Avatar of Grijs
  • Last Seen: 26 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Fiery
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 299 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Grijs 10 yrs ago


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@Not Fishing Sadly Dwarves do not exist. Well, they could exist, but they'd be very much semi-legendary beings that almost no man has ever seen, and deliberately hide their existence from humans. Unless you mean a Tyrion Lannister-style dwarf. As in, a human with a growth defect. I can see that working and the effect would be more-or-less the same to playing an actual Dwarf. To playing a real dwarf I have to say no, but to playing a growth-defect dwarf, that's quite alright.
What Tribe or faction have you got in mind?

As for the Pirate Path / Baltian privateers, i'd say 12 ships, and approx 1000 men. There was another guy going to play as Eodaen mercenaries, but i've not seen him since the interest check.

Don't worry about background freedom. Go wild writing the backstory, and if some of the things break the lore i'll talk to you about it over PM. Add as much flare as you wish (so long it doesn't become a Gary Stu).
@Not Fishing
1: Preferably, but if you want to be something else, that is entirely possible granted you let me know what it is.
2: Not really. Though there are some non-human roles that I planned on playing myself, but if you wish to take the reins of one of them, that actually sounds like a pretty darn good idea too.
@Narcotic Dollie Perfect. Perfect! Post 'er up in the CS.
We should expand a little bit on her relationship with her half-sister, since we didn't bring any of that up yet. ...I need to write up her sheet rather soonish.

Will post the King characters tomorrow. And than get started on the first IC.
@Sierra Right, I almost forgot. I'll get to it. Will send you a PM.
For the record everyone; you don't have to write Character Sheets the length of @Archetype Zero. Nevertheless, accepted!

@Wernher @Oraculum As said over PM, your characters look excellent. Post 'em up in the Character sheet section.
@Narcotic Dollie As I said over PM (again lel) I will look forward to what you turn up with!
@Isotope I mean.. you should only join if you actually like the setting lol

The OOC is up!
Unfortunately I've been invited to a party, so I won't be back until tomorrow. ;D
I'll look forward to all your sheets. I appreciate the interest.

Key Chlotar Characters

Key Lampert Characters

Key Eodaen Characters:

Key Tautan/Baltian Characters

Note: We are open to new players if you'd like to join.
You won't have to read every IC post, I can just give a summary on what has happened so you can dive straight in.

-To get the basics straight: This is a Character Roleplay

-It's a fantasy setting based on the 'Dark Ages'. Modeled after the Barbarian Kingdoms of the early Middle Ages. The humans are expies of Germanic Barbarians and Romans.

-It takes place on a single continent called Visandza.

-Your character is part of one such Barbarian Kingdoms or Roman Rumpstates (mostly Barbarian Kingdoms) of Visandza, and your character will work to further that Kingdom's goals. But how loyal your character is to the King is entirely up to you. You have the freedom to go traitor.

-Your characters are all retainers of the Royal Family. High Positions. This can mean Household guards, Sword-bearer of the King, Stable boys, Shield maidens, Priestesses, the royal standard carrier, a nephew/ distant relative of the King, Princelings… any role placing your character in proximity to the faction royalty. Think of the characters as Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

-Magic in the D&D sense isn't really a thing, but the supernatural certainly is. Witch magic exists (turning humans into animals, brewing potions, summoning spirits of the dead) There are non-human races outside Visandza, and blessings and curses are very real and functioning things.

-The setting doesn’t take itself 100% serious and certain aspects are a bit comic-relief and memezy. You’ll probably be able to tell. Doesn’t mean you should take it unserious, however. But playing pompously or as a caricature character is perfectly fine and even somewhat endorsed.

-Making long and detailed posts is fine if you want to, but doing so frequently for months on end just drains too much energy and I’ve seen RPs die that way. Therefore preferably make your posts concise and direct. Avoid dragging out and take it easy. It's fine.
If you insist on writing to the best of your ability, I bequeath you all needed strength and vigor.

-By the blood of god, we are going to FINISH THIS RP TO THE END. Therefore if you feel like retiring due to business or work-stress, try to plausibly kill off your character in IC first. You can always have them be struck by a sudden meteor or bitten by an ultra-venomous serpent. Just out of the blue really.


The four key factions of Visandza to pick from:

West: The Glory-Seeking Chlotars

The most famous (or infamous) of the Barbarian kingdoms. The Chlotar people are industrious and belligerent. The Kingdom they built and conquered is united in common purpose; to topple God’s splinter dynasties and sacrifice them to God in order to quell his sadness, and thereby hopefully save the world. Ending God’s dark depression is the only chance of averting the impending ice age that is driving the tribes to migrate further and further south. As the Chlotar homeland is in the northernmost tip of Visandza, the Chlotars have much to lose if they fail to avert this climate change. Only God can save their ancestral lands now.
In the past century the warlording Chlotars have invaded, annexed and absorbed several of their rival tribes during the conquests of King Clodovech. At present their Kingdom has been inherited by Clodovech's grandson, King Cauroman. However already the new King sets his sight on the next target for conquest; the ungodly Tautans to the east who the Chlotars have hemmed in during their recent conquests. Though they are but a diversion, for their end-goal is to wipe the God-hating Kingdom of Lampertei off the map for good and all. Depose their malevolent King, sacrifice him and his kin to God and install a monarch who is properly Godfearing!

South: The God-Hating Lamperts

It’s all in the name. But obviously not every Lampert hates God -- some Lamperts love God! However they cannot come to the public light with their secretly-held convictions, for the stigma is immense. In the Kingdom of Lampertei the hatred of God is of utmost conformity; those who stray from the norm or show open dissent from God-hating orthodoxy are outcast, shunned, mocked… sometimes lynched. Do not underestimate how serious the Kingdom of Lampertei is on their stance of enmity towards God.
Even before the Lampert Tribe conquered the southern peninsula of Amalia, they were rivals of the growing Chlotar confederacy of tribes, who in a time long forgotten exiled their ancestors from the north. It was encroachment of the Divine Locust paired with the allure of seizing the fertile, depopulated lands it left in their wake, that drove the Lamperts to migrate southward. The Lampert people’s beef extends beyond the rival Chlotars and is more directed against God himself. They are not driven by paganism or atheism -- the Lamperts are genuine misotheists. It’s not a matter of religious difference as it is a matter of actual God-hatred. Twenty years ago with the ascension of King Dalgiserius the relations with Chlotaringen has soured further (if that was even possible) and the two powerful Kingdoms are at the brink of a great war the likes Visandza has never seen -- one that could forever alter the continent’s history.

East: The Depraved Tautans

Orgies. There, I said it. Let’s not shy around it. I am only saying what everyone else is already thinking at the mention of the City State of Tautom. Debauchery, decadence, depravity. That is all there is to them. God damn them, and damn God for not smiting these ungodly people. Sure, they have good merchants, skilled artisans, the world’s finest cuisine and cunning alchemists to help further humanity and the like, and surely the capital of worldly pleasures. But their virtues do not make up for their vice, no way. The Tautans will lure you into darkness.
Every night at the plaza, they hold festive orgies. And they have a squadron of men skulking the street to defile and debase any newcomer or gullible foreign visitor to their city. To corrupt them into adopting their uncouth perversities and ambiguous practices…
Keep your daughters and wives away from the Tautans. And probably your barnyard animals too.

North: The Conniving Eodaens

God is outdated. To the Eodaens anyway. When God is too depressed to be a force in the world, you simply create your own god! As such King Badastan presented his court and people with Xeaxaenot, the Golden Squirrel-demon. All of Eodaland turned to Squirrel-demon worship, and this seems to have revived the slumbering spirit of its people. Those that refused to embrace this new idol, remaining loyal to god, were exiled. Fools don’t understand that squirrels are the future.
The Eodaens are actually keeping mostly to themselves as a dormant third power, waiting to exploit and benefit from the impending war between Chlotaringen and Lampertei. Cunning foxes as they are, the Eodaens will most certainly side with the winning-side to reap the benefits.
Only a few years ago Eodaland nearly came to war with Chlotaringen, and they are anxious to provoke the numerically superior and battle-tested Chlotar armies on their own. Depending on how well the Chlotars will fare against the Tautans and Lamperts, the conniving Eodaens may side either with them or against them.

The Nations of Visandza

‘’The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God.’’ -Psalm 9:17


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