Avatar of Gin
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 430 (0.13 / day)
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    1. Gin 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Unbreakble
8 yrs ago
Unbreakable Foe, with steel and fire an Aries cuts the flesh and burns thy soul.
9 yrs ago
Name my thoughts and brand my soul distant. Drown your eyes and ears in water to experience my perspective.
9 yrs ago
All this time I have dreamed about something else and longed for something in my past...
9 yrs ago
I ain't going to mess up this time...


A hopeless rainy noire romantic that adores tragedy.

Most Recent Posts

Do anyone mind if I invite some crickets to keep me company as a lurk around?
I dunno if you guys noticed buuuuut, that freakin co-post is finally fakkin up. :D
YAAAAAAAY! dugha dugha! :

Eko Donpare
Maion Isensjäl


Softly Maion heard her own breath together with the evening birds and with the dense sound from the lively citadel. Golden rays with a flaming red and pink light blessed the peaceful yet tense atmoshpere that surrounded this awe stunning place.
The guards looked at the women as she dropped to her knees before them, there was a stirring amongst the men as they heard her name. Word from travelers spoke of a woman from the House of Wayfinder who was said to be behind many a uprisings and such in their lands. Under their breaths, the guards spoke in hushed whispers with mouths hidden behind hands until their captain parted them and they stood at attention as he approached the woman before them.

"So..." the big bodied man crossed his arms, "State your business here Wayfinder, what trouble do you conspire to spark in Imperia?"

Maion gazed the man before her with a intensive stare.
"I do not wish to bring upon you any darkness, if you will sir, I would like to give you the truth of what has happened in Gallogoth along with my services and my men." She was trying her outmost to appear as humble as she wish she felt. It is not as if this is how she had imagined herself appear before the empire, neither did she wish to remain so submissive. Though for once in Maions life she had to prove to her men what it truly ment to be of noble descent. If the captain was thinking of keeping the attitude up and not meeting Maion at her lowest she would probably have to go on her offense.

Your move... she thought as she kept her eyes on him.

"Is that a threat?" The captain sneered as stared down the Wayfinder, "Under Imperial Law code I am placing you under arrest for the threatening of an Imperial officer!"

The man chuckled to himself as the guards restrained the woman and two began to frog march her into the city towards the jails no doubt. His words, while slightly twisted, where true to an extent; anyone who threatens an Imperial political or governmental official and cannot show proof of identification as a noble or such otherwise is normally jailed. Skipping some steps and altering some words technically would make it legal for him to do this and the woman wouldn't know any better. Hardly anyone knew the law code well enough even within the army so his soldiers would take it at face value too. Hell, if this woman was the Wayfinder she claimed to be, he might get a promotion from all of this.

"Guards!" the captain turned around with a hearty laugh, "Make sure she gets the extra strong chains-"

Heads turned as the captain's words were suddenly interrupted and a piercing pain shot through his body. Looking down, the man saw nothing but red and steel emerging from his chest. Putting a shaky hand on the wound, he let his hand marinate in the blood pumping out of his new cavity. B-b-blood...? he thought to himself before the blade was swiftly pulled from his chest and he slumped to his knees.

"Greetings Miss Isensjäl, and farewell gentlemen." a female figure rose from behind the previously alive captain, now adding all his comrades to the God of Death's to-do-list with a few quick strokes from a bloodied blade, "You've just been granted a change of fate."

Maion was stunned by the captains action but before she could melt what had just happened down and counter act she was held down by guards and restrained, quickly nodding to her guards to remain passive. So evil truly is anywhere where humans prosper... she thought, the captain disregarding her noble banner in hand, the guards swiping it away with their feet, trampling on her pride.
Biting it together as she started to get escorted to wherever they had in mind, her guards following without resistance.
Maion felt the rage build up inside of her and just as she was about to lose it the captain suddenly halted in whatever obnoxious words he had on his tounge, struggled in pain and fell to the ground. Before her stood an astonishing woman with godlike silvery hair, more gracious than the ice and eyes so attractive that Maion wished her bath was filled with water just as clear.

"Art thou okay?" Eko chuckled as she swung her blade hard and fast to clean it, the blood drops forming a perfect half-moon around her, "Can you stand up?"

The Incarnate examined the woman closely. There was a certain level of elegance which she gave off even if she was on the ground, Eko's suspicions about her being a noble woman were proven once she saw the banner. House Wayfinder of the Gallogoth Commonwealth, seems like Tenzayn was right once again, not that he never wasn't.

"Lord Tenzayn has offered you a change of fate," Eko swung her blade out at a perfect 90 degree angle and bowed, "I am his Incarnate, Eko Donparre. What might bring someone such as you here?"
Maion rose slowly, "Yes I am Miss Eko...", it would take a moment before she could grasp her own situation.
"It seems fate has prolonged my excistence for yet a moment longer and I do not wish to be ungrateful, but I think you saving my ass might have blown my chances of ever getting an asylum in the empire for myself and my men... We have been running from the Gallogoth Commonwealth authorities, we are merely refugees and targets for greedy and unspeakable foes from back home." Maion stated regaining her composure, "Milady, unless you can help me further you should leave this place, I will take responsability for your actions and stay where I am, after all it would be pointless to try and run." Maion said and looked at her own weapon, picking it up and nodded to her men to close in on her and get free, wether she would fight or talk was now up to the Empires approach.

"Alrighty," Eko sheathed her sword and began to circle around the noble, "But first we're going to make some changes to you. You're way to conspicuous!"

Walking behind the Maion, she placed a hand on her left shoulder, slowly pacing behind her field of view. By the time Eko had reached her right shoulder, the hand was larger and his voice deeper as he playfully transformed behind her. Gently patting her head, Eko walked over to her fallen banner and picked it up. Decent bit of workmanship, nothing outstanding in his eyes but not too bad, for a family like the Wayfinders any who. He had a right to be critical it, hundreds of years of staring at the damn things must account to something surely.

"For example, this is too much, you'll never be able to hid." Eko suddenly kneel down and broke the banner in two over his knee, both of them turning to ash in his hands, not even being set on fire first, "Next is your clothing; you want to be hidden then look like the masses!"

Eko boldly proclaimed before realizing a flaw in his plans, nervously chuckling as he faced Maion once more, "Erm... do you happen to have a spare set?"
Maion stared angered at Eko, "What the hell do you think you are doing!?" she blurted as she suddenly noticed that circling her she had become an he, "Mind telling me what is going through your head just now? Why did you break my banner and what are you suggesting that I should do!" Maion noticed the Empire guards that was still alive looking at them intruiged and perhaps a bit scared of that Eko person.

"You need more soldiers and the like no?" Eko began to walk down the long path, turning to Maion but continued moving, "But with limited resources, you can't exactly hire all the mercenaries you want right? Fear not, I already have an idea."


The sun waned as Eko finally lead Maion to a small ledge over looking a valley. From some distance away he could spot the smoke of a war camp, then on the other was several large, grey-ish cubes and other strange looking buildings that Eko could only make out with magic-assisted vision; some of them didn't even look like buildings but instead just tubes on boxy things in holes on a cross. Beyond their lines of trenches and towers, there was a field full of wired coils and odd metal X's; what strangest they bring.

Turning around, the Incarnate produced a blanket of sort and threw it towards Maion who wasn't far behind, "Put that on, I fear that tonight might be a bit cold. Also, if you would, could you please help gather some dry wood? For a fire of course."

Nodding she accepted Eko's offer, "So, mind telling me why we are doing this again?" Maion replied and tightened her cloak a bit before wrapping herself in the blanket that she just got handed to her. Making the count of her own men to make sure non had been left behind, before counting the other imperials that Eko had forcefully recruited on the day they met, the day that Eko saved Maion.
Since she had learned that Eko was quite the hot shot. It appears as Eko is a some kind of human looking wonder that is either blessed or cursed with powers, both felt as possible truths and though what he or she was had yet to be explained to Maion. So far this was based on her own observations of Eko. Maion and her personal men was wearing cloth and cloaks over their armor so to cover from where they came, the only clue if one had proper knowledge of Gallogoth commonwealth houses was Maion's rapier which was garned and skillfully crafted making it unique among rapiers. The view from which they stood revealed many wonderous things, strange to her eyes and while the Imperial Citadel was awe striking, what Maion now soaked in was with her green eyes was structures of which the likes she had never seen before.

Eko smiled as he began to pile on wood on an eventual fire pit, "Enjoying the view?"

The Incarnate chuckled he felt the flow of magic change ever so slightly; most would never notice unless they were a grand master of magic or something like that... or an Incarnate. There was no doubting it, this slight shift had been felt by all of the gods and their respective Incarnates. Eko shuttered in his place. Funny, such a small wind, even smaller than that of a breeze was able to unnerve him when nothing has managed to do it for centuries. Such could only be possible by an entire change in the system of magics as otherwise the only thing he would have felt was a spark of euphoria of which never came.

"I advise you get some sleep now," Eko walked up behind the Wayfinder, shortening himself as he turned once more into his female form, "We're going to have a long night tomorrow. I also advise you keep that blanket handy, it does more than to keep you warm you know."
@Dead Cruiser Aight. :)
Well all I ment that atleast something is happening inside the walls of the empires citadel.
:) probably as I try to describe it capital too. :P

Righteous I am off to start writing on that post.
Working on that, do you wish to be included in me and clocks co op post?
Yo so I updated my character with a bit of info on my wayfinder guards. :) good and simple ranks, elaborating their skills and common equipment. I will make two NPCs too. :) but that for later reasons.

Anyway will send that pm to you today @clocktowerechos.
Sorry so sorry, we are probably a bit late because of me, but hang in there everyonr. :)
@clocktowerechos waiting for your post first, will make finishing touches after.:P
@Dead Cruiser
Sweet post, Dante is such a power house, both in radiance, appearance and character.

Love him!

Oh, I just figured that you might have wanted to edit something in your previous post before having me continue. Either way you post and I will see if there Is something I can edit in there. :D
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