Avatar of Jade113
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 92 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Jade113 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Back, kind of. Turned 20 a while ago and back on the hunt for a roleplay or two.
6 yrs ago
Chemotherapy is almost done, and once the nausea passes I'm hoping to get back into some advanced roleplay! Hopefully. Very hopefully. >.>
6 yrs ago
What do singing fish need when they just aren't very good? Autotuna!
7 yrs ago
Are sprinkles just edible confetti?
7 yrs ago
If you put confetti in a salt shaker and then sprinkled it over spaghetti what would it be called


Hello! I'm Jade (obviously). I've been on and off this site, as I'm sure you can tell by my post history. I joined when I was 18, and my entire year of being 19 was filled with bad news, cancer treatments, and a lot of nausea. I'm 20 now, and I'd like to think I've matured since I joined.

I'm looking for small groups, advanced roleplay, with interesting concepts. Star Wars RP set during the Galactic Empire's reign, close-knit and serious situations, horror, all of that is right up my alley.

Thanks for reading!

Most Recent Posts

no regerts
Nyte looked to the card in silence, the ruined house suddenly as silent as the forest around it. She waited a moment, then quietly nodded at Sunny's statement. Something was indeed at work here, and perhaps... Perhaps Nyte was meant to be a part of it, too. She glanced up at the extended hand, and to the smiling vagrant holding it out to her. Someone she'd met mere minutes earlier, and yet...

She took the hand and stood weightlessly, almost lifting herself up off of the lopsided, partially destroyed floor. "And you will be my captain," She replied easily, watching the two for a moment.

As she looked between the smiling young woman and the cautious child, she felt something she had not felt in a very long time. Silently looking out the window of the house and to the forest, she watched a violet flower petal flutter onto the windowsill. She clenched her fists and nodded to herself, and moved to gather up everything she could find, sneakily stuffing blankets, clothes, and cans of food inside her armor for later use.

After finally getting everything together, Nyte stood at the edge of the porch and watched the fog finally fade completely, life seeming to return as the sun rose higher and higher into the sky. It would be a long adventure ahead of her, she could tell, but with her sword, a sword she had been using for many years, matching the child's cards, perhaps... just maybe, she was destined to follow them, to become a legend greater than any other...

She followed her two new companions, friends, quickly, happy to help with whatever came their way in the future.

@Tenma Tendo@Mokley
I'm okay with the chapter being wrapped up! I'll check the newest post real quick!!

That was loads of fun!


Second update: I'll post my wrap-up after Laphicet!
Working on the CS right now, do we post it here or send it privately? This shall be fun!
Nyte waved to Sunny, hand on her hip. "It's just my bright personality, actually," she drawled as she stepped closer, then stopped when Sunny suggested eating. "Oooo, I can cook a decent cabbage! Though I'm not much of a fan... It goes right through me."

Coughing at the joke and trying not to snicker, she quickly shook her helm and marched into the ruined house through the front door, bounding from the pantry to the cabinets and back looking for food. She found loads of canned foods alongside Sunny, like beans and fish and carrots and tomatoes and potatoes! She set out the blanket while one of the others cooked.

"Oh, I'm not hungry," she said quickly, "so make sure to give little Laphi here extra! He probably likes fish."

"Er, I mean, maybe. N-no particular reason I'd think that," she apologized to the boy immediately, then plopped onto the wooden floor loudly. As the two started to eat, she looked between the two vagrants fondly. Before she could ask what they had been doing in the forest, Sunny produced an intriguing map!

"The Whistlehowl Star... Would you perhaps mean the legend of the Coterie ship in the sky...?" she muttered, carefully taking the map from the girl and looking at it closely. "Rymoln Wood, hm? I don't think I've ever been there, but then again, I wood not remember the name of a random forest I've passed through!"

She coughed.

"I'd love to come with, if you'll have me! Perhaps the thing you acquired here was my set... Oh!"

She unwrapped the iron-studded belt from her hip, setting it down and unsheathing her sword. It shone brightly even in the dimly lit inside of the destroyed home, the long blade etched with ancient runes and the edges obviously worn from countless battles... Or perhaps it was used as a walking stick far too much. "What is a legend without a blade? I've no use for this, nor do I even really know how to use it, but it's been with me for a long time. Maybe this is what you needed here?"
Very interested!
Updated to include more than just the Yang x Weiss pairing! Any FxF pairing is up for grabs if we talk it over first! There are some I like more than others, of course, so just PM me!

"Lie?" She asked the child, tiling her head and looking back at him. "I'm a vagrant. Your mother did call me a forest guardian when she handed you to me, but I had assumed that was because she didn't know my name..."

Suddenly, Sunny appeared! Nyte looked to her. "I do enjoy forests, and guarding things!"

She then looked between the two vagrants as Sunny ranted about their awesomeness, then looked down as her armor was patted. "W-well, I probably got a scratch or two, I suppose..."

"O-oh, um, Nyte. Just Nyte. Nyte the Knight, heh." She said sheepishly, reaching out to shake her hand. "Occurro is just west of here, and I'd guess the path of this house would lead us to it. It's wonderful to meet you both!"

As Sunny moved to whisper something to the child, Nyte wandered over to the set, awkwardly tossing each part over the railing before hopping down to change her armor out of view. It would be a hassle for the old man to have to hang up or get rid of her old set from his porch, after all.

She stretched her new armor, silver coated and shining in the rising sunlight, then strapped her old sword to her belt and gave herself a thumbs up for some reason. She jumped back onto the porch moments after having left.
Hello there!

I'm Jade, it's wonderful to meet you! (Also let me know if anything I'm putting here is against some kind of rule o.O)

Anyway, this is a simple post! I'd like you to PM me if you are interested in either of the following RP ideas based around preferably the Yang x Weiss pairing of RWBY or any other FxF pairing if you send me a message. Alternatively, you could shoot me a message giving me your plot idea and we could discuss it! I'd be playing Yang or Ruby in any scenario that includes them, unless bold text suggests otherwise! :o

Quick rule: I really, really, really would prefer correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. No one-liners either, please!

...Other quick rule: No OCs. Sorry.

Idea 1: Milk and Cereal (Ruby x Pyrrha): Takes place in an AU where Beacon is fine! Arkos (Jaune x Pyrrha) never becomes a thing, and instead Ruby finds herself starting to fancy the tall redheaded champion! Friendship (and eventually maybe more) between two somewhat unseen together characters!

Idea 2: Ladybug (Ruby x Blake): Takes place long after the end of volume 3, where Blake decides not to leave, and stays with Ruby. The two are in a relationship and have become full huntresses. Lots of cuddles and action, with a bit of smut and a bit of drama!

Idea 3: Nuts and Dolts (Penny x Ruby): Cute canon fluff between Penny and Ruby! Can take place in a world where Penny was not turned into quarters, or it could happen before that point! Not really much smut, of course.

Let me know your thoughts in private messages, I'll bump this on occasion if I don't receive any messages or have new ideas!
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