Avatar of GreenGoat
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2512 (0.66 / day)
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    1. GreenGoat 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Memes aside, pineapples on pizza is ok actually. Being shat on for liking things different from other people gets old after a while.
3 yrs ago
Hark, it seems I am in dire need of medical attention that is easily accessible by specialized containers we call medical bags.
3 yrs ago
no one cares about christmas. What is important is how we let some strange old man in red in our house depositing mysterious packages and never question him for it
5 yrs ago
Oh shit, I'm sorry
5 yrs ago
instructions unclear, snorted all the dicks


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[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

It was peaceful enough that she could stare at the sky and almost believe Grandma would call her in for dinner any time soon. The peace, the sound of the stream gently rushing along, even the sound of birds chirping amongst the trees. There was an almost overwhelming urge to curl up in the sunlight and just nap. An impulse almost drowning out her burning curiosity inside that wagon.

Tail twitching with anticipation, she glanced around for a moment, just in case the merchant came back, and stuck her head through the back of the wagon.
[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

"That's fine. Take your time." Ari stretched, straightening out her tail. "You guys can go on ahead if you want. I'll keep watch over the wagon."

She sat down on a large rock conveniently nearby, stretching out her feet this time. It was... odd? Ari wasn't tired, but she was 'tired'. The same feeling you get when you read for too long and become tired. Perhaps older gamers playing games with a long walk or drive included with their games would know that feeling.

In any case, she wanted to sit down and be off her feet for the moment. And even maybe give her a chance to peek into the wagon itself.

There was a huge burning feeling to dash off and see the rest of the village, but it felt... Well, it felt like a village and she would feel self conscious running around someone's home. Like running along the part of the stream where your auntie's house was.
[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

"That will be great!" Ari dropped back all her knives into the sheath. "Maybe I can learn some advanced techniques or footwork. Or a way to craft stuff."

Footwork, crafting, and speed. She had already been reminded time and time again that her strength wasn't good enough to jump high or break through things with muscle alone. Ari also didn't want to be a meathead. Ergo, the only other thing she could rely on would be special techniques, of which she had barely any, and items, with one waiting for her when she returned.

Or... anything else that might be on that wagon. After all, if the merchant was evil, no one would bat an eye if she was to lift something off the wagon.
[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

"Ah, pvp? Investigative?" Ari looked puzzled at that for a moment. "I like adventures more I think. You know, the kinda feeling you get when you find a tomb, and no one might have stepped in there for a millenia. The sense of danger from the unknown even as you push forwards because you gotta find out what's at the end. Like that old movie series Indianna Jones. The old ones, not the new one that tries too hard to make the guy cool with all the guns."

"I guess that means I should try out the tournaments too once I'm a bit stronger. Ah right, I do use manual? I think? I didn't really check the settings out that long."
[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

"Ahaha~ nothing of the sort." Instead of answering the question she posed another one instead. "You know of the Flamebringer Princess? I saw her poster the first time I entered the game. She looked so cool on it, and that got me thinking that I could one day be as strong as her. And that.."
She caught all three in one finger. "..Is why I practice my own hand eye coordination. Stats and all are all good, but I should probably get rid of my own bad reflexes too." Ari's grin suddenly grew wider. "...or I'm just pulling on your legs and its because I'm bored and need my hands occupied."

It wasn't much of a lie however. She did need a bit more of the old muscle memory. There were martial artists whose muscle memories were so ingrained they can deflect and counterattack before they even realize they're under attack, or so she was told. And that recent fight taught her a bit more about what she should do. Rely more on her speed, and not her strength.

But going back to the subject of the wagon's content, none of the people around her seemed disturbed or so much as gave a twitch of the eye when she mentioned the cargo. To them, this must be a routine job. Thus, they could either have no knowledge of what was inside the wagon, or did not care. Even so, she'd need actual evidence that it was something bad before shoving her head in there. It could just be a nice pile of frames infused with calming essence that showed up as NPCs in her view after all.
[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

"Ah that? It doesn't do that unfortunately." Ari gave a small smile. "Its more like detecting hidden monsters. Useful, but not as fancy as whatever your weapon is."

Again, three knives left the sheath as she tried juggling them. Her explanation of her Nuclei was very simplified, but Ari wasn't about to expound on what her Nuclei actually do. Both because it wasn't that important, and the merchant, if he really was a merchant, needn't know that she can see the colours inside the wagon.

"It sure did blow that thing apart when you hit those cows. Wonder where they came from though? Are the roads usually this dangerous or are we just bringing along something that attracts them?"

[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

Red smoke, and light blue colours in the cart. Wasn't that the same colours as those guards?

Her expression didn't change as she deactivated Xu Fu, and giving out a sigh of relief as the last of the monsters was being dealt with. Ari didn't like reneging on a job, but she also didn't feel right leaving it alone. Did the team know? Perhaps, or perhaps not.

Regardless she was just going to stay quiet for now. There will be a chance for her to inspect the cargo, during night when everyone was asleep perhaps. If they slept. Barring that, there was always after the job was done. There was nothing preventing her from sneaking into the wagon after the job was done after all. Perhaps the city guards, but they can't report what they don't know.
[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

"Thanks, Bortz!"

She rolled forwards, getting a bit of distance from her and Bortz. The thing just disappeared huh? Was it invisible? Intangible? Or did it teleport away to lick its wounds?

"Tch! It disappeared? Xu Fu, bind my eyes!"

The scrolls floated upwards immediately, flowing around her fluttering as if blown by ethereal wind. Grabbing a handful of kunai from her, she readied herself for an ambush, as well as to throw the knives at it. If it was somehow invisible, a bunch of knives sticking to it will make it easier to track for those without her ability. If it was intangible, at least they know where it is.
[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

Bortz could take it if the oni blasted his back, right? He seemed strong enough, and Ari doubted the bear would be as severely affected as she would be if the oni blasted them instead of Ari.

But to run, or attack the charging up oni to prevent it from blasting either?

"Bortz, I'm leaping off you!"

That wasn't the only choice presented to her, and certainly not the first course of action she thought of. Giving a small hop to firmly plant her feet onto Bortz back, with a hand grabbing onto his shoulders and another around the turtle shield, she leapt off of him instead, shield now presented forwards as the Maneater curved towards the first oni's eyes.
[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

"Wowowow! Everyone looks super strong!"

Two enemies this time, but now she was with a party, AND she wasn't being dead weight. Hopefully? Or maybe not yet?

Following through with her spin, she hopped upwards, unfurling the grass rope, the odd insect kama attached to it slicing through the air, hurtling towards the broadside of the oni. If she manages to even just open up a wound, it would hopefully make it significantly easier to deal with.
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