Avatar of Holly
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 332 (0.09 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Holly 6 yrs ago
    2. ████████ 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current how fucking long has it been bro
6 yrs ago
3 episodes left in the balance arc of TAZ and I am fucking L O S I N G I T
6 yrs ago
workin on it!
6 yrs ago
Just read my "Introduce Yourself" post from 4 years ago.... is it possible to go back in time and murder past me?
6 yrs ago
god i really need to update my bio.


What's good homeboy!!!!

Hi there! I'm Holly, I'm 20 years old, and I'm here to pretend that I didn't peak in high school! I've been roleplaying for about 6 years, and I've been on the Guild for almost 5! I took a huuuuge break (about 3 years, to be precise :p), but I'm back and ready to kick some ass with my utterly raw linguistic know-how and frequent use of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!

Some of my favorite things include listening to/playing music, Owl City, Animorphs, the movie Wolf Children, Scott Pilgrim, helping people, and of course roleplaying!

I'm also trans, and I love dogs a whole lot!! Especially border collies, with the little floppy ears and the big floofy tails. I love being validated, so feel free to start a convo at any point!! Just be nice!!

I used to be SM64Dude! Now I'm not.

Avatar by www.snoopingasusualisee.tumblr.com

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Whatever we don't remember can be filled in with a Google search or two, I'm sure! The books also serve as wonderful reference points to that end.
90's all the way baby!!! I wouldn't have it any other way B)
Alright folks! Just about everything's in place for us to begin! Finally!!

Just a couple quick things we need to make sure of before we start:

First off, ages. I was thinking our characters would be the same age as the characters in the books, but it looks like we're leaning more towards late-high-school types. That's fine! As long as it's something we all agree upon, and we respect that these are still kids, for the most part.

Second, posting schedule. Personally, unless we're doing something incredibly action packed, I'll be a bit slow to post- College and anxiety kick my ass on the daily! If you need to be slower as well, that's totally fine! But if you need to leave for any reason, I just need to know. I don't need details, just tell me. All I can ask for. Also sub to the RP if you haven't already!!

Third: don't be afraid to seize the narrative for a bit. Often times, I'll try to push things along, but if you see an opportunity to do something badass, helpful, important... just do it! Every book had a different narrator, so why shouldn't ours?

Number four is roles... I'm still hesitant about setting definite roles. I really don't want to be the leader, but I can be. It seems we have a lot of "Rachels"- characters who have violent tendencies who can hold their own in a fight. That's totally cool, just remember that this is most likely the first time any of these kids are actually seeing combat.

I think (?) that about covers it! Please pose any questions or disagreements you have now, or forever hold your peace (by forever I mean until I mess up and have to retcon a buncha shit, lol)
In the meantime!

@Dusty and @ayzrules, please add your character sheets to the "characters" tab!
Name: Emma

Gender: Female

Human? You know it!

Personality: If you ever need her, Emma is probably sitting at the back of the class or writing a story in her room. She's not necessarily introverted, but certainly prefers time to reflect on things. She demonstrates a considerable amount of compassion and intelligence, but falls short in terms of rational thinking and physical prowess. In many ways, Emma is "just about average", which is just fine by her. In terms of combat, she's not any more accustomed to fighting than any other girl her age, but she's certainly not afraid of it. However, if there's a way to get out of a situation without doing unnecessary damage, she'll almost always shoot for that first. She loves her friends! And would like, totally die for them (whether she means this or not, time will tell). Gosh she loves Lisa Frank!!

Physical Description: About 4'9", she's not necessarily tiny, but not really medium height either. Somewhere in between. Looks young, thin, with straight black hair that she dresses, but not too much. She normally wears a headband, shorts, keds, and one of the old t-shirts she's inherited from her brothers. So, so, so many bracelets. Could roll around in the dirt and still come out mostly clean.

Favorite Morph(s) (Add later; our characters have not fully discovered their abilities yet!): ;)
Sincerest apologies, all! I was absent for way longer than I expected to be, but that gave me time to think up a beginning for the story and devise my character sheet, which I'm working on as I type (sorta :p). Expect to start tonight or tomorrow! If we don't, one of you has permission to kick my ass! ;D
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of my character sheet today! Night in the Woods really got me, haha. Hoping to have it up tomorrow!
0.0 That's awesome! Is flying as nice as they say it is?
I wish my family treated me like a princess..... shit...... and thats crazy!! Piloting seems complicated but rewarding!
Ah, and @ayzrules, feel free to add your sheet to the "Characters" tab as well!
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