Avatar of Graviloquence
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 603 (0.19 / day)
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    1. Graviloquence 9 yrs ago


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Quitting soon for peace of mind. This place is fine, I just don't have it in me to stick around.

Most Recent Posts

@gcold Thank you very much! I'm so glad to hear my CS was all right, and I'm sorry about the length. I'll get to adding a steel gardbrace to Bharzak's ensemble as soon as possible, and I'm going to get rid of a few books now (tossing out one "skill" book and 1-2 non-skill, if that's all right). I'll be sure to add an enchanting kit in its place. Out of curiosity, would that look like a smaller, more portable version of the table variety?
@Dervish @gcold Uh, well, after much deliberation and painstaking attention to detail (and perhaps an enormous overuse of it, too, sorry), I finally finished my CS. Terribly sorry for the wait, but hope things look halfway decent! Things may increase and decrease in quality due to how broken up the time I was able to work on this happened to be, and consequently I was in varying states of alertness and creativeness, so I apologize in advance for any incredibly noticeable disparities. Thank you so much for your patience with me. Also, I had a few questions about my own CS, so I hope you don't mind that I included them in parenthesis, haha.

@Dervish Alright, thanks so much. I'll try to keep the rest of my character's history more concise, and attempt to get my CS posted tomorrow, then! (Also my apologies for all the typos in my previous post, my phone can be unbelievably difficult to write on at times.)
@Dervish I'm terribly sorry for taKing so long to fill out a CS, I basically have everything finished but my character's history, which I'm approximately half finished with (It's about 2000 words long already and I hate that it is) and I could put a tl;dr for the parts of it I haven't finished quite yet, if that'd be convenient. I just feel awful for not having my CS done by now.
@gcold Sorry about the wait, about finished with personality and just have history to go before everything is finished. It's been a crazy week and my aunt came over for the weekend, so I haven't had as much time to work on my CS as I'd've liked. I can post a WIP with a tl;dr character history if that'd be helpful.
@The Dow Dragon Hello, fellow newcomer! Nice to know I'm not alone coming late to the party, haha.

And just a slight update on my character: I'd say I'm about 1/3 through the CS, should hopefully have it finished by Sunday or Monday at the latest. Sorry for inactivity in the chat, I just feel like I don't have much of anything relevant to say until I get a finished draft of my character posted.
Awesome, thank you guys so much! I've got a few ideas for a character already, if an orsimer scholar specializing in Alteration would fit into things well in the near future. But I'm really looking forward to getting involved in this. I may not be too active in my planning and such until this Friday, though, so I apologize for slow OOC responses on my end.
@Dervish Honestly I really would be interested in joining, if that's cool. It may take me a bit to get a CS written up, but I've got a ten-day break coming up so as long as timeliness isn't an issue, I'm in. And in that time I would also hopefully be able to read up on the story so far IC.

(Edit: I tagged wrong and my gosh I'm so sorry. It's late.)
@gcold Haha, guilty as charged for topic lurking. This RP looks super interesting and is really well thought out, and I'm also a sucker for all things Elder Scrolls, so curiosity and the Guild's most recent post tab in Advanced led me here.
@McHaggis I'm so sorry for not replying sooner; life's been insanely busy for me lately. But that's great! I'll read through everything as soon as I can, and start working on a reply.
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