Avatar of Gordoth
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 139 (0.07 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Gordoth 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current A.C.T.I.O.N. On the second page. This is G.O.L.D.E.N.!
1 like
6 yrs ago
Roleplay with me in my RP thread because im in need of people to roleplay with and it will be more fun with more people so please come and roleplay i promise it will be really fun
6 yrs ago
I need YOU to join me and a few others in an adventure through an apocalypse stricken world! Gurr'Kha - The Dead World awaits, and everyone is welcome! If you just finished an RP, you get bonus points
6 yrs ago
Gurr'Kha - The Dead World may have already started, but that does not mean we are not hungry for more companions - come and join! Storywise, we are right at the recruiting stage, so we need you!
6 yrs ago
I invite you all to make your way to Gurr'Kha - The Dead World and see if you find yourselves interested in it!



I am Gordoth Enodious. I call myself that way. It is not my actual name, but for the purposes of a forum I'll remain Gordoth.

Concerning my experience with roleplaying, I cannot say I am experienced, but neither can I say I am inexperienced. I have tried roleplaying, but I've never managed to hold a group together for any longer than, say, three or four days, as they lost interest in the process. I consider myself literate, but I'd think everyone on this here forum IS literate.

In connection to the preferences I display when dealing with roleplaying, I'd say I have two, those being Fantasy and Science Fiction, however I am more than interested in participating in all kinds of activities hosted by the Guild.

And about me. I am a rookie writer of fiction literature. I enjoy playing video games of all kinds. As is to be expected by one who visits forums such as this one, I am more keen on experiencing stories. I enjoy reading all kinds of literature, I partake in the viewing of many movies and I relish in observing art.

That's about as much as is needed, I'd say. Overall, consider me a jack of all trades. I will ask for tips and explanations, as I am not familiar with the process of roleplaying on a forum. I am enthusiastic about all of this, so holler if you feel like it.

"You can not understand me. Not because it is something that can not be understood, but because you lack the knowledge needed. You can not understand, simply because you have not lived. Only once you have seen that, which I have seen, will you be able to see something. Only once you experience the horrors, experienced by myself, will you understand. Through living after the suffering I have lived through, will you understand. Are those things you can experience? Are those things you can go through in one hundred years, eighteen of which you lack the clarity of mind needed to be human? I fear it is not possible. I fear that becoming human, at this moment, depends on understanding. But not everyone can understand. Why, then, is it that you are all considered humans? None of you seek to understand each other. None of you even seek to understand others. I fear it. I fear this thing, which you call human, is not what truly is a human. You have lost the understanding of the word you use to describe yourselves. Without knowing what you are, without understanding it... You can not understand me."

Most Recent Posts

Urdal just now noticed that things were going bad for his orcish comrade. He was not aware that the other recruits of his would be so aggressive. He was not expecting such a reaction out of any person, really. Then again, he was not really thinking of people by including the condition that the Gods were gone. He was not aware of the personal issues concerning the confrontation.

"Stop! Or I..." He tried say something, get in their way, prevent them from ripping each other apart, but words did not come out of his mouth. Urdal was not the confrontations type of guy. He was the avoiding confrontations type of guy. He worked in the dark, he slid along the shadows. He did not jump in between three warriors to stop them from killing each other. The half-elf gave up on doing the deed himself and turned to the woman, who had introduced herself as Gangraena.

"Make them stop figthin'." He asked of her, shoulders a bit slouched in defeat as he turned out not to be brave enough.
Cunkuu's eyes narrowed. Usually, whenever an individual asked if they had done something that they had been accused in, they had done it. The young man in search of knowledge stiffened a fist.

"If you had... I would make you reveal their secrets to me. By force or by other means." He replied and stared at the individual with a fervor. He was well aware that men like this, who asked questions as answers to other questions, were a handful, thinking they knew everything. Thinking they were so wise and important that they would rather be answered to than answer to anybody.

"So think carefully of the words you will use to answer to me!"
Potentially. But you'd need a lot of rolls to go your way.
Also, what's up with this orc hate xD
You don't really need a roll for this attack, but okay, let's see if you land it then.

First roll is for Orky

Second roll is for Galdari

GordothToday at 2:37 AM
!roll 1d20
GuildBotBOTToday at 2:37 AM
@Gordoth, :game_die: 1d20 → 11
GordothToday at 2:37 AM
!roll 1d20
GuildBotBOTToday at 2:37 AM
@Gordoth, :game_die: 1d20 → 13

So you are going to land the attack, but she will be able to raise her shield to protect herself, effectively taking no damage.

@OrkytheOrc @Lady Selune
Okay, @Rockerman403.
Below 12, you fail. Above 12, you do it.

GordothToday at 2:18 AM
!roll 1d20
GuildBotBOTToday at 2:18 AM
@Gordoth, :game_die: 1d20 → 1

Tough luck. You can chose a spectacular failure or something. Or just nothing happens.
Nah, no stats to armor. Just make it realistic. A leather armor set is not gonna protect as well as a plate armor set. I'll be telling you how I think things should go, according to piercing stuff or cutting stuff, influenced by the dice, but all in all we should be the ones deciding what goes on.
Equipment doesn't really have an impact. The action you are taking is what gets rolled for.
@Lady Selune Err... Potentially. Wanna roll?
Luck comes into consideration when taking the action in mind, and then applying random chance to it. Now, if I rolled for luck, I would have three options. If i got a low score, you get unlucky and the worst happens, then if its an average score nothing unusual happens, and if its a high score the good stuff happens.
But the reason to roll for luck needs to be present, as in the action involves luck. Or chance. Or can be influenced by chance. Say, swinging a sword is not influenced by chance. But persuasion, or looking for things (through perception) could involve luck. So I'll roll for luck when such a thing is going on.
Also, things are going SOUTH!
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