Avatar of Hidden Lilly
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Hidden Lilly
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 465 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Hidden Lilly 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Will be responding soon and then going on a Histus until October 17th, 2021
3 yrs ago
Been working through some burnout lately, sorry for the slow responses. I'll be getting to it this week.
3 yrs ago
I've been trying my hand at streaming lately, feel free to join on Fridays 9-11pm EST! twitch.tv/lilly_of_dreams
1 like
4 yrs ago
Guess who's back ;D
4 yrs ago
I'm taking a hiatus from Sept. 1-26th to handle some school stuff :)


Hello! My name is Lilly and this is a bit about me :3

I'm a Canadian role-player.
Atlantic Standard Time; UTC/GMT -4:00, Atlantic Daylight Time; UTC/GMT -3:00.

I like: Tea, Cats, Books, Music, Crafts etc.
I read: Fiction, Adventure/Epic Adventure, Fantasy/Dark Fantacy, Sci-Fi, Tragedy, Apocalyptic, Manga, Christian, Historical Fiction
I write: Romance, Adventure, War, Superpower/Superhero, Fantacy/Dark Fantacy, Apocalyptic

I used to write in larger rp groups and post an average of once per day at the free-casual level. Lately because of life circumstances, I've been participating in more 1x1 with an average posting rate of once every 1-2 weeks at the casual level.

Most Recent Posts

Makoto entered the room and waved a hello at Mimic. Following instructions, Makoto picked up a headset and went to stand by Kat. It was good to see her friend again. She placed the heavy technology on her head and waited to be transported.

Makoto ducked as soon as the scenery changed. The lower she was to the ground the better chance she had, no matter what environment she would be in. Dust settled around her as a chunk of a building had fallen off close to where she was. She saw the soldiers, their weapons and the civilians. Makoto tucked herself behind a close turned over car in a defensive position. Communication was going to be difficult with this task as she found that there were no intercom microphones. They would actually have to be in hearing range of one another to communicate. It seems as though she had spawned in close to the other newcomers, an unfamiliar team. There was not much around she could use and with her close range fighting style, the advantage was not hers. In an unrefined manner, Makoto reached out to see if she could sense any weapons that ran off of an electrical charge. If they did, maybe she could short circuit it.

Thanks :)
Florida was nice to visit. I have some pictures of pretty plants if anyone wants to see them :P

Makoto smiled at Modlen.

"Your wings are beautiful. Flight must be quite a wild ride." Makoto considered the difference between meta humans and mutants. Considering this she realised that she was likely more akin to a meta human but when it boiled down to it, did it really matter? "I'm sorry to hear that where you come from there is a difference. Where I am from there is just fear... now there is some fascination but it still takes time for people to accept us." Makoto's heart swelled with pride as Molden chose to expose her gifts.

"The receptionist should call us in shortly. Batman is never too far from the schoo-"

"Makoto? Modlen?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes?" Makoto answered.

"You can both go see Batman. He is in his office now. Make sure to knock."

"I guess that means we get to go see the principal." Makoto said, smiling at Modlen.

Makoto turned and walked down the hall to see Batman. Once she got to the office, she realised that Modlen hadn't followed her. She wondered where the girl had gone.


The meeting with Batman was brief and to the point, as always. He made his expectations and warnings clear. Now she was headed to the gym yo join Mimic and the class. She smiled to herslef, looking forward to more training. There seemed to be another young man in the hall far ahead of her.

I just got back and functional. I should post by the end of the day.
Makoto smiled warmly at Modlen.

"Almost everyone here can be considered a mutant. Batman and a few others exempt... but with what they can do they may as well be." she expressed light-heartedly, thinking of Storm and all that she could do and how kind she had been.

Noise ricocheted from down the hall. Makoto was comforted by the sounds of training. She wondered if Mimic was teaching gym again this year.

"Actually," she began, eyeing the reception counter and waiting a moment for them to be distracted. "I'm technically a mutant myself." Makoto focused on trying and increasing the electricity in her hand. She created almost a claw shape with her fingers and visible sparks began to jump from one finger to the next. As soon as she had begun, she released her influence on the electricity and let it dissipate, though the air maintained a charge. "Both my parents were normal humans, Storm mostly helped me learn about what I can do."

@Nikki Moonlight
Fair :P It is rather slow going.

Just so everyone knows, I will be away from May 4th-13th on a family vacation. I will try to post when I can if this RP gets going while ièm gone.

No Problem :)

I will be away on family vacation from May 4th-13th. I will do my best to check in and post when I can.
"That's a fair plan." Makoto commented. Her heart hung heavy behind her ribs remembering her own father, he would have loved to see all of this. She waited for the girl to catch up to her before continuing up the rest of the stairs.

"Batman is the principal here." Makoto continued, trying to bring both of their attention to a new topic. "In all of the few times I've seen him, he's as stern as ever but he is also fair." They rounded the corner that lead to the offices and gave their names to the secretary who was new to Makoto. The two stood in the reception area, waiting to be called in. "Batman likes to check in with all of the students at the beginning of their enrollment. You know, give them a map and the basic rules of the school and consequences for breaking them. A lot of the students and staff are really nice though. The teachers always work together to try and make this a safe learning place for each person and their abilities."

@Nikki Moonlight

Yeah? Why is that?
@Nikki Moonlight

Haha, I am actually :P Now that I'm done exams... I have quite a bit more time to read and whatnot. I'm half way through the first book already now!
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