Avatar of HachiRoku
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    1. HachiRoku 6 yrs ago


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Dropping from the roleplay since the muse died from these cringey ass puns. I'm Althiel's brother, Peter Andreas Thiel. Have a nice one you guys.

Juno he had to do it to em
<Snipped quote by Althiel>

I think we Juno they won't be fighting over you, right?

Don't Juno that's the obvious answer?
The reason being both indecisive and procrastination

welcome to the club
ah, right when I was getting excited for a 'we live in a society' edgelord

We were establishing a new era, an era of order and peace. An era of The Empire.

Approximately 19 years have passed since the Clone Wars ended and the Empire begun. The Empire rules supreme over the entire galaxy, enforced with brutal rigidity by its stormtroopers. The Sith Lord Darth Vader himself leads the galaxy's most feared force, the 501st Legion, from system to system, crushing insurrection. Known as "Vader's Fist", the 501st dominated all resistance in its path. Such was the case, until their deployment to the Death Star. Stationed on board the Death Star, the 501st was caught in a rut, without any action or combat to face. It would be here, however, that marked their first strike against the Rebellion. To the Empire's surprise, a Death Star prison cell, led by a Jedi Knight, revolted and took over the cell. Although the 501st ultimately put the riot down, the Rebels managed to put up a fight, embarrassing the elite troops and decoying the Imperials into letting the Death Star plans slip. Disappointed, Vader took command of the 501st once more, to hunt down the Death Star plans and recover them before it was too late.

At the forefront of the 501st are the storm commandos. One such group is NightStorm. The very best of the Stormtrooper Corps, storm commandos were specially trained for the Empire's most important missions. NightStorm specializes in subduing resistance cells on key planets, and key missions, from capturing core objectives to destroying important targets. At times fighting at Vader's side, the NightStormers are the ones who carry out the Empire's most dirty work, clad in light, high-tech all-black armor based on that of Scout troopers. Hand-picked from the 501st's top troopers, the NightStormers all have some shared skills: exceptional skill in a weapon of their choice, as well as high-level training in special speeder bikes and TIE Hunters. However, each NightStormer has a unique skill, and falls in a general archetype.

I find that this goes really well as WWII/Star Wars video game BGM. That being said, I've been playing those games a lot recently.
I still remember, it was about 10 years ago when I got Pokemon Diamond for the DS. All in all a super memorable experience, I can still recall all the grocery runs and car rides to school I spent on that game. There was just something about it I couldn't place then, but it was probably the fact that I was easily able to earn achievements, and gradually work my way up with a, mind you, actual sense of pride and accomplishment.

I was garbage then so it was only until I used an emulator years later I beat the Elite Four and the Champion..
I feel bad for immediately thinking of 'gaki' as a nickname..
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