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    1. FoxFire 8 yrs ago


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Current Finally back, this semester was extremely rough on me. I even had to annul it.
6 yrs ago
I'm back again after the holidays, I'm sorry to everyone that had to wait for me.
7 yrs ago
Would anyone be up for a Steampunk Westeros RP after the events of the series are just another part of history?


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@Cyclone I can also work on a map if you still need someone to apart from @TheArhive. Also, shoutout to him/her if he/she want to collaborate.
Well, I have this general overview of the planes of existence that might be useful if we want to call upon powers beyond the realm of base reality. It is just an idea and can be used as a base for later things but I remember it being well recived in its original worldbuilding thread.

From the top, orderly, to the bottom, chaotic, these are the general characteristics of the planes:

Fundamentals' Plane: Beyond the laws of physics exists this plane, while completely uncomprehensible for mankind, it is theorized that here the laws of mathematics and physics are replaced by the laws of phylosophy, where the Gods of the Gods are reduced to ideas and what would be Gods for other planes are as simple as elemental particles.

Corporeal Ideas' Plane: Similarly to the other plane, this plane supposedly consistis of ideas and thoughts, priniciples, laws and theorems given shape and form.

Basic Forces' Plane: This plane is much more concrete in the sense that there are no abstract ideas here that are given shape and form, but physical laws.

Greater Spirits' Plane: It contains from Gods to the most powerful of the spirits of nature. Forces that have mind on their own have also a place here. It is said that here is the last place that a normal human can reach while remianing fully human.

Human Spirits' Plane: Here inhabit the spirits of any creature that isn't a God but has a conciensce of itself. It is composked of many worlds both heavenly, hellish and everything in between. Apart from that, it has its own ecosystem.

Lower Spirits' Plane: Here inhabit the spirits of creatures without conciensce of themselves but that are aligned towards orderly more than chaotic. It could be called the lowest spiritual realm.

The Known and Unknown Lands: The human plane, though it isn't only inhabited by humans. Other, sometimes magical, self-aware creatures reside here too. Worlds range from Earth-like, such as Järvien, to higher-dimensional labirynths, passing through acuatic worlds, desertic planets, continents swimming in seas of clouds instead of being surrounded by seas and so on and so forth.

Negative Lower Spirits' Plane: Here inhabit the spirits of creatures without conciensce of themselves but that are aligned towards chaotic more than orderly.

Chthonic Plane: Here are found the chaos-aligned spirits that possess self-awareness and minor chaotic Gods.

Exiled Gods' Plane: The main Gods of chaos inhabit this plane, many say that they are also prisoners of it as they are too harmful to roam free.

Chaos Plane: It contains chaos itself given life and shape, these, while also ideas given form, are of chaotic nature and are perhaps the reason of existence of probability instead of determinism in all of the other worlds in the same manner that is likely that the laws of physics exists because they are reflections of the upper orders' planes.

Eldritch Plane: Beyond all understanding, here lie and roam ever-ravenous the Eldritch Abominations.

Also, for the Solar system, do you recommend naming the celestial bodies, the planets and moons with a shallow characterization and then their role in myths much mroe in depth, something like this:

Or something in the middle?
I'm interested.
@Kenaron Yes, we'd be starting from the cosmology and an empty map, then progressing forwards. If it gets stuck though, I can always go back to my folder of "failed" previous projects and pull something out to push us into the right direction, though should people not want that unilateral creation, I would just create something new.

As it stands, I have many resources at my disposal such as basemaps and some species previously designed.
Hello, I come to you in this day because I have already tried to create a setting several times and most of those times the interest waned down and died until there was no more, then the ideas faded in time. I was trying to rise a world and a cosmology from the very base of the tectonics of the planet. We, in other sites, created continents and islands, climates, rivers, and the primordial mythology, but when the time came to create the first civilizations, most of the projects crumbled. I'm interested in knowing if there is a place for world-building in that manner here in RPGuild and "in that manner" I mean with ecosystems, tectonics, river systems, climate, population migratory routes, habitats for the main animals that interact with mankind and so on. If there is not so much, then I think we can take a map we've already made in some of the projects before and use some of the base we already had.

Edit: This is a fantasy project, somehow I forgot to state it in the OP. However, unlike many fantasy settings, technology progresses with time in the same manner that it does in our world so eventually we'll be seeing a sci-fi and fantasy environment for example.
Hello, @Run9 , I hope this is still open and if it is, that I can be a part of it. I had a similiar project, no, several of them, die out in other sites; however, I'm still interested in making a world out of collaborative imagination prosper. If you want to I can bring parts of those projects here or invent something from the ground up: as I said before, this is exactly what I'm looking for.
Welcome to the Big Apple

An Alternate Fallout 4

When in 2277 the Lone Wanderer emerged from Vault 101 at the age of 19, the Wasteland saw just another young man destined to suffer and have his hopes shattered in the unforgiving harshness of the former capital of the United States, in less than a year though, he would take Capital Wasteland by storm and neutralize most of the main threats of the former Washington D.C.

By the end of the year 2279 I was born. My father had died of radiation poisoning a few months after taking on the Enclave and succeeding and my mother had assumed the command of the Brotherhood of Steel, East Coast Chapter.

In the year 2306, at twenty-seven years of age, I was invested with the title of Elder, nearly a decade after my mother’s death in a reconnaissance mission to New York. Twenty years later the Brotherhood of Steel of the East Coast has splintered away from the one of the West Coast despite all my efforts. Their fanaticism about their ideal of technology over everything else and their new, almost religious leaders have made it impossible for us to remain on one side any longer. We are alone this time. However, we aren’t weak any longer, what my family and I have built for the Brotherhood is stronger and truer than ever. We have started to push outwards in all directions. Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Albany, Boston, Providence, Portland, Detroit… In that order we took them and stablished bases.

The Brotherhood is now almost a nation, or so many like to think. But in the last few years we have been in grave danger… The water we supply and its trade network, our lifeblood and the thing that keeps most of the wastelanders on our side has been disrupted. Violently. In a year we have been forced to abandon Detroit, Buffalo and Portland. Our central command in West Point has been threatened from the south by a charismatic figure, a leader that has united many tribes under her fist.

After all we have done, we are afraid. The battle for our survival, the survival of the values of the old U.S., will be fought soon and I am afraid because war… War never changes.
Elder Elizabeth Lyons Journal

Character Sheet

*This was an idea by SeaBos on Alternate History, I just gave it my own touch with his permission.

I present you my faction.
@The Grey Dust Thanks.

There was another communication error for which I should apologize too. I never claimed the entire Solar System for me only to use. I simply wished to create a background for all of us to operate, the problem arose when I said that "I would let you have time" instead of saying something along the lines of "all free but if we take too long I would like to complete what's missing".
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