Avatar of Jeddaven
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    1. Jeddaven 10 yrs ago
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1 yr ago
Current Dragons and such


she/her pronouns. I'm interested in a wide variety of roleplays, but I tend toward prefering High Fantasy and High Sci Fi settings (think Elder Scrolls or Warhammer 40k). Whether it's a Nation Roleplay (I love digging into fictional politics) something on a smaller, individual scale, or something in between, there's a good chance I might be interested! I especially enjoy fantasy setting with weird, esoteric fluff - up to and including the nonsense that happens in Elder Scrolls, or, occasionally, Age of Sigmar.

Fave settings /period/ are Warcraft, and Golarion. WH40k and AoS are close.

Most Recent Posts

Aite, the actual meat of the app's done, so I'm posting it now
Aaaand we're done!

Nation: People's Republic of United Workers/Republika Ludowy Zjednoczonych Robotników (RLZR)


Name: Lady Arane Tiedriel

Rank: Revenant Major

Wards: None. Tiedriel's lands on Leria were stripped from her after her disappearance on the High Seas.

Posting in the OOC as requested! Apologies for the excessive length - I had trouble cutting it down.

Threw the post in the wrong spot. Wups.
Oh, I assumed as much - I was joking!

I have some ideas of my own, but I wanted to clarify a few things before I got ahead of myself.
Was it something I said?
Hello, @gorgenmast!
It was suggested that I check out this thread by some of the Precipice at War people, since I mentioned I was craving some solid Fantasy RP, but that leads me to a question or two, if you don't mind answering them. Of course, if you want to leave the questions unanswered, let me know.

1. You mention the setting as being based in Middle Fantasy, and that the focus is not on nonhuman Fantasy races - I was curious about the wording of this. Does this mean that, say, races like Elves are not playable, simply that they're quite rare and should remain as such, or something else? In other words, are they playable, or would that be too... Special?

2. In regard to dissent against Eagoth, you mention the lack of success of open revolt - what about less obvious forms of resistance? Isolated guerillas, for example, or even simply people that are choosing to not participate in Eagoth's rule. As a followup, if any of this less overt resistance exists, would it be exclusively conducted by the risen dead? The impression I got was that living folk aren't really a thing in these lands anymore, at least not in any relevant capacity.

3. What of schools of magic outside of Destruction? I'm particularly curious about some of those that can have comparatively overt effects as Destruction - conjuration, for example. Is summoning at all viable, as rare as magic is in general? What of enchanting?

4. I'm also curious if non-'Arcane traditions of magic are/can exist; i.e. magic derived from a divine source, druidry, so on and so forth.

Thanks for your time!
Currently writing, but I have a few questions in regards to technology.

1. Is artificial intelligence (or a stunted form of AI) within the technological bounds of this RP?

2. How common are self-replicating nanobots?
I demand Poland.

I may just have to futz around in the Red Rising mod for MoWAS2

In addition, I think Germany is trying to tell us something. There's a municipality in Oberharz am Brocken, Germany (fairly close to the center of the country) named Elend -- literally 'misery'.
Apologies for the late response. I've been busy with finals, but, with those wrapped up, O should have much more time. I will likely have a preliminary app up tonight.
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