame in imagining your success.
2 yrs ago
Up your standards. Don't kidnap princesses, go after Queens! Don't burn villages, burn cities! Be the violence you want to see in the world!
2 yrs ago
"I have once more risen from my year long slumber to find that gold does in fact walk off on its own..."
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4 yrs ago
I can't believe I'm Roleplaying on a forum again. Cheers to the fun time!


It has been four years since this changed! WOW.

Anyway, I am a very chill person that gets their kicks DMing in the world of 5e dungeons and dragons. I had to leave this place of fantasy due to school and then work, but I have returned for the foreseeable future. I have divulged into the realm of Sci-fi since I was last on this site and must say that I am a big fan of all the wonderful settings available! From War hammer age of sigmar (Or 40k) to pokemon I have quite the pallet for roleplay. If you have an idea please don't be afraid to let me know! I match the post length of my partner. If you type six paragraphs, I will type six, if you one line me, I will one line you. Thats about everything you need to know. Don't be shy!

Most Recent Posts

I wonder...

Thymund White

Thymund would maintain his smile as they passed the whispering crowds and individuals. Thymund’s titles were simple and mysterious. His titles were not official, yet the King himself seemed to regularly task him to various ends. Thymund was rumored to be a hunter under guise of fey magic, capable of wielding black iron and silver without being harmed… likewise, it was also rumored that he was the King’s son. Neither rumor was true to anyone with auspicious relation to Falk. Without the rumors, the truth known of Thymund was laughably simple; Most of the deaths that have befallen important individuals that have lost favor with Falk met their end after the appearance of Thymund White. As true as could be, his presence was either an Omen of dire meaning, or a blessing of anomalous origins.

While there were plenty of grave stories involving Thymund, there were also stories of his involvement in the defense of several individuals. His perception was his weapon, if nothing else was. “You have indeed traveled far, though you do not seem busy with any matters other than your summons.” Thymund would speak on Kaeleer’s appearance, his eyes staying forward as the two continued to walk along the bridge. “Though I would comment on what urgencies you may have, Kaeleer, I would not wish to become involved. Your loyalty to Falk is apparent, however your definition of what is urgent is far more easily questioned.” It was unclear if Thymund was insulting him.

Thymund would clarify by continuing. “Enjoying a task always seems to derive any urgency from the subject… It makes the task simple, though not always easy I feel.” Thymund spoke of his own tasks, not Kaeleer’s, though he did not specify so. “Your calling could be said the same, Kaeleer. A general being called from across the realm would leave a great deal of questions among those that whisper.” Thymund would glance at Kaeleer out of the corner of his eyes. Thymund had always enjoyed this individual’s company. Kaeleer was not one to shy himself away from anyone nor was he afraid to speak openly of his intentions. These were rare traits to witness so close to the Dark Tower.
post is up bae

Thymund White

Thymund’s semblance to a human was strange in the way the he spoke. His voice, despite his size, carried a strange tone that seemed to fall ever so slightly deeper than it should for Kaeleer. Thymund was never one to seem intimidating within the courts. It was strange that an individual like Thymund had the authority that he did. His eyes did not line up in color or in likness with any known fey, however this alone was not a giveaway. His talent for always being present before or around something of great importance was almost as well known as he.

Thymund did not react to being touched as Kaeleer grabbed his shoulder lightly. He would smile as he was greeted, persisting through the comments of Thymund’s knack for showing up before significant events. Thymund felt strange to touch for the general. Despite being a foot shorter and slightly smaller, the man was un-naturally tough to the touch. “Omens come in many forms, though I do not think myself an omen today.” Thymund would speak with a little poise now that he was in proper company.

After listening to the story of the human who had to be “retrieved” Thymund was interested in the sudden story change. He remembered that Kaeleer found favor in death and cruelty. He let the man continue to speak. It was after he finished that Kaeleer gave away the information Thymund had wanted to know. “I did not, though I presume that you are on your way to give audience to Falk at the Dark Tower in that case?” Thymund would look up at Kaeleer as they walked. “Though this does answer my question if you are; As well as to give you proper escort to the Dark Tower.” Thymund would say as they continued to keep pace. “This aside, I see you have been doing well given your attendance to such events.” This statement sounded like it should have been a question, however Thymund was quick in his conversations at times. “You have been doing well, have you not?”
I have been lurking here for quite a while and never put any thought into attempting to post a character here. I found myself reading into several different fights at several different levels and greatly enjoyed the read. I guess I found myself slowly getting pulled into this tiny little part of the forums. I pushed myself back out, telling myself that power-gaming would be a very big problem here... but after reading the forums I can say that in most cases it is not. The fights are won with experience and planning, not with a single overwhelming blow. (Or in most cases, anyway.)

I have an interest and want to spin up a character. I do not want to start off with some robo-mega-cyborg-mage with a flamethrower-rotary-explosivechainsaw-launcher, but I would like to start off with an above average cookie cut character to see if I like the style of the forum. I have read up on a few of the 'rule ups' on the site and am still very unclear on what is expected here. (thanks to @Doc Doctor and whoever put up the eight zones of combat. I seemed to have misplaced your name.)

SO whoever wants to have a little rp to teach a guy whats up that would be awesome.
Unrealistic seems to be a common theme around here, but I am up for whatever. I am educated on basic human anatomy, weapon based combat, beasts of war and magic. (maybe not that last one.) I have not made a real character yet because I do not want to make a character for a specific forum to find out that I do not like it or simply do not find it fun. Here are the little cut out bases I have decided I can throw out there;
1: Basic man with sword
2: A fighter of different levels straight out of the DnD manual. (above average man)
3: A dualclassed character straight out of the DnD manuals. (Near super human)
4: A super-racial creature classes like a human in DnD manuals. (Super-human)
5: An ancient chromatic dragon of random color. (Requires super human party to deal with normally, so I reckon a pretty powerful character?)
6: Putin (Not recommended)

I can also sub in things for a more modern setting. I will use DnD as a base simply because it has a very easy to read and define power level for what is average and what is above average. While that is not the norm here, I am just using it as an example to help myself until I actually know.

The setting can be discussed, but something along the lines of my character being removed from a 'normal' life and having to deal with their new situation. Post here or PM me.

Thanks for the read,

Post up.

Thymund White

Thymund would fold the letter after reading it, sliding the parchment into what would appear to be thin air. He had been summoned by Falk to the Dark tower. How convenient it was that a person of interest was heading the same direction. Kaeleer Savant, A general if Thymund remembered correctly, was making his way to the highroads. Jessamine did not often show interest in people. When she did it was normally nothing of consequence, however it also never lasted for long. This individual had broken these bounds and in doing so had captured Thymund’s attention.

Thymund would notice that he was not being sneaky around the same time the individual spotted him. Without secrecy there was little point in attempting to change face. Thymund would begin to approach Kaeleer openly. He was on the path Thymund had to take, and why travel alone? “What an interesting face to see so far away from home.” Thymund’s usual tone would crisp the air as he spoke near Kaeleer. “A pleasure to know that it is a familiar one, Kaeleer. I wonder if you are going to the same place I am.” Thymund would say after allowing Kaeleer to see who is speaking to him. If Kaeleer did not stop walking, Thymund would keep pace so long as his path stayed on course with the Dark tower.
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