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Shutters clicked and cameras flashed, eagerly capturing photos from the princess elect’s smiles to her fiancé’s cool detachment. Luke would rather ignore the still growing crowd, but when Rhiane asked him to trust her, he did not argue. Telling her how it was a waste of time to talk to the journalists, for they would rather speak of false news that would reap ratings than publish the boring truth. The two of them would be judged no matter what she said, so what the hell.

“It’s not just the weather,” he added. If Rhiane was full of warm smiles and friendly commentaries, Luke was and had always been straightforward. He did not bother to try to be charming or pretend that he cared about any of the people in attendance’s recent personal milestone. “I don’t like how that grin looks.” He subtly tilted his head to the direction of the men, farmers and not, who Luke guessed envisioned Rhiane in her controversial dress. Smiles faltered and whispers hushed. “There are sights I rather not share with anybody. Moments as well. Rhiane asked kindly, but I will not. No media presence shall be tolerated within five hundred meters from her home. The coverage will resume tomorrow under the supervision of Anelle Tuscano. You may coordinate with her team. Have a good day." Anelle held her head high and proud.

Luke nodded to Nolan, who led the couple to the vehicle assigned to them. Unlike their daring ascend up the winding mountain road, the prince made no request to drive. Nolan opened the door for Rhiane and once she was comfortably settled in, Luke rounded the shiny black car to the rear passenger door where he was intercepted by their Image Manager.

“She has not given me anything to work on,” Anelle complained, though even as she sounded thoroughly irritated, her lips were smiling and her gestures light. There was not an ounce of anger that any outsider would be able to trace. “My staff needs to survey the locations, coordinate with the camera crew, and arrange for the logistics of the equipment. Maybe she does not understand, but there are several elements to consider in organizing a broadcast. I will not be faulted for poor lighting or the lack of a good footage.”

“We will meet her family, then I am going to ask her to prepare a list. I know what you’re doing, Anelle. Stop baiting Rhiane, because I have enough to worry about without your issues.”

Once inside the car, Nolan informed Luke that they are waiting for clearance to proceed to the site. An advance security party was dispatched in advance to ensure the safety of the perimeter of Rhiane’s old home. Those of the advance party were also tasked to ensure that no media personnel were present to sneak a video recorder or a camera. He did not doubt that the reunion may turn sour, and the screaming she described was a possibility between daughter and father. Shouting his point was not his style, even when he was stressing a point to his mother, but the ways of life was different in different social strata. Scandalous behavior must have been normalized in that part of the kingdom.

“Site has been cleared,” Nolan was telling Tobias, who was in the driver’s seat.

Luke turned to Rhiane. “You're such a creative liar, Ms. Black. I hope you’re ready to see your family again.” He reached for her hand as the vehicle followed the cemented country road.
As far as Anelle was concerned, Rhiane’s value was far less than the sunglasses perched on the former’s elegant nose. Her hazel eyes sized up the brunette standing by the window seat while the prince freed himself from the seatbelt. Not a single word in her contract said that she was supposed to take orders from a woman of low birth, especially not before her staff and the royal guards. When Anelle said yes to the assignment, all that was in her mind was the possibility of rekindling old flame. Maybe with Sophia Keller out of the prince’s life and him being stuck with a woman without class, he would finally realize the value of the lady he once turned his back on. It was a pleasant surprise to have witnessed their elitist crown prince displaying affections for a nameless woman. The Luke she knew wouldn’t even spare a glance at the common people if he could help it.

Perhaps Rhiane Black, despite her humble roots and charming smile, was an expert when it came to seducing men. She was beautiful for one who was born and raised in the countryside, but not even the most expensive clothes and jewelries could cover the mud on her cheeks and the scent that reeked of poverty. Whatever talent she picked up from her farmer friends in the country, Luke would surely get tired of it soon enough. Someone like him just would not settle for a woman without class.

Whatever ran in her mind did not show on her face. It was an art she mastered – painting an earnest smile on her face even when she could not stand to look at the other person’s face without emptying the contents of her stomach. “I’m sure we can make some time for a short chat, Rhiane. I would not dare ask what it is that you need the press to hear, just don’t embarrass yourself out there.” She told a staff to pass on the message to the waiting and armed media some meters from the air strip and close to where their rides were parked, then her smile turned sympathetic. “Would you like to stay inside the plane while Rhiane speaks to the waiting reporters, Luke?”

Well, it was a tempting idea. He disliked the cameras and its judgmental lenses, the solitude that the empty plane offered was enticing, but then again there was something Rhiane could do for him which was why he put an effort to not antagonize her that day. “It’s fine, I need to stretch my legs anyway.” He put on his wayfarers then offered his arm to her.

The sun greeted the couple and their entourage. Nolan, Tobias and the rest of the security team were in their black uniforms, armed and alert as the VIPs climbed down the steps. It could have had so much green surrounding the runway on springtime, but the leaves had long fallen off the twigs to color the earth with their fiery hue. Beyond the concrete was the waiting crowd. Cameras flashed; unrest was visible among the people. It was not everyday that the crown prince paid a visit to that parts of the kingdom. In fact, it was the first time in a very long time that a member of the royal family had set foot in their humble little town.

Luke scanned the faces of the men and women behind the line set by the local security forces. The craned their necks, went on tip toes, in an effort to catch a glimpse of the couple. Rhiane’s hometown did not have its own airstrip, it was a much less developed farming community farther south. Anelle had intended the couple to spend the night in that town and travel only to Rhiane’s home when necessary, but Luke had other plans. Plans which did not include the media on their heels to film their every movement and criticize each perceived error.

Anelle waved at one reporter eagerly, though one would have to guess whether she meant the eagerness or not. “Take your time to think your statement through, Rhiane.” So she wouldn’t embarrass herself and Luke in the process, she wanted to add, looking over her shoulder at the farmer.
Maybe there was a miscalculation, it must be easier to order Sebastian’s arrest and then leave him into the capable hands of the Defense Ministry than deal with the reasoning of his betrothed. “Precisely.” Sighing was the next best to gritting his teeth and grinding out the syllables. He forced a smile, hoping that it was enough to cover for the annoyance that momentarily flashed in his eyes. “I don’t see any contradiction, just a stubborn lady whose lifegoal is to go against anything and everything I say. There are enemies inside the palace, which is why it is important to me that you always keep this attached to you. Besides, who said anything about sequestering you at the palace? You are free to wander around the capital. Callie will most probably harass you into joining her in attending to her ‘commitments.’”

When the princess said she had commitments, it was supposed to mean an official business like attending a formal function, representing the queen in an important cultural event, or other boring stuff that she hated. The truth was, when Callie said she had commitments, it was rarely those things. The word took to mean that she was going out with her friends, that she said yes to an invitation to a party, or that she was busy socializing and growing her network of friends. Unlike her older brother, she showed no interest in governance. The queen’s only daughter had always been a soft and sweet girl; unfit to rule, because her heart was too big for the throne.

“Regardless of what Sebastian says, we are cutting the tour. I’m sure that the team will think of other projects to keep you busy, but it has to be inside the capital.” The support to the crown was strongest in the capital, even Luke knew that. Though it was not as safe as he had thought, it was probably the safest place she could be while the faction of the resistance that wanted her dead was being sorted out. He hated to sound like his mother, but he hated losing to his enemies more. “You can travel all you want after things have calmed down.” Perhaps she could pick up hints, or he would be as successful in enticing her to help him as he was in convincing her to concur to the doctors’ prescribed procedures when she was poisoned.

He followed her gaze out the window as the plane glided over the unfamiliar landscape. As a prince, he grew up surrounded by glass walls, tall skyscrapers, technology, cars, and hovercrafts alike. Nature was a luxury he seldom experienced. There was his favorite island, and some other remote locations which he discovered while flying surveillance drones, where he would retreat to when he needed a break from being Prince Alessandro. Time, however, was a precious commodity he could not afford to spend on relaxing and taking in the beauty of nature. His mini getaways, like the afternoon he brought her to the island, were always brief. Rhiane, on the other hand, grew up surrounded by so much nature. He wondered what it was like growing up in a farm, free to choose who she wanted to be. His eyes wandered to the outline of her profile.

When she leaned in, he fought against the urge to lean back into his seat and away from her. It should be easy, but his emotions were getting in the way. He advised her not to let her emotions sway her, but he was allowing his to influence his decisions. That he consciously welcomed her closeness in public, when there was no need to act as if they were in love, was a huge red flashing warning sign that spelled ‘DANGER.’ Still, a slow smile slowly lit his face.

He was doing it to manipulate her into submitting to his plans, was what he told himself to justify not running away.
“It will be just for a week, woman. But we must do something about those certain needs.” His voice was low, but his grin was as playful as hers. “And make sure they are met in the fullest so that the hours we are apart will not be too many to count nor too long a wait. So, I will not have to worry that you will turn to someone else while I’m half-way around the world.” He leaned in so their lips touched without regards to the passengers that shared the flight with them.

The captain managed a smooth landing, but Luke felt it when the wheels touched the airstrip. He lifted his face a few inches from hers, asking in a low voice, “What do you want to do today, princess?”

“Alright, we have arrived!” Anelle announced brightly even before Rhiane could respond. The plane had not yet fully stopped and she ought to be still strapped in her seat, but the count’s daughter was standing in her six-inch stilettos, sporting a bright smile. “Because of the sudden inclusion of this stop, we haven’t had the time to build a place where our crown prince and his betrothed could comfortably spend a few nights. We are, however, going to be setting up in a nearby city. It is not too far away and can be reached through land travel.”

The captain’s announcement that it was safe to unbuckle the seatbelt interrupted Anelle. More seatbelts were undone, some even prepared to deplane.
Luke was wondering what Rhiane’s house looked like, if it was anything like the farm houses from the last village or did she keep a household that was homier and more cozy than those he had seen so far, when she offered to finish the tour’s itinerary on her own. His lips fell into a flat line and his eyes slightly narrowed at her. The woman was either thirsty for adventures outside her hometown or she was taunting trouble to find her. With everything that had happened to her since she earned the title princess elect – the attempts at her life, the trauma of witnessing somebody shot dead – it was amazing that she would propose to continue traveling the kingdom instead of retreating into the safety of the palace.

Most of the passengers were already strapped into their seats, except for Octavia, who remained lingering near the door and Tobias, who stood on the aisle a few steps from the female guard. Both stepped aside to give room for the couple to move.

“Yes, it is important,” Luke was telling Rhiane as he ushered her to the window seat. He spoke in an equally hushed tone, careful not to let the incredulity be heard in his voice. “Especially when I fly out of the country next week. Keep this so you can call me whenever you miss me. It will also tell the security team where you’re at in case of any emergency or whenever you raise a signal for help.” After what happened at the mountains, they would not take any chances. Her whereabouts had to be monitored and her perimeter secured. It was clear that the enemy conspired to harm the future mother of the next generation of royals, and fortunately they failed twice. There was no assurance that there would be no more third. The more she endeared herself to the public, the more the rebellion saw her as a threat to their propaganda. Which was why Luke could not believe how she could ask him to let her attend the rest of the stops without him.

She was an insightful human being, most of the time a little too insightful for his comfort. “But even with this device, I don’t like the idea of you being alone on this tour. Whether you like it or not, you have already made enemies. I trust my cousin to protect you, but… No, we’ll let the PR team handle the cancellations. You should go back to the palace.”

The queen would want her to proceed regardless. She was correct that they were supposed to honor their commitments. It was Luke’s personal rule and sticking to it earned him credibility to those who he had a chance of working with. However, allowing Rhiane to be on her own was too risky. There was a spy inside the palace who could very well pinpoint her location, identify her activities, and arrange for another assassination attempt. It would be easier for the rebels to get to her with only half of the security force present. Besides, he doubted she would be receiving the same special treatment from the palace if he was not with her.

Luke leaned so he was whispering to her, “Or would you rather try your hand at flirting with Anelle while I’m out of the country?”

Leaving the capital to roam around the kingdom, presenting themselves as star-crossed lovers from different social classes, was the consequence of an unfortunate event during their engagement ball. If it had not been for it, the two of them could have stayed the amenities of the palace much longer. Rhiane could have been in attendance of a private tutor who would teach her how to conduct proper etiquette in both a local an international function, public speaking, how to dress herself like a princess, poise, and all the other things that the royal advisors believed the princess elect lacked. The urgency to fix a broken reputation preceded all these. Yet, when Luke left for the summit in the far east, she would have time to finally catch up on her training as a proper princess.
Maybe it mattered to her, but to the kingdom and the world what he felt, if it had nothing to do with politics, economics, or defense, was insignificant. But Luke smiled at his fiancee. They were almost there, almost at the point where he wanted them to be. He could point out her prejudice against the upper class, most especially him, yet it was pointless. It was time to pull back, retreat, and enjoy the possible peace between them no matter how short it may be.

“If he did that, I’ll relieve him from his duties on the spot then have him assigned in the farthest reaches of the kingdom. Someplace neither you nor I will ever visit so that he will never ever have the chance to touch you again.” His cocky grin might have given away how certain he was that he had the authority and will to do just that. Once upon a time, Luke and Tobias were the best of friends, brothers even. Then somehow, somewhere, as the boys charted the path destiny had sketched for them, the bond weakened until they were no more than a character in each other’s far flung memory. But the fact that the guard was a part of his past and somehow shared the same bloodline as Luke made the crown confident that the former would never betray his sworn duty. It was precisely the reason why Luke kept Tobias close to Rhiane.

“Then your security retinue will employ only women.” A slight frown touched his brows the same time his arms fell to his side. “Or gay men. That should be safe enough.”

Those sentences could be interpreted as possessiveness. If she would read between the lines, it would seem that he had broken the promise he made them make the night of their engagement ball – that they would live separate lives unconcerned of the other. He was staking his claim, telling her, though jokingly, that he was not about to let any other man lay their lustful eyes on her. Despite his independence, Luke was a spoiled kid who always got what he wanted in life. He was the two-year-old he was describing who would not let any other kid touch his toys, much less his fiancee no matter how wrong it was in the eyes of those who mattered.

“I have not even a slight interest in her. She is just an employee assigned by my mother to look after us, like Luce. I will not let her unfortunate intrusion hold you back in any way.” But there was no way of telling why the queen planted her in their midst. Although, rumors travel at lightspeed, thanks to the advancements in technology. He wouldn’t be surprised if his mother knew about her son’s growing interest in the farmer and Anelle, a stark contrast of Rhiane, was a reminder of what he ought to aspire. Queen Camilla’s logic was simple -- Rhiane was a tool for succession, and Luke ought to not feel any attachment towards said tool.

Luke walked to the couch to pick up the box. “I have ‘secret sanctuaries’ other than the island. I understand that you don’t want the world to see yours as well. Leave it out, nobody will notice anyway. Just give the cameras something beautiful to shoot and the people something to talk about.” He carried the box with him and proceeded to unlock the door. “Let’s meet your family today and plan the places we will visit. That’s all. The rest will be time you may spend however it pleases you. I’ll talk to Anelle to maybe convince her to shave a few cities and towns off the tour.”

He glanced down at the package in his hand as the door slid open. “I can show you the basic controls, if you like,” Luke invited. He could show her as the pilot prepared to land the aircraft, if only to distract both of them from finding other issues to fight about.
“I have three siblings who are much younger than me, Rhiane. Trust me, you are acting like a child. A two-year-old kid who misbehaves whenever another kid shows up eyeing her toys.”

So far, walking out of an argument had worked for their short-lived relationship. It was exasperating how they seem to never agree on anything other than arguing until one of them gave up. Such was the vicious cycle the couple was trapped in – one would state a fact, they argue about it until one of them threw his/her hands in the air and stepped out of the space, then one or both would find a way to make it up to the other. But he was not about to let the argument die just yet. It may be true what he implied about the aircraft wasting fuel because its VIP guests were biding their sweet time, yet it was important to Luke that he made himself clear before they landed. The next few hours would be his fiancee’s game, anyway. Just like he trusted Anelle to take care of logistics, his plan to convince Sebastian was hinged on Rhiane's emotional state of mind concerning him.

“Rhiane,” he sighed her name, ignoring her blatant refusal to take his hand. She was on her way out the door, but the cabin was not too big for him to cross. In the brief moment where she seemed to contemplate what to say next, he was in a space close enough to grab her. Her words that followed though, made him hesitate for a heartbeat. She had confessed once that she liked him without the title – it was not easy for him to believe that. Right before she swung the door open, she admitted something more on the same page.

Luke was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of hydraulics pealing the door apart. He grabbed Rhiane by her wrist, not really caring whether it was the recently injured arm or not. Time did not allow him the luxury of choice. Octavia was at the other side of the opened portal and so was Tobias, who appeared to be ready to storm inside the room and whisk the princess away in his arms again. Anelle was already strapped in, but the redhead looked over her shoulder at the sound.

“Tell him to circle the airstrip until further notice.” The prince half-dragged his future bride by her wrist back into the room. Without waiting for affirmations from the stunned passengers, the cabin door slid close and a red light at the side panel signified that it had been locked.

Her wrist was set free as soon as they had the privacy of their room. He watched her with the same guarded expression on his face as when he was speaking to his peers. Would she hit him? She could try. “We are not landing this plane until we settle our discussion. I will not have you two ladies using me to make the other jealous. You will not even try, Rhiane. It’s childish. It’s foolish. It’s pointless.” It was not even a guarantee that Anelle would stop flirting with him. "I don't ask you to make Tobias jealous, even if I hate that he makes you laugh and you will most likely pick him over me, because it doesn't matter. You are chosen to play a part in this PR campaign as much the queen chose Anelle for the job. Both of you need to focus on what should be done, provoking each other is an utter waste of time. Do your part, is all I’m saying. Work with her. Give her an idea where to shoot, which places to visit, because it’s part of your job. Besides, if you have not placed matters into your own hands yesterday, we could still have Luce Viscomi working with us right now.”

He paused after the last word escaped his mouth. It wasn’t what he would like her to hear from him, not when he wanted her to be more cooperative and not antagonized by his arrogance. “Let me handle Anelle,” Luke added quickly. “I’m not asking you to be like me, but for this campaign, set aside your personal emotions and do what needs to be done.”

His face softened a little maybe because he suddenly realized how he was the very person he was telling her not to become. A crack in his mask. His emotions ruled his logic, affected his words, consequently failing in negotiations. He took a step closer, tentatively touched his hands to her upper arm, as if he wanted to hold her and apologize, but he wasn’t sure if she would lean in. “She was a part of my past, Rhiane. We haven’t talked in years, because I don't feel like reaching out to her. Her flirting will not change anything. I never intended to catch-up with her. Between my duties and this tour, I have you to fill-in my schedule.”
They should be listening to the captain of the flight for the sake of their safety and the general interest of the kingdom, but Luke ignored the announcement. He stared at his intended, waiting for a sarcastic laughter or a sneer or a pronouncement that he was lying. It was well within her rights to doubt him. Nobody, not even his father, who was not born as low in the social hierarchy as she was, was spared from the expiration date. It had nothing to do with how much the heir loved or hated his/her betrothed, the high society just would not tolerate power to be given freely to a commoner hailing from nowhere. As he kept telling himself over and over again – if he would refuse to commission her death, then somebody else will. Therefore, he would not invest his emotions on a relationship that had an ultimatum. They both know that every day they spent together was another day closer to that inevitable finish line.

“Making the ‘impossible things’ possible is part of the gig.” The breeding tradition had hurt him once when he was powerless to do anything about it, but things were different now. The queen was perfectly fine to run the show beside her son to teach the prince what it was like to be a king. “I am not making a promise that you will reign by my side for as long as you live – that is impossible. The kind of impossible that I could do nothing about.” Because in the game that he was playing, keeping the general public placated was as important as keeping his allies happy. She could be the other half of the puzzle that would have completed the picture, but she just would not fit in the picture.

“The rifles from the clinic yesterday had a close resemblance with the standard issued rifles of the Royal Army. If the rebellion is all but a bunch of peasants voicing their discontent about the government, then how would they afford those firearms?” They wouldn’t. Otherwise, the money should have been spent for food or the betterment of the individual lives of the members and the community they belonged to. Not that he was discounting the fact that the rebellion rooted from an alleged discontent with the way the nobles were running the kingdom, what bothered him the most was that although the foot soldiers were commoners, there was a great possibility that the people’s grievances were being used by powers greater than the collective minds of the public. A kind of power that owned resources, that had influence to bring in his people inside the palace. “I need Sebastian to protect my family more than I need him to bring down the organization.”

A soft knock sounded from the door followed by the voice probably one of the female bodyguards of Rhiane requesting the couple to get into their respective seats. It was what prompted Luke to finally get on his feet and approach the princess elect. “You’re acting like a child, Rhiane.” He reached out his hand for her to take if she wanted to. “Suck it up and work with her. At the capital, we were taught how we don’t always get to choose who we work with. It’s a cruel world, I know.” She may say that she was not jealous, but it looked to him that she was. Her emotions were too close to the surface, allowing it to rule her instead of the other way around. When she was upset, she would stage a mutiny against him or anybody she was upset with, but when she was happy, she would become very cooperative. “I was taught that how we feel doesn’t matter. The world doesn’t care as long as we serve the purpose we are here for.” It was a subtle jab about her upbringing softened perhaps by the somberness in the way he delivered the blow.

“I’ve said too much, but the short answer is no, you are not allowed to make her jealous. Besides, how do you propose to do so?”

The captain repeated the request for the passengers to strap in. Luke sighed. “Come now, before we run out of fuel while circling above the airstrip.”
Luke nodded when she said Sebastian’s name like a charm that pulled her back from the recesses of her thoughts and into the present. The low hanging fruit. The only other link the prince could think of that he could use to penetrate the enemy territory. If his intelligence network had produced results within the timeframe that was given them, then there was no need to enlist the help of another unwilling peasant. The fact that there was no solid lead bothered him, because every minute that the resistance was operating within the walls of his home posed an increasingly greater risk for his family. If Sebastian was protecting his family and the family of his beloved by withholding information, then Luke too would do whatever it would take to preserve the health and lives of the ones he held dear.

“He doesn’t have to say anything if he is afraid of retribution. I will not pay him a visit only to endanger his and your family’s lives. My people will take care of all the digging, I just need directions – who to talk to, how to reach the person or persons, and be present where it matters.” His eyes wandered into the unopened box beside Rhiane. If she would open it and tap the screen of the device, Luke’s handwriting telling her the password would show. “He will be given direct communication access to both you and I using the encrypted line that we use. My mother need not know about this little project.” She would be against the outrageous idea of her son and would instead intensify the campaign about the upcoming wedding between the crown prince and the princess elect. Her present tactic was one that involved public distraction. She would entertain the general public with a fantastical love story so that they might forget the issues they were whining about.

“Principles can bend when applied with the right amount of pressure,” he added, moving his sober gaze to her. “Besides, I have someone that he loves. I can find a way for her to get out of this mess alive so she can watch her children grow into that kind of person she will be proud of.” Sebastian said that he loved Rhiane. It was obvious with the way she spoke about the former that he was dear to her heart as well. If Luke had not known that Sebastian preferred men, then the two of them would have a problem, but the fact remained that Sebastian loved Rhiane. And if he did love her the way Luke loved Callista, then Sebastian would exhaust all means possible to make sure that Rhiane lived a long, healthy, and happy life.

It was a promise that he thought he might use to encourage the cooperative spirit of Sebastian, but there was no guarantee that it would work. He might still insist on keeping the secrets of the rebellion. If he did so, though, he would be left with no other choice but to use force and pick-up information from people with weaker will than Sebastian.

“So you can live to witness how I am a man of my word, how I will keep my promise by not marrying Anelle Tuscano.” The slight crinkling of his eyes and the little tug at the edge of one side of his lips broke away from the grim expression on his face. It was brought about by the recollection of her reaction to Anelle. “I did not ask you to raise a kid with her or to be her friend, but to just give her a chance to prove her worth. She probably knows what she is doing, else she would not be in that position. Displaying hostility when you don’t even know how to use her weakness against her will get you nowhere. And you’re right the flirting will not stop.” In the world that she was living in at the moment, she may have a title that said ‘princess’ but she was still born a commoner. Anelle, on the other hand, was a true lady. “She has a closer relation to my mother than Luce Viscomi though. Her words may influence the queen. Let me voice out my unsolicited advice as well – hold off on the evil plans. There’s nothing to be jealous about.”

Just then, the pilot announced that they will arrive at the destination shortly. He consequently advised all passengers to return to their seats and prepare for landing.
His answer was plain and simple, “Politics,” as if that single word was enough to explain his actions. Placating Anelle was an unnecessary evil he had to pick if only because he did not want to deal with the logistics of the tour himself. No matter how infuriating the silhouette of the Count’s daughter was to Rhianne, they needed her to finish the campaign, but more importantly they needed her because the queen said so. Other than the publicity stunts, scripts, and media screening, Anelle’s team looked after their transport, accommodations, food, and other personal needs. She practically monopolized the couple’s living standards while they were away from the capital so that the couple could focus on improving their popularity.

Luke retreated to the empty seat by his desk instead of following her to the couch. He glanced at the display on the screen, flicked few notifications out of the way until he found something that interested him. The budget for the reparations and Barron Ferullo’s remittance to the national government compared to his territory’s budget allocation, including other financial data about the territory. Could they really not afford a decent hospital and more than one doctor? He scanned the summary sheet, mentally noting glaring inconsistencies between the data and the Barron’s last audited report. “Not too long ago, I hated the idea of you. Can’t a prince change his mind?” Luke responded absently. The numbers demanded his attention yet again. Maybe the Barron still has enough in his treasury to build a second healthcare center, fill it with necessary medicine and employ decent professionals to man the building somebody just had to pressure the right people. But finding gaps in the reports demanded time and concentration. He left the data alone for now, it could be a useful distraction after he faced the farmers.

“Demanding a promise is not necessary.” He looked her in the eye and if she’ll study his face, she’ll find anxiety hiding behind those bright blue eyes. “Not a single cell in my body wishes to marry Anelle Tuscano. Not now, not after you’re gone.” The last sentence was said with a straight face, no pretense, nothing soft and fluffy to soften the blow. Luke wasn’t sure what she expected him to tell her -- did she want him to lie and make her believe that she was different from the others that came before her, that he would protect her and not murder her like the queen did Luke’s father. He paused, searching her face for any sign of fear or weakness. Keeping her safe from the resistance was one thing, keeping her from the ruthless House was near impossible. If he would not do the job of eliminating her, somebody else will. “She’s not the kind of person I can trust to properly raise our children,” he added.

“I was not informed about what happened to Luce, but you disliked her too, didn’t you? Why don’t you give Anelle and yourself some time, maybe you’ll find that she’s not that much of a witch.” An impossible task, he thought. Anelle was not exactly friendly, she just knew when to be charming and when to bite – a skill Rhiane ought to learn if she was going to survive the court long enough to produce an heir.

If he told her the real reason why he wanted to visit her hometown, maybe she would be less critical about the idea. Luke opened his mouth as if to say something, then closed it. He leaned against the soft seat and reached for his not-so-warm coffee. Confessing his plans might instead increase her disapproval. Besides, he was going to push through with the plan with or without her consent. But the chance that she might be a little less hostile was tempting.

“I need to arrange a meeting with your brother’s partner, Sebastian.” That was what all the fuss was about. “When you were sick, I had a short conversation with him. He knows more than he told me that night, Rhianne, but he is not willing to talk. The resistance has spies in the palace. It makes their attacks much more precise and effective. Our spies are unable to penetrate deep enough to root out the ones in the palace. My sister’s, my family’s, yourself, all of your safety can no longer be guaranteed. Look at what happened to the SUV and the clinic. I could have lost you.” He could have lost a battle against the resistance. “I need to persuade Sebastian to help me and I thought visiting him is easier than ordering his arrest.”
Maybe if it was Tobias who presented the device to Rhiane, it would be greatly appreciated and not carelessly ignored as if she hadn’t heard a word that was said about it. Truth be told, it was not Luke's idea. It did not even cross his mind that he needed to find a way to communicate with the princes elect, because really the royal was be better off on his own, playing the game of politics while basking in the attention that lovely women endowed him. Not for anything else, the device was for her security, so that the palace could track her whenever they needed to.

If he was even a bit provoked by her very commoner-like attitude of brushing-off the good graces of the crown, he didn’t say a word about it. Whatever form of frustration her initial reaction inspired in him was lost the moment she started listing the reasons why it was a bad idea to visit her hometown. Not that her arguments could change what was going to happen in the next few hours, but he could have listened to her more thoughtfully if not for the bitterness in her voice and jealousy reeking from her words.

“My other future wife?” Luke barked a laugh in the middle of her concerns. He leaned his back against the backrest and put the unopened box down on the couch. When she referred to Anelle as a red-haired witch, he just lost it. What happened to the farmer girl who used to run away from him because he threatened her with a very innocent kiss?

“I haven’t heard anybody call her a witch in such a long time.” His smile was one of those that reached his blue eyes, it was full of amusement. “I can fix your concerns, except that --” In one fluid motion, Luke pushed himself off the leather couch. He met her where she paced, and while other fiance would hold and reassure his jealous fiancee, Luke pinched her cheek playfully then added, “You are so irrationally cute when you’re jealous.”

The plans surrounding the tour of her hometown might not have gone through her, but it did not mean that there was no planning that happened. Reasons why it had been left off the original itinerary was floated and discussed in the background, thus informing Luke of all the risks. Unpublished media coverage of the Black family spoke ill of their daughter’s decision as much as it did the royal family and its constituents. When the PR team reached out to the family’s patriarch, the response did not even pretend to be polite. Rhiane was telling the truth when she said that she had the best temper among her living family members. Luke knew what he was getting himself into and despite the risks, he had to meet her family and find time to speak to Sebastian.

He let go of her cheek only to plant a quick teasing kiss on the same spot. “I appreciate your concern, ma’am. We will suspend the filming when we meet with your family, if you’re so afraid that it will not go well. However, we are not cancelling. I believe I have been in more difficult situations than meeting my fiancee’s foul-mouthed, skeptical family. Our arguments only look like friendly banter because we learn to take control of our emotions even in the most frustrating situations.” It was true though, that he believed to had been in a more complicated situation than meeting the parents of his future bride. His position exposed him to people of standing from different cultures, and with different levels of pride. Negotiation was a skill he was taught at an early age, because a good leader was one who could talk himself out of a tight situation. The difference, which was the greatest hurdle he must face, was that he would be negotiating with commoners, who could have ties with the rebellion, commoners who hated him and his mother for being born into the royal bloodline, commoners who blamed their poverty on people like himself.

“Whatever Anelle and I had was in the past,” the prince added. He hoped to sound as sincere as he could telling his fiancee without actually saying the words that she was his present, that she need not worry about him looking at the woman other than as an employee appointed to make sure the public adored the couple. “There will be no frolicking through the fields or discussions over a glass of wine. Instead, let me see the places and meet the people who meant something to you – where you grew up, who your best friend was, the farm that you managed, Sebastian.” Especially Sebastian.
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