Avatar of Innue
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Innue
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1478 (0.39 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. Innue 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Re-released our creature capture thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Mostly Janna is best summoner name. Sadly, Project, that is mine.
7 yrs ago
FF12 Zodiac Age players - if you want to have the optimal party, PM me. Working on a spreadsheet to determine best party makeups and I will share it once done.
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7 yrs ago
Too many things I want to write right now, which is resulting in 0 writing getting done. Yaaaaaay.
7 yrs ago
Pondering re-releasing my western fantasy thread. >.>
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Pondered making thread.
@Schradinger was a cool cat.

Did we open the box to determine was?
<Snipped quote by Innue>

okay :) ill get to work on it, should be up sometime tomorrow

Awesome. If you need any assistance feel free to hop into the Discord and I (or someone else) can clarify in live chat.
you guys still accepting people into the RP? and are the cannon villages still a thing in this RP (i assume they are due to the Tsuchikage being around, i was thinking of a character who was originally from whirlpool but was sent to another village for some reason (yet to be thought of lol) but was wondering if the premise was alright for a base

We are always accepting.

Most of the cannon villages exist in some fashion, but there are only three leaders do to some nations merging with each other - the Rankage (Land of Water + Land of Lightning), the Sankage (Land of Fire + bunch of smaller nations), and the Tsuchikage. I don't have any issue with you being from whirlpool, but I'd say it'd be one of the islands in Wave Country and say it is a part of the Sankage's Territory (Kyokuitsu no Tochi).
If anyone needs a post with characters not participating in the current meeting, let me know. It is important for the various non-kage shinobi to get to know each other before the conclusion of the meeting.
Shikata Ayameko

Ayameko had arrived precisely when she meant to. The announcement of Kage meeting meant that she, along with Shiori, Shien, and Io would be required to present themselves in the meeting room. At this point, Ayameko, despite her generally pleasant demeanor had begun to have her fill of the grumbling leader of the Land of Iron. She had been regretting a few of the choices she had made on her travel to the Chuunin Exams...

Shien had handled most of the logistics of their journey - which she had done splendidly on. Typically the Sankage would have used the transport systems that were set up by the various nations with the intention of bypassing much of the tedious travelling, however this year Ayameko had opted to travel by foot in order to travel through some of the smaller villages and territories that may not frequently get her audience. It was valuable for her to ensure the people's needs were being addressed by their representative. Of course, Io was less than amused by the choice, Ayameko having conveniently not told him about that portion of the trip.

Ayameko, along with her contingency took their seats. Politely she nodded to each of the other leaders, while Shiori, Shien, and Io were directed to their seats into some seats away from the main table. While bodyguards were atypical for such a meeting, they were permitted - not that anyone at the table really needed the protection from a bodyguard.

"Fellow kage," Ayameko began her opening remarks, her starting first a perk of her being the oldest of the three national leaders, "I hope your journeys went well. As usual, we are gathered together to watch another year of hard work on display. As always, we would like to thank Kyoko for her leadership in organizing this event and moderating these meetings, which continues to be of the utmost importance. Given the importance of our continued cooperation, I would like to make a couple of proposals this year."

Ayameko cleared her through before continuing, "The first is the establishment of shinobi squads with members from multiple nations. The second would be the establishment of an exchange program, partially to facilitate the first. I look forward to your thoughts and recommendations on such programs."

With that, she concluded her remarks, opening the floor for one of the other leaders to speak in response. Typically these meetings were a mere formality, but this year Ayameko wanted to actually make them function beyond that. Their peace had been long, but complacency was never good. Deepening their ties would ensure that none of them took for granted the peace Ayameko had sacrificed so much for.

Io was, of course, displeased with the Sankage's remarks, but it was not a forum he could protest in. However, his displeasure was not invisible to anyone, but given it was a consistent expression on his face it would be hard for anyone in the room to tell he was even more displeased than usual. Shiori, on the other hand, was pleased, having been a part of the council subcommittees that had helped flesh out some of the formalities from Kyokujitsu no Tochi's end.
I have too many characters myself over the years from video games to even put one down here. I'm actually on the verge of posting my own roleplay from a story I want to write out and publish. I'm thinking along the lines of receiving ideas from other people for the story then implementing them into the story itself. I've been working on it for years now and still haven't started it, because I just don't feel it's the right time to start it.

I did do a Skyrim RP on the old site years back that took off, but ended up dying out, because not too many people at the time were in to The Elder Scrolls. I agree on the whole notion that a mage should carry a weapon as well as his/her magic. Even wear armor. Sometimes, magic will fail or the character will run out of magicka, so you have to be prepared for these events.

Slight sidebar: I'd strongly encourage you to start, regardless of whether you feel it is the right time. I did that for years and lost a lot of time where I could have had the novel completed. Very rarely will writing it ever feel like the write time, but you have to make it the right time by just doing it.


As for RP in games, I don't go to the extent the OP does, but I do tend to enjoy games where I can make my characters exist in those universe through lots of customization or talents.
Seems like too many generalisations and assumptions getting thrown about. If you feel unwelcome, it's because you've let yourself feel unwelcome, or because you've decided any one or two or even three people represent the whole arena. They don't.

As an 'outsider', exactly - a few people don't represent the community. There are a number that I have quite nice conversations with and now that I'm back on shitty internet for the next few years (and now that I closed up one of my business ventures), look forward to continuing. If someone stresses me out, I just don't generally participate in matches or events with that person.

However, there definitely feels like there can be a big barrier to overcome that can feel not worth getting over if you have a bad experience. But, that is pretty typical for any differences in culture or style.
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