Avatar of FoxSoxs
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    1. FoxSoxs 6 yrs ago


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@Ammokkx I saw this from the interest check and I think I'd like to play the Dark dorm. When I was younger I'd love using the cyberdark dragon cards so I might just work that in after some research. Although, you mentioned it was slow, but last IC post was 20 days... That's more than what I call slow, almost a month. So, if it is confirmed that it will be more active if we get another person than I'll throw up a CS for sure.

Also a question; The universe's tone is similar to the OG Yugioh, right? Like people being upset by how they 'treat' their cards and are generally over dramatic about a card game. Also this kinda mythical element that deals with the cards? It was mentioned how the God cards are a big deal, so I assume the latter is true. Sorry, if the word Tone isn't helping you understand. It's kinda hard for me to explain what I mean, but looking back on the shows(I only kept up to GX) I'm talking about how the story played out until that end.

Silver approached his final Guild's hall. He hadn't been on in almost a whole month due to work, but he called off sick just for today. He owed Yggdrasil that much. With the game coming to an end he could only imagine what he would play now. He heard that a group has already been extracting player info and the world itself. Making a free to play MOD that only requires the original download, which of course they had archived as well. Regardless it wouldn't be close to the real game even if it was true. The amount of legal trouble and even server support the group needed was too much of a task for a bunch of jobless programmers. Regardless, even if he could continue once the game had truly ended, he couldn't. Life was already becoming too busy to play video games and didn't look to let up in the foreseeable future. This probably would be his final game and his final moments in it. He tried to cherish it as much as he could.

As he made his way into the Grand Arce Bellum, Silver observed some of the other people who had came to say their goodbyes. Some were celebrating their time while it lasted, some looked like they didn't care, and others looked sad to see their beloved game end. Silver's face under his Emerald armor was quite neutral. He came to pay gratitude and due to his life being so active he honestly didn't care all that much or at least not as much as he would years ago. His matte Green Armor stood out like many others, but the few who didn't know of him looked in awe at the armor. Most of the population had never seen it, although their was many other extremely rare items that were hidden in the game. Not all of them had been claimed either. Hidden in the World space in unmarked locations. Silver found his by accidentally falling down a large hole and crashing into a Iron casket while exploring.

Ignoring the stares, he came to a statue that was formed in the image of their Emperor, MaxedUltra. A golden plaque was positioned at the bottom with the words:Mors Inimicos Nostros. He chuckled a little to himself after reading it. In a mostly PVE Guild they had "Death to our enemies" as their motto. He bit his tongue to not make his laughter apparent and then kneeled down in his typical role playing fashion. Raising his blade to the statue in salute. Offering the Man thanks for the time he had given to the The Empire of Order. Looking at his Green Sword he began to voice his thanks out loud. "Thank you Emperor, for the Friends I have made. The battles I have fought. The accomplishments I have achieved. It is all coming to an end, but I for one am thankf-".

"Silver is that you?!". A familiar voice had interrupted Silver. While it did bother him for a moment, he quickly recognized the voice. It was the player known as M00nG00. He was a old Friend and fellow Empire PVPer. Well, everyone in the PVP group were friends. It was a smaller section of the guild so at any point they had all fought with or against one another. "Indeed, it is Brother" Silver replied in his Boom of a voice before rising from his knees and replacing his sword. "Jezz man. Even when the game has just a few hours you keep up that role playing shit. Whatever, it's not like it will matter anytime soon. So Girl, how about we have a friendly duel? Hmm? See if the 'Emerald Knight' still holds up to the legend?". Silver stood straight. Staring at the statue for what he assumed was the Final time. "If you wish to embarrass your self in front of the guild one last time, let us begin!".

The two met just in front of the Guild Hall. They began to circle each other, weapons at the ready. A mini crowd formed around them to see the battle. Some not even hearing the challenge, but curious never the less.
@Letter Bee

Exactly what @NPC said. Having a non-combat model go to dead war zones to retrieve other Mechs to save their Core and anything else they can salvage. Sounds like the best way to save money. Still, I do understand where you're coming from. If you still don't like the Idea I'll change it to just being a Fighter Mech.
I got a Mech concept I want to run by you before I work on the Character. It was orginally a Salvage Mech used to haul broken down Mechs so their respective Companies could minimalism costs on destroyed mechs or used to rescue Mech's who were critically injured. While it wasn't originally used for combat, it has been Jerry-rigged by my WIP char for combat use. If it' good I'll provide a more detailed history section on it later.

Im in!

Oh, sorry. I didn't mean for him to be thee Champion. I meant it more like he was well known for being one of the PVP dudes. Not the top and he held no leadership role, but just one of the guys the Guild could depend on if need be. His renown also travels outside his guild. His armor being extremely rare due to the only way you could get it being if you traveled to an unmarked spot titled the Tomb of the Jade Knight. It made him naturally shine outside others which is how he got his title Emerald Knight. Probably shoulda added that last bit.
Ok my knight. I also have a DPS Mage if everyone would like that. Although making one is harder due to the sheer level of Magic shown in the lore and having to write every single one down orginal or not.

This sounds really cool! I'd like to join, but if I can talk about the armor. I get why we you would want us to be uniformal, but the armor would be a (I'd even say big) part of our character customization. There is only Three classes from what I can tell and I assume the Weaponry will be quite Basic as well. I can see you're being cautious overall especially the post you talking about players trying to outplay you with . Maybe a little more freedom with Character Customization, might not be a bad thing if you can set broad standard?

On the armor, meh. I mean even IT was designed to be a WIP (2012 Destiny Concept art). To me it look too ceremonial. Unless that is the look you were going for, but from what I gathered we're more of a Space SWAT. My suggestions:

On the Emblem it does seem a little too Military/Paramilitary. Here is a suggestion of an Image:

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