Avatar of GGGingerRps
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 2 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. GGGingerRps 2 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Bored and wanting to rp. I need online friends :'3


My name is GGGingerRps, but please, just call me Ginger. My pronouns are she/her and I am into a great many things, and I absolutely love to rp. Any and all will be done for rp, except for 18+ things, being I am a minor. I have no triggers to any subjects, though please do understand if I am to get uncomfortable with anything. Send me a PM if you are interested in a rp!

Points of view for rp I will do:
Third person(Ex. She walked on, looking left and right occasionally., She smiled happily at the boy.)
Or the basic style(Ex. *She walked, looking left and right occasionally*, *smiles*
My fandoms:
My Hero Academia
Cookie Run
Friday Night Funkin
(I may be forgetting some, but these are my current main fandoms)

Most Recent Posts

Oh-- Well, thanks for letting me know. :)
Hello! I'd like to be an MTF, please! ^^

If I can include an oc, could I be my oc, Quinn, please?
@Dark Cloud

Oh!! That's good to know! Thank you for the welcome! ^^

Hello there! Nice to meet you! ^^
I am looking for Undertale/Underverse loving rpers! There can never be too many! If you're interested, message me! If you want to do it privately, my pms are open! ^^

I'm fine with swears.

Offer some rp ideas to me if you have one you'd like to do specifically!

All are welcome! Just no 18+, please and thanks!
Hello, hello there all! My name is GGGingerRps, but please, just call me Ginger. I am into a great many things, and I absolutely love to rp. Any and all will be done for rp, except for 18+ things, being I am a minor. I have no triggers to any subjects, though please do understand if I am to get uncomfortable with anything. Send me a PM if you are interested in a rp!

Points of view for rp I will do:
Third person(Ex. She walked on, looking left and right occasionally., She smiled happily at the boy.)
Or the basic style(Ex. *She walked, looking left and right occasionally*, *smiles*
My fandoms:
My Hero Academia
Cookie Run
Friday Night Funkin
(I may be forgetting some, but these are my current main fandoms)

When I am available:
During the week, rarely on weekends.
Times: 7:40ish am to 8:40am, 11:00am to 1:16pm.

I do tend to get busy or reply late, so please be patient!

Thank you!!
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