Avatar of jagajac
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: jagajac
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 302 (0.08 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. jagajac 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Sleep eludes me. Time to listen to Markiplier "Let's Plays" for the next few hours! <3&fluff


Hi friends!

Here's a little bit about me:
  • Name's jagajac {jag, jaga, jac, or whatever pet name you prefer}
  • Family= my wonderful husband and our dog, Ludo
  • I'm an aquarium educator
  • ♥♥geocaching, video games, Pokémon, moose, and the color yellow♥♥
  • I've been in an on again, off again relationship with RP since middle school
  • My preferences are fantasy and post-apocalyptic
  • I'm very much a people-person, so feel free to send me a PM anytime


My current RPs:
Pokémon: The Path is yours (Gen 1)

Most Recent Posts

I've just finished the second book in Sarah J. Maas' Court series, and I won't be able to get my hands on the next book until its release in May. In the meantime... I was wondering if there are any other fans out there who would be interested in a very casual RP based around these books. Not sure whether people would be more interested in keeping/taking the role of main cannon characters and continuing the story-line, or if it would be better to fast-forward a few centuries and develop all new High Lords/Ladies of Prythian and maybe develop a post war with Hybern storyline. Even if you haven't read the books, but you're interested in the concept itself, you'd be more than welcome to join in on the fun. Interested to see if this goes anywhere. I will check this thread over the next few days and determine how to move forward, if I even need to move forward, from there.

Basic premise: Prythian is a world of faeries separated into 7 courts [the seasons + dawn, day, and night court] each court is ruled by a High Lord and/or Lady. All high fae possess powers associated with their respective courts, while the lesser fae [faeries and faerie creatures alike] simply dwell within their courts doing whatever it is they desire with their lives. A wall between Prythian and the human realm was constructed after a long and brutal battle over territorial claims. Now the courts rely on their emissaries, warriors, spies, inner circle, etc to construct alliances among courts and remain relatively peace free.
*There is SOOO much more to the story, but this will hopefully give people enough of an idea to spark their interest. You can read more about the stories yourself if you wish, but I don't want to spoil anything for potential readers out there!

Because I can, and my hair was in a Jessica Rabbit mood tonight ^^
Circle has begun. Although I fully understand that there is not much to reply to until @merrrrideth informs us all of Edith's information, @SUN and I knew the importance of moving this forward for activity's sake. @Zaresto @GingerBoi123 @merrrrideth I apologize for slightly hijacking your chars during this collab, but I felt their roles were important for moving forward. If I did any of you an injustice, I will edit it ASAP. @Orior will most likely be jumping in with his/her character any day now, and that is totally fine by us. If you're not sure how to hop in, PM @SUN or myself and we will gladly help you! What else... OH! This will be one of my last "hearty" posts for the upcoming weeks. My students will be my priority, but I will check in occasionally to address anything of importance :) Thanks for you patience and commitment to our RP. <3&fluff jagajac

I'll try and do some updates tonight for everyone, and maybe even just work my way into a starting post even though Edith and Dom haven't shown up yet. I'll make it happen for everyone, just may be a little later until I can post.
you wot m8


PS sorry I wasn't on a lot today! I know everyone is working hard IRL :) hopefully we get the circle started soon. Waiting on Dom and Edith to make an appearance.
Post is up, pretty much everyone is mentioned :) directly or indirectly.

@IcePezzWe're getting it all finished up for ya'll :) and unfortunately, he's a brown recluse :/// sneaky little poisonous bastard...

Sooo... I was delayed last night/this morning because of this little guy ^^^ All is well, and I'm not dead :} he did bite me though, so I'll be on antibiotics for a while. Anywho, I think @Zaresto and I are collabing for this next post.
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