Avatar of GlitchyBugger
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 102 (0.03 / day)
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    1. GlitchyBugger 10 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current How metal would it be if I said that I was ironically saying Irony is extremely metal this whole time? I think it would be an unparalleled level of metal, myself.
6 yrs ago
Irony continues to be extremely metal and in space everyone can hear you scream: This and more tonight at 25:74PM on your local CRT Television.
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7 yrs ago
Day 126.5: No one has suspected that irony might not be extremely metal, will make contact again when the situation changes.
7 yrs ago
Breaking News: Irony hasn't stopped being extremely metal.
7 yrs ago
Will irony ever NOT be extremely metal?


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Kumogatarui Dobustu

Origami Tsubaki was the one who was going to help them on their mission, she was an impressive woman, but now wasn't the time to think about that when they had to tell her the plan. Kumoga looked to the other two. "Shiratori-san, Fujiwara-san, would either of you like to explain the mission?" She said briefly, gesturing towards Origami as she looked at them, she had said she didn't want to lead, so it was best if she could get one of them to explain instead.
Niji Yakei

Niji's retort to Shinichi was quick as he made a slight joke about her apparently being excited. "Well excuse me for being excited about finally getting to do something aside from training." She at least accepted the map and looked at it briefly. "I mean let's be honest, when was the last time we had a mission?"

With map in hand, and regardless of Shinichi's response to her, Niji would begin leading the walk to the town they were supposed to be helping out.

(Sorry for the tiny post, I've got nothin' to really add right now.)
Niji Yakei - A peaceful mission might be nice

The new mission that Shinichi had picked for them at least seemed simple enough, some peace and quiet helping out others with easy tasks was a nice way to ease them all back into the swing of missions, plus she'd likely be able to spend some quality time with Kamiria as her friend instead of a retainer of sorts... She liked this idea.

The moment Shinichi said they were good to go and pack, and that they would need to pack whatever they thought they'd need for a week, Niji was gone and already on her way to her home. She'd used the body flicker to get moving faster as she'd land into a run, rushing back to her home to get herself ready, she was somewhat excited about getting to do something aside from training.

She'd bust through the doorway as her parents opened the door, about to step out themselves to find themselves interrupted by their daughter. "I've got a mission, got to pack for a week!" She called back to them as she barrelled up the stairs.

"O-Okay.... That's great to hear." Her father managed to say before bringing a palm to his face. "She didn't hear me, did she?" There wasn't even a need for much more of a response from his wife other than a small shake of her head. "I didn't think so."

Niji meanwhile was packing the few things she needed, such as a spare change of clothing, one of her books and a small bundle of smoke tags. Food would be easily sorted whilst they were in town, right? Niji was still pleased about something to do, perhaps more pleased than she once though... Why was she so happy about it? It was just a mission, sure she hadn't had one in a while but that shouldn't change anything, unless it was because Kamiria was finally well enough to take part as well? That... would explain a lot... It didn't stop her being enthusiastic about it though, sure she should be happy about spending time with someone she was a team-mate with instead of just a hired guard.

Once packed, she walked to the front gate to find Shinichi and Kamiria already there.

"Turns out I'm a bit late... I must've got side-tracked whilst I was getting ready..." She had gotten a bit distracted, having decided to triple check she had everything she needed before actually leaving her home. "Time to go, right?"

Kumogatarui Dobustu

After her explanation, Naoto seemed confident in the plan Kumoga had, but Takeshi definitely brought up a thought that she'd unintentionally overlooked. [b]"Using clones to hunt the target and capture him in a web? That does sound like the best thing to do, if Hatake-sensei and I are able to set him down one of few paths then we will be able to capture him easily, I do not wish to rely on a single trap though, so I would like to make several as we give chase if we cannot capture him in the initial encounter... What about your parts of the mission, Fujiwara-san, Shiratori-san?" She suddenly looked between the other two genin, wondering which of them would want to speak up about their part of the mission next.
Kumogatarui Dobustu

Takeshi's smile and thumbs up reassured her that he was well, as intended. This was mostly due to the fact that so long as the rest of the team were fine, she'd be in safe hands, which was always reassuring. For now she continued to follow Tora, but soon she came to a stop near a tree that had a number of broken branches, they were near to the target? Is that what she was saying?

The thought of being close to the pre-determined prey brought a small chill up Kumoga's spine, they would be working on capturing whomever this man was soon and possibly having to handle missing nin if the information was correct. If it were the case, Kumoga wondered just how well she might fare against shinobi who have gone rogue... That was very concerning for her, if she proved to be capable of fighting with such shinobi and winning, what would happen? What if she failed to defend herself and was captured by them as a hostage?

She needed to stop thinking like that, Tora just wanted them to explain their part of the mission...She could do that, right?

Neither of the other two wanted to explain first, which somewhat left her to take the field first. "Well... we may as well go in the order of what needs to be done in the plan. So with Hatake-sensei's help I will attempt to capture the target. The most likely method I will use is through rapid application of my webbing, and perhaps a clone, to entangle our target, then I will administer a bite to weaken and nauseate him for a short time, tackling his body guards should be easy enough with the jutsu I can use to fire a fully-formed web from my mouth and at a target. It'll wrap them up or forcibly stick them to whatever is behind them and take them out of the action... Does that sound good to everyone? I'm not one hundred percent certain about it, but I think the idea is more likely to work than not." She's now go quiet, looking to the others for their opinions on the matter.
Niji Yakei

Niji simply watched as Kamiria bowed and apologized before them, saying how she had been useless. Niji wouldn't disagree, but she wouldn't say she was either, everyone had their times of uselessness and Kamiria was no different. She was going to better herself from her feeling of weakness and failure, it was a good thing that she wanted to do this, she'd be even more useful now, considering her sensor abilities.

So once Shinichi had finished trying to reassure her, suggesting they do a mission to get back into things, Niji gave Kamiria a light smirk. "You're forgiven for thinking yourself useless, but I'm impressed, taking on more responsibility like a combat role will do you some good without a doubt." She disregarded Shinichi's mention of her new sword, she'd visited Kamiria plenty of times whilst the girl was unwell so she'd shown her the blade before, instead she offered Kamiria a hand so she would stand and then give her a hug. "I've already shown her the sword."

"A mission sounds good to me, what do you think?" She'd release Kamiria after that, waiting to hear the girl's opinion on it.

(Blugh, very lacking in postability today...)
Kumogatarui Dobustu - The scenario is the mission?

Naoto was the last to arrive, although thankfully she wasn't late, even if she seemed a bit pale... Maybe she wasn't feeling well? But that would be bad if they were going on a mission, it could put everything on it's head and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it if they were out of contact with one another.

She would have to worry about that later, the mission was going to begin soon regardless of the other person who was actually late, supposedly. Regardless of that they were going to be going now, and Hatake-sensei was going to be explaining the mission, the fact that it was the scenario she had given them already during their personal sessions caused Kumoga to perk a brow in interest. She'd made use of their own opinions on one another to form the line up for this exact scenario... She should've expected something like that, Hatake-Sensei was a smart woman and Kumoga liked to think that was the main reason she'd become a Jounin, although judging by their conversation, she had more than just that which granted her jounin status.

As they sped up, Kumoga moved to keep pace with Naoto. "Shiratori-san, you seem quite pale... Are you feeling well?" She mostly wanted to make sure everyone was in fit fighting condition, even /if/ they didn't have to fight specifically, that was good, right? She changed a glance towards Fujiwara-san as well, trying to make sure he was well also.

Missing-nin were strong, weren't they? If so, would they really be able to manage against them, even as a team? It worried Kumoga that there might be people who would wipe the floor with them, she'd rather not be utterly defeated after only just returning to the life of a kunoichi.

Niji Yakei - Team Shinichi, unite!

There was a simple nod of understanding from Niji as Shinichi said not to say a thing about any of this to Kamiria, it felt strange to try and keep such a secret from someone so close, but she'd already agreed to not tell so she couldn't go back now, could she?

Then Shinichi challenged her to a race, and as soon as he even started to mock her she took off to catch up. She'd been around the area near Kamiria's home enough to know the fastest ways in and out of the area, so she already had the upper hand, but she really gained her footing in the race when he slipped on some loose dirt. She took the lack of control as the perfect moment to jump mid-run, plant a foot on the top of her sensei's head and leap ahead whilst trying to push him backwards. "What's wrong, a patch of dirt slowing you down, sensei?" The chuunin called back as she hurtled back into the village, already taking a seemingly random turn, this was the fastest route to Kamiria's from here after all.
-Quick skip in time-

Despite the extra time and the quickness of the route, she arrived at roughly the same time as Shinichi, if not a moment sooner.

Now they'd be able to meet with Kamiria and be a team once more, honestly Niji was excited, even if she visited the near-blind kunoichi many a time during her times of illness.
Kumogatarui Dobustu - The mission is at 7am and expectations are high!

Kirigakure gates, the place she was told to go to meet up with the rest of the team via a message from Hatake-sensei, fortunately Kumoga had been up about two hours before then, she'd needed to make sure she was at her best for the rest of the team. Sure... Hatake-sensei said they didn't need another nin to lead, and Kumoga didn't want to lead, but at least appearing to be in a state of order where she was calm and perfectly fine was something she should focus on, yes? Having a disorderly and distressed team member wouldn't do at all, would it?

No... It wouldn't do in the slightest.

She intended to arrive no later than five minutes to seven, wherein she'd see Fujiwara-san and Hatake-sensei already there and waiting for the last two to arrive. She seemed a touch more cheerful than she had been yesterday, likely due to putting the negatives of yesterday behind her.

"Good morning Hatake-sensei, Fuiwara-san." Kumoga greeted the pair with a low bow before righting herself. "We are just waiting for Shiratori-san to arrive?" She then asked, looking around as if to check for her. "I do hope she wont be late, she did deliver the message after all."
Don't worry about Niji's secret group stuff, she's staying in the team but could be called away if there is some reason for her to do anything sans her team.
Niji Yakei - "What secret?"

Throughout everything that Shinichi said, ranging from a vague blanketing of what he'd done to just what kind of people wanted him dead, Niji was silent and gave merely a nod by the end of it. "What should never get out, sensei? I have no idea what you're talking about." She suddenly chimed with a grin, as if pretending he hadn't just confessed to having once been a murderer of renown.

It didn't matter much to her, if he'd changed for the better then why turn on him now when he was clearly no longer the man he once was? She'd come to know what she believed to be the real man whom was her sensei, not some murdering, thieving scumbag that he claimed himself to previously be because it wasn't what he'd grown to become now. But of course if someone higher up caught word about it he'd be done in without hesitation apparently... She wouldn't doubt someone would try to kill him for his past though, she certainly would if she'd lost someone to a killer and found out they were living in her village now.

"No doubt our new team member is getting tired waiting for us to show up." Niji added as she followed beside him, arm resting slightly on her katana as they walked. "Do you know if Kamiria is being transferred back into our team? She's back on her feet now, so I'd guess she'll be back in the team soon, if not in another one." That idea had a fluttering in Niji's thoughts, what if they transferred Kamiria to a different team? Of course, she wasn't meant to guard her any longer, but she would undoubtedly worry about her when she couldn't at least check up on her. It actually made her tense slightly, she would've liked to have her back in the team after all.

"I just hope she is back in our team, it'll feel like it used to... At least for me it will, our missions with our old sensei went well enough to say she'd do well to be back with us." This was the footnote to her thoughts and vocalisations about Kamiria's current state.
Takeru's offer.
The Fifth Raikage other side?

A collab between Glitchy and Gerontis.

Summary :

Niji has been requested to come to the office of the Raikage by a messenger of the leader. It hasn't however been revealed to the young woman why she had been requested to pay the leader of the Cloud a visit. And why she had to come alone to the man.

Kumogatauri Dobustu - Time for action, and seeing Sensei

Naoto was okay, she just needed to catch her breath, and Takeshi was excited and eager for more action... Understandable, he'd managed to grab the bells from Kakashi's tail, even if there were only really just one. Now herself and Naoto had to go get the other bell, and maybe a third if there was one? Who knew, maybe there was only one bell?

But time for pondering such intricacies was over, they had to go see Hatake-Sensei as soon as possible, Kakashi had even recommended it... That was also a surprise, that Kakashi could talk. "For now we must go see Hatake-Sensei and show her that we got the bell." She then turned her head to look to Kakashi, but he'd poofed away already at the same time the bell went. "Maybe this will be the end of the exercise, but if we're meant to have two bells, maybe Hatake-Sensei has another plan for us today... Let's go." She spoke with a firm nod, but inside she almost felt bad for not having gotten the bells herself, that had to be pushed down however as she lead the way back to the training field.

As she lead the way back Kumoga frowned inwardly, if the test was of who could get the bells and that there would be a second bell to acquire on the way back, she wasn't certain if she actually wanted the bell or not... The praise for getting the bell would be nice, no doubt, but surely she could praise herself enough for being able to put on a strong facade as a leader, being able to fake the calm and the control that one would have despite her internal struggle with leadership. She didn't really need the bell, did she? "...Shiratori-san? If there is a second bell, do you want to claim it?" There would be a brief time to talk in the forest as they headed back towards the training field, so maybe they could decide who should have it on the way?
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