Avatar of Honesty Crow
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    1. Honesty Crow 7 yrs ago


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When the New Republic Mon Calamari cruiser arrived in Onderon, The Intrepid picked up on it almost instantly. Unaware of the hyperspace route taken by Miryia, the New Republic placed itself at a disadvantageous postion. Upon their arrival, one of the bridge officers called for Karius who walked over to his station.

"Report." Said Karius, as he glanced at the screen picking up six targets.

"They are New Republic ships, sir. One of them is a 'Liberty-type MC80 Star Cruiser', most likely the lead ship." Said the young female bridge officer, briefly glancing at Karius who nodded in aknowledgement.

"Keep me posted." Replied Karius, as he walked off. Taking a commlink out of his pocket he hailed Miryia on the surface.
"Janus. We have company. The New Republic sent a task force out to the planet. They are most likely evacuating their people. Have you found what we are looking for yet?"

"Fascinating" the words left her throat, in an almost imperceptible murmur. Purple eyes danced with a flurry of emotions that were as hard to decipher for the young trooper beside the woman they were coming slowly coming around too, as much of her body language had been. "What is Ma'am?" The voice that cracked through the audio filters belonged to a human female, who sounded as if she had maybe been out of her teens a year. "The holocron, it's different" she held it in her hand, moving it from one side to another. But she'd said no more, merely placing it in a box and handing it to Captain Cardinal, she looked as though she was about to issue an order when Captain Karius came over the line. And the Republic was here now? Truly odd, she'd felt a presence before and assumed that it had been the Republic. "We've retrieved a package" she turned and eyed Cardinal "Lead your men back to the shuttle and return to the intrepid, I'll find my own way off Onderon"

Hijacking some poor smuggler would be easy enough. "Another force wielder is planet side and I sense more than one...I'll not risk you and your men with such a task. Go now and celebrate your first victory in months"

Miryia dismissed them with a nod that did its best to convey the rigidity of command and respect before she took a separate exit from the cellar

Over on the Mon Calamari cruiser, the members of Rogue Squadron had gathered in the hangar before getting on their ships. The Jedi had gathered in a Galofree Transport and were ready to land on the planet once Rogue Squadron was deployed. The fleet itself established itself in Onderon's orbit, waiting for the Star Destroyer to make a move.

Alara entered the hangar with Lahana and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “May the Force be with you,” she said supportively before joining the rest of her team conversing with who appeared to be Lahana’s master, Kale. None of them looked pleased.

Rogue Group boarded their vessels and left the hangar; each agreed to escort the shuttle containing the Jedi just before breaking atmosphere and would then turn around to engage Imperials as needed.

Despite the presence of the Imperials, the escort mission went underway without any delays. When the transport reached the atmosphere and the squadron broke off, the Imperials never engaged. As the squadron returned to the fleet, Wedge couldn't help but think about the mission and the presence of the Imperials. Why would they send a single Star Destroyer? Something was wrong, but they couldn't figure out what.

"We should hold position and defend the task force. Wait for Master Kale and the others to return." Said Wedge, seemingly changing his mind over attacking the Star Destroyer.

"Understood." Nareia said curtly; none of the others objective to this course of action.

As the Galofree transport took off and began to return, the Captain of the MC80 contacted Wedge and the others.

"Sensors are picking up several unknown ships. They are coming out of hyperspace now!" He said frantically. The moment he finished the sentence, two dozen ships emerged from hyperspace on opposite sides of the planet. Now that they were here, Wedge was able to make it out their allegiance.

"Pirates!" He said. "What is the Black Sun and the Zann Consortium doing here?" A rhetorical question. It was obvious that they were interested in whatever the Alliance had hidden down there. Now, they were probably here to retrieve it. Before he could order Rogue Squadron to go back and escort the transport the two rival fleets engaged each other.

Fighters flew all over the place, as the Zann Consortium and the Black Sun opened fire on each other. Black Sun bmbers engaged the Aggressor-class Star Destroyer that commanded the Zann Consortium forces as the they attempted to destroy the Black Sun which was mostly composed of loose fighters, bombers and frigates.

As the battle unfolded in the sky, Miryia made her way deeper into the city. Whoever these Force users were, they were moving away. It was likely that they had already figured out that she was following them. Finally, they led her into one of the large hangar bays. There, she spotted an old Sith Empire Fury-class interceptor. Right by the ramp of the ship, was a cloaked man flanked by a masked humanoid and an old assassin droid from the Confederacy. It seems they had been waiting for her. These were the Force users she was looking for.

As the battle raged in the heavens above them, an entirely different engagement ensued as one Jedi of old pursued something entirely new. The manner in which they'd concealed themselves left her almost frustrated until she allowed her awareness to extend deeper into the force and she began to understand that while the methodology was similar the evocation felt different. In many ways this force wielder was different from her generation, their connection to the force had atrophied considerably since the battle of Ruusan though it seemed to be coming back to form slowly and gradually, as millennia of doctrine was cast aside and force wielders were forced to examine themselves and discover new methods.

Whoever this was owed her that and she allowed a perverse smile as she continued to track them, those who were luring her somewhere quiet where they could engage each other. -fearing collateral damage? No, this one wouldn't attack an unknown enemy, he's not a fool- perhaps he too was curious? Her senses bristled as a more "pure" source of light began to enter Atmosphere.

upon entering the hangar bay the woman almost sneered at the sight of the relic, the old fury. Of the three, the one who interested her the most was the eldest organic, his power was a twilight color a gray Jedi perhaps?
"You've led me around the city, you and your little one. Curious, you strike me as one who seeks, not flees"

"You'd be correct." Replied Ja'Karr, stepping forward a little. He was cautious, but not afraid. "But something tells me we've both left empty handed."
Miryia noted that the Grey Jedi was blind. By the look of his eyes, she could tell that at some point he had lost his sight in its entirety. However, it was clear that he could see her through the Force. Another thing she picked up on is how protective he seemed of the younger one standing beside him. It was subtle, but it was there. Perhaps, a Master and an apprentice?

Eli stood about a step behind Ja'Karr, off to his side. He stood with his hands clasped in front of his body to try and offer a non-threatening stance, though his tight grip on his own wrist would give away how anxious he felt, dreading a potential planetside conflict to come. He'd never been in a real fight before, and he's only had his saber for about a month.

His head turned towards his master, then to the Arkanian again to at least try to understand what was going on. The apprentice decided that the best course of action would be, just like in his classes on his homeworld, to shut up and listen.

To see without sight, it was one of those abilities that most assumed would come naturally to Jedi, but the peons of the Galaxy seldom truly understood what it meant to use the force and the difficulties such abilities entailed. Miryia for example, had been trained by a Master who was regarding as a formidable seer and prophet and she'd dedicated long hours in her youth to far sight and yet never saw beyond herself, for many blind Jedi, sight came with not a mastery to suppress ones emotions but a mastery of acceptance of one's emotions.

For followers of the code, that always came with some difficulty and it grew harder with each passing century. This "sight" was a testament to his skill, a credit to his nuance and power. -So you're here for the holocron too?- she thought, Miryia inclined her head giving a curt nod "That depends I suppose, on what we both came here for. Seek you Sith trinkets?" her purple eyes again narrowed on the boy and she let out a soft chuckle "Don't worry little one, neither your master or I are going to draw a lightsaber" she turned now to face Ja'Karr, gently probing his mental defenses, allowing her power to gently embrace him not to attack but to understand. "Isn't that right..." she paused 'Ja'Karr..." she offered him a curtsy, knowing full well she hadn't probed hard enough to pull anything and that he'd allowed her that much. It was vexatious, but at the same time, Miryia was no ingrate.

"You'll forgive the mental intrusion I trust, I've been..gone a long, long time and I wanted to see how much the methodology of force wielding has changed..It hasn't all that much. Light and Dark, the blind obsession with servitude or domination..of a substance"

Miryia allowed a shoulder to rise as if offering an indifferent shrug "But you're different aren't you?"

There was something wrong about this woman. He could sense it. Her presence in the Force was different. She was far from Darth Sidius who emanated an aura of evil and decay. This woman on the other hand, he simply couldn't tell. Somehow however, it was familiar. He had sensed this before, but where?

"I followed a different path and so do my pupils. The Force is not black and white. But, you knew that already." He paused for a moment, his grey eyes staring back at hers. "You never told me who you are. I feel like I know you."

-Not black and white- there, she thought, it was a start and the woman inclined her head ever so lightly. He did feel gray, stalwart, driven, passionate but it was tempered by an inner calm, the boy beside him was a blip on the radar that might one day blossom into a tempest of power, but what stood before her was more akin to a great fresh water lake. Placid, but tempestuous, powerful in its depth if not in its vastness.

"No, it is not, to ascribe a philosophical binary to the force is to spiritualize the raw materials for plasteel or durasteel, to call trinium or hypermatter "dark or light" " The woman spoke, perhaps if not in agreement as if though she were offering input, offering her own insights. Though, their approach might have differed as much as their philosophies, despite their roots in similarity.

His next question caused the woman to nearly beam, though she mastered herself and nodded "It is possible you know me, I've had soldiers and pilots recognize my name from history books, some of what I've been able to read from what wasn't destroyed by that profligate imbecile Palpatine says the Jedi believed me dead, lost in combat. "A great loss"

She wanted to laugh at that, had the fools known the truth, they wouldn't have mourned her as a great hero. "I am Miryia Farlina of House Janus, in another life I was Jedi Master and General in what your history books call the New Sith wars...Though the title "Jedi Master" seems to have little significance now"

The question would rise, why she hadn't sought out look, but his awareness, his own recognition of what she was told him the answer to that question.

"I've encountered Jedi who aim to walk a path akin to yours, in my youth I thought them foolish, on the council, I tried to shield them from retribution by our more...puritanically minded brethren"

"I was a fool myself to think I could change the Order from the inside." Said Ja'Karr recalling his old days as a Jedi Master within the Order prior to the Clone Wars. "But they deviated from their path long ago. I don't mourn their destruction at the hands of the Sith. Perhaps it was the Force's will or not. I have never been able to tell. Seems I am not the only one who thinks this way."

Ja'Karr had to be careful. Even when their beliefs were similar, he had yet to asses her intentions. Further, he would have to meditate on this familiar presence. He needed to go back and find whatever memory he associated with this.

Eyes flickered for the briefest of moments, with a mix of frustration, the disappointment of a teacher who found a potential equal who still deviated. "Perhaps, though does one blame the will of hypermatter for a reactor breach? Or the incompetence of the plants engineers?" The woman shrugged, allowing this question to hang in the air as she walked, without menace and yet somewhat circling them, her eyes flashing from Pupil to Master, probing and a hand gently reached out for Eli's shoulder "Your master may sound harsh for not mourning the mutual annihilation of the Jedi and Sith, do not judge him so..."

After all, he hadn't given them the nudge, merely seen the hypocrisy. "To leave the path of a Jedi takes, conviction" she turned gliding between master and apprentice, her features trembled slightly, the beautiful woman, again seeming for the briefest of seconds much like an enraged cobra.

"It took far too long" she murmured, though more to herself than to either master, or apprentice..

"It would be..perhaps illuminating if we were to continue this discussion when we have less pressing matters to attend too..and our dogmatic, lost brothers are not on our heels. If the forest moon of Endor catches your fancy there is an old palace on the southern most point of the main continent. It was erected by followers of Xendor, tens of thousands of years ago and is occupied now by an exiled Nightsister..who calls herself Charal..She is ignorant of the knowledge woven into the stone. If it you wish it, in three months time you may seek me out there...I wish to visit this witch and learn more of how her people wield the force, bring your apprentice..Perhaps..We can reach an accord"

of course, she had every intention of offering Charal two choices, a lightsaber to the heart or conversion...But she was not quite ready to make the same overture to Ja'Karr, for now, he was a peer.

A fellow student on a new path and she was content to see where he would go and if his search would lead him back to her...insights.

Just as Miryia finished speaking, the two Force users turned simultaneously toward the entrance as several dozen soldiers marched inside weapons drawn. Leading them was one assassin droid, IG-88.

"Halt. You will stand your ground and hand over the holocron." Said IG-88, as he pointed two blaster rifles at the group near the ship. "Tyber Zann will not ask twice."

Ja'Karr stepped forward, only feet away from the assassin droid. "Tell Tyber Zann that we came out empty handed. The holocron isn't here."

"Last chance." The droid insisted, his photoceptors moving around frantically as he asssesd the situation. "Hand over the artifact or die."

Eli, Miryia and Bix saw Ja'Karr lower his hood and walk closer to the IG-series droid. Slowly, he placed his hands together in front of him, locking his fingers together.

"Oohh, this is gonna be fun." The CIS assassin droid chuckled, as he drew a sniper rifle from his back. Up until now, Miryia had dismissed the droid, though upon closer inspection she noticed he had a monocle and a moustache on its head unit.

Oh now this was annoying, she'd been so preoccupied with tracking the Jedi approaching their location that she made the mistake of assuming the untalented and their mechanized compatriots were merely denizens of the city and not enemies. She'd made a poor showing of herself in that sense and her fingers twitched with annoyance.

Tyber Zaan? Ah yes, the Gang lord turned war lord....What did the fool want with a holocron unless? Her eyes narrowed,. Imperial intelligence reports had indicated that he was after relics but they couldn't determine why, had he found himself a former acolyte? A surviving inquisitor as the Pentastar Alliance had? or something else? There had always been other surviving embers of the Sith legacy, Palpatine was convinced he'd crushed all the so called pretenders, to his heretic's throne and yet...Could one have remained? Or was the man's ambition more provincial?

Instinctively, she moved closer to Eli, standing in front of the youth "If I had it, I'd sooner destroy it then hand it to you" which was true, she had studied the Sith arts for decades in the dark and found them wanting, profane and ultimately doomed to self destruction. They held no more interest to her beyond what insight they could give her in terms of different methods of manipulation, data and little else.

The room began to grow cold, around the hangar panels groaned and rivets loosened. If Ja'Karr hadn't fully sensed it by now, he'd have a clearer window into her soul, a soul that was scaled, ornate, regal and yet, emitted a light that was more akin to a radiation leak than a beacon. pretty to behold, venomous to be near.

"Do you wish to handle these..simpletons?" Miryia asked the man and his droid "I'll safeguard your apprentice..a courtesy between fellow travelers on the gray road" Despite her aura, there was a maternal tone to her voice.

Eli turned his torso, taking a step back with one leg. His arms finally separated, empty right hand suddenly filled with a small metallic cylinder that had just flown out from under his cloak. He didn't ignite his lightsaber though, only clenching it tightly in his hand. Holding this weapon seemed to calm him, his nervousness less apparent. He wasn't hostile towards Miryia, rather looking towards the Consortium intruders in case his master needed help.

"False. I am IG-88. I have killed many Jedi. You will just be part of my expanding stati-" Before IG-88 could go on, he stopped as he spotted one od the Consortium soldiers aiming his weapon at the assassin droid. Slightly confused, he turned toward him.

"He's behind you!" Shouted the soldier, as he opened fire on one of his comrades killing him. The others also began to yell at each other as they shot in different directions believing Ja'Karr to be in different positions at once. Panic engulfed the lines of the Zann Consortium troops as they shot or fought against one another. Some believed the others were ancient enemies or ghosts, while others saw Ja'Karr threatening their comrades. However, IG-88 could see right through the illusion. Seeing himself in a precarious position, the droid fell back fleeing outside. The chaos was over in just a minute. The entrance to the hangar was now filled with the dead bodies of Tyber's thugs.

Bix looked at Miryia and Eli before bursting out laughing. "That was cool, right?"

To Miryia, this ability would have been familiar to her. Force Insanity, an advanced version of the infamous 'Jedi Mind Trick'. It could induce paranoia and delusions on victims forcing them to either flee or attempt to kill their own. As for Eli, he had never sensed his Master reach so far into the Dark Side to perform an ability. The aura emanating from Ja'Karr was probably enough to make him a little bit sick.

"Let's go." He said, turning around toward the ship. "I doubt Zann's assassin is going to give up that easily."

Eli nodded, returning the saber hilt to the inside of his cloak. He turned and walked with Bix and Ja'Karr to their ship, climbing up the access ramp and waiting at the top for his master, leaning against the doorframe as he felt a little queasy.

His hands were held in front of his body again, but he felt the need to tear his hand away for just a moment to wave a small goodbye to Miryia before turning into the ship with Ja'Karr.

Now, that, had almost made the trip worth it and Ja'Karr's shift in the force, his change from a gentle grey to a violent whirlwind of crimson and that distorted heat that didn't warm was abrupt and it spoke more to his beliefs that he could so casually delve so deep into the more volatile of the substances without losing himself as many fools did.

The Droid had bragged, in Miryia's eyes it was space dust, she would destroy it for daring to compare her to fodder from a diluted Order he'd killed in the past. Though, her thoughts were again pulled from her fury to the scene at hand and when the men began to panic she allowed herself a small smile, she knew the technique well or at least she had a hunch she did. Allowing her mind to wrap around the conscience of one of the panicked thugs Miryia began to see what he saw, a few creditors who had leaned on him for he debt he owed whom he'd killed in the past and left for dead, mottled and rotting. While it wasn't quite the complex illusions certain dark side sects and the ancient Jee'dai were known for, a skill one of her peers in the past had learned (those were often non fatal), it was remarkably similar, yet practical and common sense. Take the infamous mind trick dial it up and use the darkside to enhance the fears and neurosis of the enemy. Clever, she thought, perhaps he was worthy of her vision..should he care about order and justice any way. If he was like the lazy adepts of the Bendu, pursuing mere curiosities to master the soul then she had no use for him in the end.

The boy, who had clearly been disturbed by his master's power, did his best to master his composure before hurrying away. Managing a polite goodbye as he did so.

"It has been illuminating Ja'Karr, till we meet again"

Miryia waited then, allowing his vessel to depart before she gazed upon the rest of the hangar, pilots, mechanics, service men, tech droids and more than one prostitute and their pimp were all hiding and all terrified. A generation of Sith rule had left the masses petrified of the force or dismissive of it. She lifted a hand making a dismissive wave, blastdoors sealed and entrances closed down, none would flee or intrude for she had a battle to attend too.

A Zabrak who had taken cover behind a decent sized freighter of Mon Cal make began to rise, she was the only one who had the guts to bull a blaster on her and Miryia raised an amused eyebrow, the girl's hand twitched, she fired and the blast dissipated harmlessly around the woman in purple. "If it were that easy, I would not be here" The woman moved to fire again but the blaster flew out of her hand.

A Wookie with dark black, almost opaque fur roared at the Zabrak telling her to knock it off and then he turned to make an apology. "Ah, you're her Captain?"

The wookie nodded, evidently they were transporting a shipment of medicinal equipment and droids to the outer rim..long but profitable voyage which explained the girls fury.

Miryia nodded her head ever so slightly, accepting the apology with a look of ice that suggested she'd have killed the girl were it not for the Captains manners and then produced a small slip of concentrated Aurodium, enough to commission a fleet of merchant vessels.

Sate Pestage had given her access to a terminal to read nonsense propaganda, it had taken the former Jedi Master hours to set up her own network within the remnant..and to begin building her own resource base, mostly to acquire unaltered historical texts, but also to begin building a powerbase.

"Take me to the starship in orbit old father" she uttered an ancient Wookie honorific "And this is yours, though I would urge you to fly fast and true and plot a hyperspace course out of here as soon as you leave me"

The Wookie agreed and once they broke orbit she contacted Admiral Karius letting him know not to fire on the barge. "What is our status?! Why do I see missiles and turbo lasers? " and two different battles?!

When Miryia and the 501st landed on the outskirts of Iziz, they began a sweep of the surrounding areas. Intel was sketchy at best on the exact location of the base. This forced them to look around a general area, which is the best Imperial Intelligence could give them. Despite their best efforts, the group was forced to enter the city. At Miryia's orders, the Stormtroopers changed into a series of disguises and managed to enter Iziz without alerting the local authorities. When she entered the city, Miryia couldn't help but sense a disturbance in the Force. Whoever it was, they were making enough of a ripple that she could sense it. Though, it was obvious that they were hiding it. Before she could investigate any further, her commlink beeped.

"Commander, come in. We found something. Seems the Rebels hid their base inside a local cantina. We've locked down the establishment. Orders?"

Now that was interesting, she'd felt it, for the briefest of moments a being possessed of some power in the force, one doing its best to hide itself. For the briefest seconds it seemed almost confounded as if it was trying to perceive something to search. The ripples faded and for the first time since her awakening the ancient Jedi caught a whiff of the mechanisms and methods by which the modern force users wielded the force. -Not that much has changed, but they call out to the force, rather than looking within to call out- a breeze passed through city streets and her cloak was pressed against her body casting a hooded shadow out before her.

Her commlink went off in that moment and she very nearly missed it, being lost in the analyses of the power she felt. "Hold position, instruct Captain Cardinal to look for for any vaults or sealed rooms but only unlock them, I'll be there in a moment"

She'd reached out with the force as they entered the city, Onderon was always a place of power in the darkside, but there was something, new and yet ancient here, something concentrated beyond mere localized disturbances. While she wouldn't be certain until she breached, the former Jedi Master had an idea of what waited for them and that needed a specialized hand.

When Miryia arrived at the cantina, one of the 501st soldiers was waiting outside. He was doing a good job pretending to talk to one of his comrades. Both of them were holding drinks and blending in with the busy streets of the city. Two police officers passed by and they didn't even notice them standing there. Once inside, Miryia saw that most of the squad was sitting around in the Cantina. Most were blending in, except for Cardinal who was standing near the bar right in front of the clearly terrified bartender. Off to the side, there was a shelf that was half opened, one of the Stormtroopers was standing near it covering most of the entrance.

As she walked towards the Cantina, two of the "patrons" leaning lazily on the outside locked eyes with her and she nodded her head. It was a testament to just how profoundly foolish much of the Remnants leadership was that these warriors could fake drunkenness so perfectly because they likely had spent most of the intervening months since Endor in an alcoholic stupor.

As the municipal law officers passed them Miryia's purple eyes focused on the building itself and she had to suppress a nostalgic chuckle. One of the "drunks" noticed and she shook her head, it was a story she might tell them later, one day perhaps when it was necessary to further the goal of earning their loyalty.

Cardinal stood, a statue ready to attack any who dared enter, standing sentry and Miryia turned to eye the frightened bar tender. Upon laying eyes on the men she couldn't help but smile, a regal smile that barely hid the predators glint in her eyes. "you there?" she queried her features shifting as she began to slowly advance towards him, the air around the cantina began to grow cold and then heavy as though an animal of some sort, barely able to fit inside the cantina had taken up a seat.

"Where are you from?" she queried, it was such a mundane question but there was an edge to the question as if it was more a pretext to attack, though whether the power that suddenly enveloped the room was a mere show to scare the bar tender, or a message to another, or her preparing to do something.

Her left hand rose, an expensive bottle of Chandrillan brandy floated from the shelf and began to dance in the air before it landed in one of the "drunken" troopers laps. "That, is very fine liquor for a backwater, even one in the inner rim"

"I don't doubt it" Simple payments, was never enough when one wanted to conscript an Onderonian to do your bidding, they always required finesse, an exchange of goods, a façade of manufactured honor to paint a nice cover over the reality that they were selling themselves to the highest bidder, or whoever offered them a handout first. "I believe" she began, her voice remaining its usual melodiously formal tone, only now a hint of something feral joined the chorus that left her voice box. "that might be the only honest answer, you'll give me. But I'll give you one chance, one chance to tell me where the relic is" she paused there and gently "tugged" him closer, close enough that her fingers ran across his chin. "I'm no Sith, I can keep your brain functioning long after you've taken any suicide pills you might have been given. I can pull the information from you brain, but it will likely leave you mentally impaired for the rest of your days, I don't want to do this to you...But I will. So do not lie to me Bartender do not so much as omit a truth"

Her eyes fluttered to the Captain, the look in them implied she wanted his men ready to move soon.

The bartender started to shake in sheer fear. He also started sweating, avoiding Miryia's stare as much as he could.
"P-please. The Alliance paid me to use the cellar for an operation of theirs. I-I just took the money. Didn't think anything of it! The Empire was gone..."

Cardinal drew a smaller datapad from a bag that hung from his left shoulder. Placing it on the table, it showed a chart with a series of communications between the bar and known New Republic planets.

"You're a spy." Cardinal declared, pointing at the history of communications. "You have been feeding intel to the Rebels since the War began. Where is the artifact?"

The Bartender froze as he saw the evidence before him. "Wait! I'll tell you... They brought something in here a few months ago! It made me sick for a few days. They keep it in one of the vaults down there. Please! It's all I know!"

Having been found out, the bartender broke down sobbing. It didn't take long for them to draw out the information from him. Seems the New Republic was losing its touch.

One of the Storm Troopers rose from a table, walking forward a hand reaching for his pistol only to stop as Miryia shook her head lightly. No, there was no need to kill this one though what he'd said of the item confirmed her suspicions and made her eyes hardened and burn with a lust that would have boiled illum or Hoth if it had been focused into a laser. Her fingers coiled around the man's chin and she brought his face to meet hers. "You know of your history, during the New Sith Wars, the Jedi Master who destroyed the Fortress here? The one who slew most of the men over twenty in this wretched city millennia ago? What was it you called her? The She wolf?" Miryia smiled, slowly allowing him to glimpse her face allowing him to realize who she was. "Tell the rest of your people, that she has returned and that Onderon no longer belongs to the Rebel alliance..and if you so much as a breathe a word of intelligence to them unless its false intelligence we provide, I shall return to this world and burn it to ash" rising Miryia turned towards the basement "Come Captain we must move quickly, another force user is on this planet"

"And I would not have this taken by another"


This RP is more focused on storytelling rather than 'winning'. It would be a breath of fresh air to see someone who isn't a Force user. Besides, Force users aren't that powerful anyway if that's your concern.

Like I said earlier, I feel like the species itself are a bit OP. Even if he is really young. Besides, there are a lot of Force Users in the RP already. We coild use less Force-focused characters.
When Nareia and Rayce arrived at the Rogue Squadron hangar, they found Wedge speaking to one of the astromech droids next to his X-Wing. The unit and Antilles seemed to be arguing over something, with Wedge pointing at a data pad in his hand and the unit insisting otherwise. When Rayce and Nareia showed up, he seemed to sigj in relief.

"Unfortunately, no." He said, placing the data pad on top of a crate before walking toward the duo near the entrance. The astromech unit beeped at him and then rolled away. "And like I said, politicians will always be the same. Anyway, like you said-" Wedge leaned against the nose of his X-Wing as he spoke., "We're probably not getting off this planet for a while."

Rayce shook his head disappointedly, while Nareia pursed her lips and held her tongue. It wouldn’t be of much surprise to anyone that out of every available fighter squadron, it was the Rogues who wanted to hit the Remnant the most. General Iblis and his cadre of sympathetic senators wouldn’t need to look far to find sympathy among the New Republic’s fighting forces.

“So, we’re just being used for propaganda?” Rayce asked, looking between Nareia and Wedge. “Does she want an air show over Chandrila? We do a few spins and somersaults—let the people feel a little good when we all know this isn’t over yet?”

“This fracture is only getting larger, Wedge.” Nareia nodded at the data pad he tossed aside. “What’s that?”

Wedge sighed as soon Nareia mentioned the datapad. "Droid's being all uptight about something on the ship. I told him it's fine. Something about protocol. These new droids they've sent us are terrible."

Before the conversation could go any further, Wedge's eyes shifted to someone coming up behind Nareia. It was a junior officer running up to the hangar as fast as he could. By his uniform, Wedge could tell it was one of command's technicians. Once he arrived, the young technician nearly fell over. He bent down, placing his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

“To be fair, droids have a hard time thinking beyond the scope of their own programming,” Nareia said.

“Don’t let ZeeZee catch you saying—” Rayce cut himself off and looked over his shoulder as Nareia did. A young man—a technician of some kind based on his getup—hustled up to them. Before he could get a word out, he doubled over from exhaustion.

“What’s going on?” Nareia was the first among them to ask.

At the mention of Madine, both Nareia and Rayce exchanged looks. If General Madine was calling for them, it was undoubtedly worthwhile. Neither of them would say it out loud, but if this was what they believed it to be, then there was hope for the New Republic yet.

“I’ll grab Kyrin; you grab Alara and meet us outside?” Rayce asked.

“That works. I just need to pull her from her books. You’ll have to pull him from pazaak.”

“Oh joy, my favorite hobby,” Rayce said dryly. Nareia gave the technician a grateful pat on the shoulder before hustling towards the barracks. Rayce gave a nod to Wedge and entrusted him to gather the rest before he, too, ran off.

Assembling the missing pair hadn’t taken long; Kyrin was more than eager to collect his credits and leave the pazaak table, giving the losers a wolfish grin before hustling to suit up. Alara saved her position in her latest book, “The Wroshyr and the Wookiees”, and suited up quickly. The two pairs managed to meet up around the same time and, with helmets beneath their arms, collectively entered the command room.

Nareia nodded curtly at General Madine before exchanging silent greetings to the rest of the assembled Rogues. She stood as closely beside Wedge as was allowed; Rayce, in turn, joined beside her; Alara squeezed in beside Rayce, leaving Kyrin to close her between the two men. All Rogues were accounted for.

The group huddled around a holo table, usually used to display ongoing battles. Though this time, it was being used to showcase a planet. After a brief exchange with an aide, Madine stepped forward.

"I apologize for calling you all here on such short notice. But everyone else is off-world, and I need an experienced crew on top of this." With a cane he was holding under his arm, he pointed at the planet. The image also included a lone star destroyer in orbit.

"About two hours ago, our agents in Onderon reported the arrival of a Star Destroyer. It orbited the planet for a few minutes before deploying ground units to the capital. The base there has a small garisson of special agents who work for New Republic Intelligence. While I would trust them to keep the base a secret, I worry that the commanding officer of that ship could compromisr their position."

Madine sighed, as he changed the display. Now, the holotable showed the image of an Imperial Officer. He was more machine than man. Half of his face was replaced with a prosthetic, and the entire right shoulder and arm were also cynernetics.

"This is Fleet Admiral Gable Karius. I had the unfortunate 'honor' to meet him in person. He's ruthless and obsessesed with perfection. If he's in Onderon, then he is looking for our base there. Your mission is simple, you will head out there with a small fleet, retrieve the special forces and return home. Any questions?"

Each of them remained silent and attentive as General Madine explained the situation. It was Wedge who asked the more pressing questions. Reinforcements would come if they hit hard and fast. That was Rogue Squadron’s MO, and if the Empire hadn’t learned by now, they will.

Nareia inched forward. “If you lend us enough bomber support with that cruiser, we can take that Star Destroyer out. I know our primary objective is evacuation, but this is a chance at further crippling the Remnant’s ability to strike back at us.”

“In other words, we’re Rogue Squadron,” Kyrin bluntly cut in. “We can do both.”

“A GR-75 and a couple of us to cover it. That can leave the rest of the fleet to take out this Admiral,” Rayce added. “He can’t be expecting us to come in with force.”

“Unless…” Alara quietly started; the gazes of her comrades turned towards her, ears perked and expressions welcoming. Wedge may be Rogue Leader, but a squadron wasn’t comprised of one person. She was still learning that her input was appreciated. “Unless there’s something down there he wants. If he suspected there’s a base, he could just bombard it from orbit. He either wants the data they’ve obtained, or he wants the agents. Why go through the trouble of sending ground troops otherwise?”

"He's looking for something." Madine reluctantly admitted. "This is no ordinary New Republic facility. The forces there are keeping a special item under their protection. It is most likely what's he's after."

Antilles gave a worried glance to the rest of the squadron. This whole mission sounded like a bad idea. He felt like Madine was not giving them the whole story, and while he understood the need for screcy sometimes he was about to risk the lives of his squadron for something he barely knew anything about.
"What is this item? And why does a cyborg Imperial officer want it?"

"That's on a need-to-know basis. And right now, your squadron doesn't need to know." Madine gestured at the image of Karius on the hologram. "Another thing, this mission was authorized by the Chancellor. She wants you to focus on rescuing our agents. Rules of engagement are to only engage if engaged."

Wedge assumed Mon Mothma was doing this partly as a show of strength. Not only was she sending the best to retrieve a bunch of Alliance officers, but she also seemed ready to use force if necessary. Mothma was playing a dangerous game here. But, Wedge wasn't interested. While he could have put up a fight with Madine over the confidentisl information, he decided against it. Tensions were already high enough.

All of them had something to add to Madine’s explanation. But like Wedge, they reserved their comments and feelings and instead looked to him for his orders.

They seem like pretty powerful Force users. To add to that, there are already a lot of Force sensitives in this Rp. It's why I'm being so hesitant about it.

I don't think so. Going over how their race works. Seems a bit OP.

No problem. Thanks for showing interest though.

I gotta

Yavin IV,
New Republic Citadel

"We're not going over this again..." Mon Mothma tried not to roll her eyes as General Garm Bel-Iblis rose from his seat again walking over to the floor of the makeshift Republic Senate chamber. Once there, he walked up to the podium where Chancellor Mon Mothma stood. He looked at her square in the eyes and continued.

"I must bring it up again because it seems that in every session of this here Senate we keep walking dangerously close to making peace with the Empire." The weathered General stood his ground, looking up at Mothma who was standing behind the podium in an elevated position. The Chancellor herself looked tired but stood her ground as well.

"General, the Emergency Council is debating what position the New Republic will take. We'll bring up a series of solutions to the current crisis once deliberations have ended." This was not the first time the two Rebel leaders clashed. For weeks, Garm Bel-Iblis and Mon Mothma had become the figureheads of two opposing factions within the Republic. Those who desired a white peace with the Empire and those who wanted to continue the war. Mothma led those who were seeking a truce with the Empire while Garm Bel-Iblis led those who wanted to pool the Alliance's resources to attack the Empire one final time and end the war once and for all. Over the last few months, the founding members of the Rebel Alliance had become bitter rivals.

"Of course. The Council!" Bel-Iblis turned to face the Senators in the chamber. "The Council that is unaccountable to this Senate and the people of the Republic. A Council that meets in secret under heavy guard. What are you hiding, Chancellor?" Bel-Iblis turned on his heels, facing the Chancellor from across the room.

"Are you accusing me of treason, General? We built this alliance together-"

Bel-Iblis interrupted her, "And you seem determined to destroy what we have fought for. All for the sake of peace!"

"Enough! This meeting is adjourned." Declared the Chancellor, as Bel-Iblis went quiet.

"So be it." The General turned for the door, storming out of the chamber along with several Senators who supported him. Nearly one quarter of the chamber was empty by the time they were gone.

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