Avatar of GreenGoat
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    1. GreenGoat 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Memes aside, pineapples on pizza is ok actually. Being shat on for liking things different from other people gets old after a while.
3 yrs ago
Hark, it seems I am in dire need of medical attention that is easily accessible by specialized containers we call medical bags.
3 yrs ago
no one cares about christmas. What is important is how we let some strange old man in red in our house depositing mysterious packages and never question him for it
5 yrs ago
Oh shit, I'm sorry
5 yrs ago
instructions unclear, snorted all the dicks


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Oh, are we supposed to put in the cs here?
might be interested.
Rose-Marie & Regis
Dinner Table, Carrigan's Mansion, Ausfeld.

Without a doubt, the journey here had been rather uneventful. Far as it was, the coach she hired and a few men she brought along had no trouble getting here. The letter she got did not explain much, or at least, did not explain as much as she wanted to know. The Marquis of Agneux herself, and all she got was that? Rose-Marie Bachelot d'Agneux swore they were trying to ridicule her. They even dared asked whether they'd be sleeping together. Together, in one room like they were depraved deviants who sought only to sate their lust! The facilities the servants showed them around to seemed adequate at least, but a slight curl at the corner of her mouth appeared once she thought of her own castle, more lavishly decorated.

Left in her room before the dinner with her varlet, Marie sat on the bed and sighed. "Regis, what do you think of all this?"

”All the religious people make me nervous.” Reggie spat out, half-joking, before quickly doubling back, ”Sorry, m'lady, that's probably not very proper of me to say. I'm no heretic, and I'm all for respecting the hierarchy, but... well, these devout types are a little too numerous for me and a little too holier-than-thou. I guess they've earned the right, but...”

Regies cut himself off. ”Forgive me, m'lady, I'm rambling. I don't like this situation. We should be in Agneux, not running about the countryside messing with magic and... celestial bonds.” Regies smiled, ”Of course you shouldn't take my complaining as an unwillingness to serve. I will do whatever you ask, even if it means running about the countryside messing with magic and celestial bonds.”

"Hm." She smiled to herself at his outburst. "That is true. Pray do not speak in such a manner in the presence of others. They might not be as understanding as I am."

Pulling out a pocketwatch, she noted the time before stuffing it back into her clothes. "In truth, I have apprehensions about this whole trip. Had it not been for the seal on the letter, I would have refused. But.. no.. It is no matter, it is nothing for you to worry about."

Marie of course, was worried about her younger sister, the only one left in her family that other nobles could deem 'desirable'. Marie was sure no one from another family would be keen to have her, a rather strongheaded and rough woman, to be their spouse. And those who do, was surely seeking only the prestige that came from her lineage and name.

"There is only a bit of time left before the dinner. Have you dealt with everything, Regis? Has the horse been fed and watered? Is my gun kept properly?"

”Yes, m'lady.” well, at the very least he sure hoped that he'd remembered to watered the horses. He was vigilant with the gun, but it wasn't an unusual occurrence for him to forget the horses. He really wasn't a great servant, all things considered, ”Horses fed and watered and gun in top condition.” he said with an exaggeratedly serious voice.

Marie narrowed her eyes at that, leaning in closer to his face. After a moment, she straightened herself, and opened the door. "Good. Let us make haste. I have misgivings about all of this, but I will not be late for this dinner."


Dinner looks adequate, with a variety of food on the table. It was a pity she could not say the same of the company. There seemed to be a rather appaling number of lowly peasants joining them, and there was this horrible stench coming from somewhere, no doubt from those peasants' lack of hygiene.

But this was an official event, filled with obviously important people at the head, even if the rest were mere rabble. Her grim face bared no emotion as she steepled her fingers in front of her, listening to those very important people speak. It was all hogwash to her; if they really wanted to save the kingdom they should have sent her a letter and a few regiments of men to train, not all this superstitious tomfoolery. While she had no doubt about magic existing, relying solely on magic was folly in her mind. A few hundred well trained men could do wonders on the field after all. And if the so called end of the world was coming? Then they should field an entire army, worthy of meeting the end, and put this sort of thing second.

"Bloody fools, the lot of them," she mouthed, only loud enough for Regis beside her to hear.

Seeing as Lysandra finally finished her speech, Marie glanced at Regis, obviously expecting him to introduce both himself and her.

Regis smirked slightly at Marie's comment. ”Bloody fools.” Regis agreed quietly, imitating Marie's tone jokingly. As she turned to him he nodded, standing up. This part of being a servant wasn't so bad! He always loved talking, and now he could talk and everyone had to listen.

He cleared his throat, ”It is my honor to introduce you to m'lady, The Honorable Marquis d'Agneaux, Rose-Marie Bachelot d'Agneaux... and I'm m'lady's humble servant, Regis Proulx. Regis gave an exaggerated bow before taking seat again, glancing at Rose-Marie and giving a thumbs up under the table.

The only reaction she gave from that gesture was a small twitch at the corners of her mouth, but otherwise, she looked as serious as ever, silently judging the others at the table.
Hazel Baker

Lightless green eyes stared at the ceiling, unfocused and unseeing. Cold. It was cold, almost freezing, yet she felt not the slightest bit of discomfort. She felt like — claws crunching past bone, tearing apart flesh, biting through — weariness was setting in her very bones. The way her clothes clung to her bare skin, her wet hair clumping together; none of it seemed to bother her anymore.

"That was pathetic. You're useless. We must become stronger."
"I understand."

"Its no use getting stronger. They never liked you, they fear you, they will kill you. We must escape."
"I understand."
"Things ain't looking up old gal. Ain't time to be sleeping around, what with a friend of ours being taken away."
"I understand."

Words she had used over and over again, but what had she truly understood so far? Hazel tried to roll over to her side, to get up, and walk, but all she managed to achieve was somehow magnify that feeling of lethargy, that tiredness that pulls at her consciousness. Exhaling softly, she closed her eyes again, letting the tendrils of darkness pull her consciousness deep down into that empty void.
Tomomi Kinpachi

She slipped the sword pair onto her belt, before straightening her clothes. The lady of the house seemed absent, from the brief time Tomomi had stepped out, and she wasn't about to go looking for her lest she stumble onto something private or embarrassing. Checking once more for the key, she placed it securely upon her person, not in any of her pockets but in her undergarments, where none would think to search. As for the box, she placed it deep within her backpack, hiding it within her room. Twas not her companions she feared however, twas the thieves and scoundrels that may burst into her room and make off with the tomes. Knaves that Lorrimor had wished her to protect it from.

The tavern was what she sought, a local watering hole wherein information could be found, where loose lips flapped in the abundance of drinks, or money.

That, and she wanted something strong to drink.

That being said, Tomomi had no idea where the local tavern was, having went directly towards the funeral. Stepping out of the house, she walked for a moment until she found one of the townsfolk and asked for their direction.

The townsfolk were nice enough people, even to those that appeared to be foreigners. Even the most shy of the locals wouldn't spurn somebody in need of drink, and asking around for the tavern had her pointed to a small building. A bold sign hanging just above the door marked the area as 'The Laughing Demon', while a small sign on the ground indicated that a show tonight was featuring the 'Varisian Violists'; although the 'i' in 'Violists' had apparently been hastily written in chalk when someone realized they had made a spelling mistake. The ambience seemed inviting enough, with warm lightning and the infrequent laughter coming from within.

Tomomi rubbed her chin thoughtfully, wondering if the show later tonight would be worth going. Shrugging, she went in, heading straight for the bar.

"I bid you good morning, my good man. A mug of your best drink, if you please." She spoke to the man behind the bar.Even as she spoke, she was listening hard to the chatter around her, trying to see what she can learn from idle chatter before asking in depth about anything.

"Sure thing dearie! Coming right up!" said the man tending the bar. He was a rather large figure, with a round nose and a chevron mustache, and he suppressed a sly grin as he bent down beneath the bar.

"Liquid ghost!" said the barkeep, setting a mug beside Tomomi, the contents of which appeared to be ale, but she could swear that it was glowing faintly green. "Four coppers."

Tomomi stared down at it incredulously. What sort of drink was that? But it did seem to be his best, so it would be rude to refuse it. Dropping the coppers into his hand, she took a cautious sip at the drink. It tasted... well, it tasted like ale, but certainly sweeter. Certainly not something she minded. Some old dog running under a wagon was certainly an unfortunate thing to happen, but not the sort of information she was looking for.

"Anything new around town?" She took another sip from the mug. "I've just came in yesterday you see."

"New?" repeated the barkeep, humming slightly as he polished a beer glass. "Well, the Varisian Violists are playing in here tonight; first round is on the house for all attendees!" he said, grinning widely as he did. His eyes flitted around, as if he was trying to come up with something else, before his grin slowly sank. "We lost one of our own recently, and I hear his daughter was taking it pretty hard, but nothing really out of the ordinary besides that."

"Ah yes, that. I've attended his funeral yesterday." Tomomi sighed, before picking up the mug and finishing off the content. "There was some odd people stopping him from being buried too. Good thing that man had a silver tongue, and talked them out of it. Wonder why they seemed so disgruntled..."

"Eh." the bartender gave a noncommittal noise. "The people 'round here have never really warmed up to the idea of magic and such. Grimsburrow is a crotchety old man, and Alendru isn't exactly a sterling example of a man."

The bartender set his glass down and leaned a little farther over the bar to speak quietly to Tomomi. "'tween you and me though, people definitely seem more on edge, recentsly. Dunno if the ol' Professor's death has 'em spooked or what, but it's definitely there."

Nodding at the bartender's words, she slipped another 4 coppers towards him, asking for another mug of that liquid ghost. "Perhaps those Violists later tonight will ease some of that tension then."

People on edge around here? Perhaps there was something more waiting, lured by whatever the professor had.
reposting the CS here for review.

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