Avatar of FrozenEcstasy
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1182 (0.31 / day)
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    1. FrozenEcstasy 10 yrs ago


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Current Back from my... 2 year Hiatus? Lol...
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But Where's Your Heart?


Gay, single, more than ready to mingle

Most Recent Posts

I always planned on Kerrigan thinking his brain was not to be touched with a 10 ft pole

Edit: Sorry My post didn't go up last night. I was and am working on it though.
Ya know what, she's just going to toy with him.

Kerrigan hears unguarded thoughts, I'm assuming once everyone knows that she's going to be unable to, which is why I thought it was okay to add it... but uh... I didn't expect a character with ulterior motives to show up late and start thinking about how he's going to manipulate everyone... I don't know how to write my post now .-.
I got work, groceries, and League practice with my ranked team. In gonna try and get my post up tonight.

Expect Kerrigan to be a wee bit bossy.
My apologies to my business and neglect this weekend.

Ill be posting a new IntChk for a Sense8 RP and start on an OOC.

Get your characters in your brains! We'll be leading off with my character, a club owner and Drag Queen named Donna from Chicago.

Everyone will be expected to come up with the supporting cast for your character and a personal storyline to progress through. There will be large, overarching challenges for the entire cluster that I will take care of, including BPO.

Ill get those fixes to you this evening. Busy weekend.
Ill be posting sometime tomorrow
Yes it is. I'm out of town this weekend ill be getting back to this Sunday.
<Snipped quote by FrozenEcstasy>

Ah, hey cool I know that artist. I once commissioned omupied for a portrait of my friend's character, which is still on her devArt page.

Also interesting that he's already a permanent resident of Alonso. It might be worth noting that Ansi is a recent member of Alonso's militia/town guard (which is presumably tiny). It's worth noting to me, at least, that barring any character changes, my character would certainly be aware of yours already.

Oh nice! If you wanna make up any back story that'd be cool! Maybe like a unique visit to the healer cause you got a few scrapes or something.
Gonna wait till Oddsbod posts before I continue
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