Avatar of Frengo
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 734 (0.23 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Frengo 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Wont be around today, too busy dying from this massive hang over. Sorry guys!
8 yrs ago
This is asking for an RP in which the Southend-on-Sea furniture bots battle for control with the Korean casino bots, in an ultimate struggle that will destroy the world.
8 yrs ago
Suddenly building some kind of wall doesn't seem like a bad idea. Vote Frengo 2016 for RPG President.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Is it sad that I bought a 10yo Netbook from Ebay with the sole intent of using it just to write my RP posts?
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8 yrs ago
Sea Gorillas are not a "personal" issue, and affect the entirety of mankind. It's morons like you that prevent social and cultural progress.


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@Mr Allen J Oh come on man, we've all been there. We've all at one point or another in our RP lives attempted to insert Space Raptors into an RP. Don't act like you don't know my struggles.
When you make some top quality AAA original content with Space Raptors, but everyone just laughs at you :'(
Randomonium: The Walking Freds

(Featuring Space Raptors)

The Freddening

Fred Tinkleman was the universal archetype of your average 17 year old ginger afro'd, thick framed glasses wearing, spotty faced, World of Warcraft spamming geek. He was bullied relentlessly at school, and he faired little better at home no thanks to his foot ball loving/gym freak step-dad. Most of his hours, as many as he could get away with, were spent locked away safely in his fortress - well, his bedroom, where he would engage with other like minded individuals online and look at pictures of cats in funny poses.

And then during a six hour google binge, he accidentally stumbled upon the means to divide zero by zero, which promptly started a world wide cataclysm with er... rather unexpected results.

Fred Tinkleman came forth from his bedroom on a routine hunt for doritos, unaware of what his trivial actions had just set in motion. As it happens, he was immediately confronted by his step-dad, who got him in a head lock and started the usual barrage of insults he was known for.

And then Fred bit his arm, and his step-dad became him. That is to say, there were now two Freds.

And thus dawned the end of the world.

Three weeks after the Freddening, much of the world lies in ruins. Cities have become Fredyards, and the rural areas fair little better. There is no industry, no governments - nothing. Just Freds. Lots, and lots of Freds.

And they are angry.

Bands of survivors (non-Freds) are roaming about, trying to find safety, but they are out numbered by the Fred 10 to 1, and there's not enough ammo in the world to put Fred to Bed. Instead, they search for a safe haven, somewhere with strong enough walls that the multitudes of the Fred cannot hope to climb (with their skinny arms and all).

This is their-


Called from the Darkness by Fred's logic breaking feat, and his consequential transformation into a Borg-Collective wet dream, the Space Raptors invaded Earth. Their mission was noble, and their cause just. They were to obliterate Fred with their superior technology and know-how. Thousands of them beamed down from their fleets of mother ships, and they did battle with the Fred hordes.

Alas, for though the Space Raptors were courageous warriors, they had underestimated their opponent, and did not believe he could transform them. Fred-Raptors were deadly beasts, more nerd than dinosaur, but more dinosaur than nerd, and their wrath was terrible. The Space Raptors lost many in those few short weeks, until they decided it was time to leave the matter to someone greater than they.

However, shortly before retreating, a Fred-Raptor managed to trick the Space Raptors into beaming him on board one of their ships. He spread rapidly, and now a big ole space battle is raging in the stars. It will only be a matter of time before the Fred-Raptors find out where Space Raptor Homeworld is located, and all will be lost!

Only by destroying Fred Zero, can the Space Raptors hope to save their world - and the universe - from Fredination.

But they can't do it alone.


1) Embrace the craziness.

2) Find and kill Fred Zero.

3) Save the day.

4) Get the girl/female raptor/guy/male raptor/transgender person/trans-raptor.

5) Go home.

Space Raptor Sheet

[b]English Name:[/b] i.e Nigel
[b]Native Name:[/b] Brakdpoakdap!!!!
[b]Breed:[/b] Crab Raptors... Crab Raptors... Crab Raptors...
[b]Background:[/b] Haha
[b]Raptorbilities:[/b] Space Raptors have access to various powers, such as super reflexes, fearsome strength, steel-like hides, laser eyes, flame breath and... er... posable thumbs? Anything and everything, excluding God-like powers such as invulnerability, super speed and anything else that might break things more than they already are.
[b]Raptditions:[/b] Cybernetic implants, shoulder infused weapons, skin-melded armor plates - anything sci-fiy that a Space Raptor is likely to have been augmented with.

Human Sheet

[b]Background:[/b] RP will be set in America, because where else? Bulgaria? Euw.
[b]Occupation:[/b] What they did before the Freddening.
[b]Skills:[/b] Notable things they are reasonably skilled at, such as drinking, gambling, drawing, chewing, advanced weapons training, sleeping, jump- wait, one of those is not like the rest o.0
[b]Equipment:[/b] Pens, pencils, erasers, nuclear fusion cores, fishing rod, spork etc
[b]Weapons:[/b] Samurai sword, small samurai sword, the smaller version of the small samurai sword, claw hammer, Heckler & Koch MP7 etc
[b]Other:[/b] Info you want to attach.
Of course, we still should wait for everyone else's opinion.

If this was the Kremlin you'd of been retired to a poultry farm by now.


If everyone is happy with that sheet, then let's drag this heavy bastard to the starting line. If not, then you can join Sovereign on his poultry farm. then let me know what you think is missing.
@TheSovereignGrave Have another look at it. Am I getting warm?
Eeeeeh, as much trouble as I'm having with my NS that seems a bit too barebones. Population should be on it at the very least.

Uh huh, and what other details do you think are essential? I'm open to suggestions.
Here, fill this out, add it to your original character sheet posts, and BOOM, you're good to go.

Late Ancient Era Nation Summary


Nation Name

Overview: In one paragraph, summarise your nation. This is to provide any new players a brief idea of what your nation is, and what it's about.

Example - "Jalsador is a single city state, but a regional maritime power, with an emphasis on securing trade to all nations that are willing. It maintains a small professional army, but its true strength lies in its navy. It is led by a King, and has a proud history of acting on the right side of morality. It is inhabited by a mixture of humans and turtle-like humanoids."

What Your Nation Can Offer: In one paragraph, briefly summarise what your nation could offer potential allies and trade partners.

Military Strengths and Weaknesses: In one paragraph, briefly summarise your nation's greatest strengths and weaknesses in a war situation. I.e strong reliance on heavy infantry, lacks naval forces, uses cavalry, etc etc.

Population and Races:

  • Race A - #######
  • Race B - #######
  • Race C - #######


Rinse and repeat.

Capital City:

Secondary Cities:

Through Their Eyes...


< E M P T Y >

Government Officials

< E M P T Y >


< E M P T Y >


< E M P T Y >


< E M P T Y >


< E M P T Y >

Common Folk

< E M P T Y >

Players may have as many characters as they wish.

Might as well ask: @Frengo If we DO skip straight into the RP itself, do you have an idea of the IC pacing we'll have? I.E. how many days at a time should go by with a post? Or would we measure that in weeks? Etc.

Example: should there be an IC three week game between the events in post A and the events in post B, or should it be longer than that, or shorter than that? (Assuming the posts come from the same person.)

Besides that, am I still cool to post 1/week in the IC?

We're going to run with "Posts take place within days and weeks of each other", until such a time that they need to be synced. Something that is happening over in Scalethein, probably wont impact something that's going on in Zaqir, so we can get away with a more fluid type of system. When time needs to get snyced, that'll be down to the players involved i.e a battle, or a meeting between characters etc.

Just so that we don't live in an eternal summer, I'll manually shunt the seasons forwards if needs be - however I'm hoping things will just flow naturally.

And yeah, 1 post a week is fine. We've made no posts in like 2 weeks and we're still here, so I can't see it being a problem lol :D
I, personally, am a fan of the time between posts being more fluid and not having a concrete "there is always X amount of time between post 1 and post 2".

This guy gets it.

OHHHHHHHHHHKAY then, let's see if we can move forwards. I'm going to throw up a new "Summary Sheet" in a little while, which asks a lot less and is mostly focused around characters. By all means use/keep the information you've already filled out on the other sheet, as not to waste it.

After that, I'll set a deadline for ... Thursday? And then the IC will start.

Sound good?

<Snipped quote by Frengo>

Nope, I'm gonna try to get my starting post out tonight.

Awesome :D
I find all those to sound like good ideas. I'm in a bit of a zombieslaaying mood todaty, so let's go with the zombies. I like the semi-intelligent undead approach too. Just so the entire army doesn't collapse when someone snipes the necromancer.

Hah, that's a good point.

I'm happy to lead an army of the damned. Where do we go from here? Want me to start drafting some unit types and what not?

Edit: Here's my proposal for my commander. I may have made him a bit too OP, but I felt that a "Sauron" type figure might be best. I don't intend for him to actually get stuck in the fighting, until the final show down with the Paladin - or when things get drastic for his zombies.

I've also give us a back ground to go on in his bio, which is of course subject to your input/approval.

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