Avatar of IAmKnight
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 100 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. IAmKnight 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Finally done with all my assignments; time to make some characters!
5 yrs ago
That feeling when you have an assignment due tomorrow that's supposed to be weeks worth of work but you haven't started yet and are eating chicken wings
5 yrs ago
Gonna be on a trip soon so will be on hiatus until the end of the weekend. I'll probably be able to make a couple posts for a day at max before I disappear until then.
5 yrs ago
Hi, Hungry, IAmKnight!
1 like
6 yrs ago
That moment when you promise to make characters but you have like five assignments due in the next three days


My old roleplay forum died, rip

That dodgy AC profile picture was my old forum profile picture and has been around for years, man.

Most Recent Posts

I have absolutely no idea what character I would make but I think I'd join and just wing it
@EchoicChamber I am, yes. I'll give this a further look tonight or tomorrow, and I'll see about making a character.
@EchoicChamber Is this RP still open?
One thing I noticed is a lot of casual roleplay threads have their character names coloured and huge at the top, and the speech coloured in the same colour. Is this like a thing here? I'll get used to it, but it's totally foreign to me haha
<Snipped quote by IAmKnight>

You make a thread and it has an IC, an OOC and a Character tab. Usually you place your character sheet in the OOC and then if the GM accepts it you put it in the Character tab. Some have different rules, but this is your safest bet.

I looked around some more and thought the same thing. Thanks for confirming!
Hah, yeah I had guessed someone would mention the username. And yeah, I suppose it's to this forum's benefit, so the sooner I start the better, huh?
Though, the layout of this forum is entirely different to what I'm used too. For my old forum, we just made an OOC thread and players would post character applications in there. How's it work here?
Hello, to all of the guild.
IAmKnight, and I have joined because one of my favourite forums for roleplaying has virtually died, and I miss roleplaying. I roleplayed since I was a kid on that forum, and now I hold the burdens of Uni, so it's been quite a long run.
The forum was already dead a while ago, but of course I was in denial. I have finally accepted its fate, and here I am!

I usually participate in casual roleplays or advanced. Free roleplays I rarely visit.
Looking forward to joining the guild!
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