Avatar of InfamousGuy101
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 42 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. InfamousGuy101 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Finally, we have returned...
4 yrs ago
I haven't logged into this for so long so I guess this merits some words of inspiration.... Benis.
6 yrs ago
Why are we still here... just to suffer.
6 yrs ago
Skidaddle Skiddodle, your d!ck is now a noodle!


Come from NS, still doing RP's there. So far enjoying myself in this site.

Most Recent Posts

@Sep Thanks!! I'll get right to it.

Well that's an interesting check and balance thing. Im sure no confrontations will occur between the military Garrison and the Police Force :P

Hello. Im interested in this.

"How the virus came to be? I have no idea. All I'm sure is that it became hell on earth rather quick. The entire world couldn't bear with the idea of the existence of people who had fangs and would suck your blood to quench some sort of hunger. I was still in high school when the whole thing started, some of the people I knew actually became infected. It was like HIV... everyone was afraid of who had it, and those that did couldn't resist the urge to attack. A few years later I signed up in the Army and then found myself in one of the hundreds of "Relocation Centers" I was supposed to lend a hand to them, make them feel like Americans again. But then it all went to hell again, now its almost like a prison. I'm afraid everyday, its almost like if I'm stepping into another country."

- Lt. Roy Stevens
32nd Battalion, Los Angeles Containment Zone
January 12, 2027.


This is the first RP I make on this site, not the first RP I've ever made, I have experience despite my freshness to the site so I hope people do not judge out of the lack of posts and time on the site. I simply want to see if this RP can be more successful than it was on another site, I hope people understand that and jump in, if you do then I appreciate it and I hope you have fun. Thank you.


8 years have passed since the beginning of the HVV-2 outbreak in 2019, others know it as the vampire pandemic, or even the end of times. Regardless, after years of social conflict, political tension and uncertainty, the fear of vampirism has never been as high as it is now. Suspicion of another all out rebellion are in the midst of both the humans and the vampires as a fragile peace and tranquility becomes ever so more fragile. What side will prevail in this looming war between two species? With another uprise becoming more and more of a danger, what side will people take? Where will their loyalties lie on? What values will die and what ideologies will rise? It’s up to you to decide.

This is a Character based RP with some Faction elements added in. Its focused on the L.A. Containment Zone where the spirit of revolt grows everyday. Depending on what faction you choose, you will have to follow a set of objectives in order to assure your side a victory and therefore affect the overall endgame of the RP which culminates in an inevitable revolt of the vampires, the scale and success of this revolt will depend on the player's actions. Several world events will occur through the RP at random, how these events affect your character and his faction and to what degree will vary and your character must react to it accordingly. Depending on who completes their objectives first, it will also affect the faction they are directly in conflict with, which will sum up to the endgame. In the end, depending on the objectives each side completes it will sum up to how it affects the end of the RP and how the world will be shaped because of it.

Have fun, choose your side wisely, and may the best side win, or lose.

Rules and Character Sheet

1. Be respectful in the OOC, the usual stuff, you can be as much of a dick in the IC but keep a level head in the OOC. Any conflicts you may have with anyone else, be it a player, a Co-Op or the OP take it to the TGs please.

2. OP word is law, Co-Op's are law in OP's absence. Suggestions, constructive criticism, and new concepts are welcomed but the OP reserves the right to choose what and what not to do in those regards.

3. Don’t godmod, don’t metagame. Using the weaknesses either side has is okay, but don’t overstep. If your character in in a bad position, and there’s simply no way out they’ll die. Be ready to face the consequences of the events that take place.

4. Make your characters with realistic flaws, as much as they can have many good things you must equal it with bad things to them as well for sake of storytelling. No Mary of Garry Stues please, make your characters act in a believable way depending what faction you chose.

5. Do not have your character be savvy in weaponry all of a sudden if their role or job does not involve them using such weaponry. Make it feel dynamic and human.

6. Be detailed and creative. Mild control of NPC's is allowed. When in doubt, ask.

7. Post should be of adequate quality, please.

8. Three characters per player. The faction you choose you have to commit the character to what they are and the struggles they may face.

9. Have fun.

Character App

Erase everything in parenthesis please. Things with * are optional. When in doubt, read the timeline, if still doubt, ask the OP's. Live action images are preferable.

[b]Faction:(Pick from the faction list)[/b]
[b]Cetegory:(Infected, pick stage of virus/Uninfected)[/b]
[b]Role in faction:[/b]
[b]Bio (at least one paragraph):[/b]
[b]*Worst Fears:[/b]
[b]*Miscellaneous (anything else you’d like to add):[/b]

Interesting. I'll be following up on this.
@Mt Paragon
Thanks for that. Fixed it.
Tern Alen

New or Been in Trianing
Training for 2 years
  • Has a scar on the right side of his face from an encounter with a feral dragon in his youth
  • Enjoys the taste of mead
  • His father was one of the first Dragon Riders, he died during battle.
    He joined the dragon rider training in order to live up to his father's memory and to defend his home and mother from any attacks that would come.

Urud Karkad

Class of Dragon
Stoker Class
  • Fast Flier
  • Raging Fire Breather
  • Wise and Collected

  • Afraid of Large Bodies of Water
  • Cannot Swim
  • Doesn't like Tidal or Light Class Dragons

He's not able to understand human metaphors and takes things very literally. He likes to go around and hunt for small lizards which are his favorite snack. His father was a violent dragon that used violence at the slightest chance, Udur grew beyond that violent nature but he's no stranger to fighting when necessary.

Thanks. Dully Appreciated.
Welcome to the Guild!

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But serious question, how do I update my profile picture?
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