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  • Old Guild Username: Jinxer
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    1. Jinxer 10 yrs ago


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Currently living inside Life is Strange.
9 yrs ago
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack.


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As do I. I’m happy to play one of them as well.
@Lord Zee In that case I'd probably play as the King (assuming others drop out).

I can help out there as well - especially as I feel that Primfira should probably be the most antagonistic of the kingdoms at this event...
Laurel Mith

Exodus was getting busier by the moment, the streets thronged with revellers and visitors. Merchants plied their wares, trying to take advantage of the massive influx of people not that many of them had the funds to pay the steep prices; Exodus was the richest nation by far after all.

Laurel weaved her way through the crowds, her height commanding some of the smaller races to part way for her while others seemed determined to frustrate her path for the insignia she wore on her surcoat. She pushed past those, muscles built from hours spent with the bow greater than those any civilian could boast, her eyes focused on the palace ahead. She could see the heads of her fellows rising above the sea of faces unknown to her, their Levonian blood plain in their stature, pale skin and fiery hair.

Standing out even from their own, the Captain of the Kingsguard and Solveig towered over everyone. The latter's face was more familiar to her, Ultfic being more of a passing acquaintance even after her years spent treading the Earthican palace halls in Eve's tow. Bursting free of the crowd she brushed herself down, adjusting the surcoat a little more appropriately before approaching them. Normally she would not be concerned as to her appearance, days spent in the wilderness on the hunt were mutually exclusive to the excessive cleanliness and scented oils these Freyjan people seemed to enjoy so much, but she was representing her people now. Even if Eve wanted to rebel against such sensibilities, it was not Laurel's place to do so as much as she wanted to cast aside the weight of responsibility the blasted insignia settled on her shoulders.

"Have you seen Eve? The Princess." She corrected herself, glancing over the entourage and spotting both the King and Queen as she spoke. She did not see her friend, the one person she was ostensibly charged with protecting in this foreign city, and stifled a groan. Where had she gone now? Her emerald eyes drifted toward the palace proper and she thought she spotted that unruly mane of red hair she was so familiar with, standing out amidst the glittering dresses and Freyjan complexions.

This time she could not conceal the grimace, remembering the way Eve had cast off the dress she had been made to wear for the event in favour of her more practical, if much less appropriate, every day wear. The Queen would be far from impressed, she knew, although she doubted any blame would be cast her way; it was well known that while she was close with the Princess she was as powerless to control her actions as Eve's parents.

She turned to Ultfic and Solveig, trying to keep a watch on Eve by way of her hair, bright as a bonfire in the night, and gestured toward the exclusive appearance of the gathering inside.

"So are we allowed in there? It looks a bit rich for my blood."

Considering it's current popularity I would hazard a guess at God of War?

Looks pretty but practical... and in keeping with an impoverished nation!
They also didn't post character sheets.

I'm still here - I just wanted to let everyone post their introduction post before I got another one in.
Laurel Mith

Whatever Laurel had expected, or perhaps feared, her first experience of Exodus had exceeded both with its extravagant displays of wealth and decadence. Life truly was different for those in the richer nations but if even half of the tales were true of the Freyja people, Laurel felt no incentive to move from her relatively impoverished realm. Rather, she had been reluctant to make the journey to Exodus but the Princess had insisted on her presence and Laurel had finally consented, sensing a degree of trepidation in her friend. Some of her own anxiety had dissipated with the decision, the knowledge that she could make certain of the Princess' safety with her own two eyes easing her worries.

She had bid farewell to the main group for a short time and had moved on ahead to explore Exodus as much as she could. Having some idea of the lay of the land would help boost her confidence but there was just too much to search out, the vastly more numerous population and their affluence creating a metropolis dwarfing Earthica several times over.

It felt wrong, though, to not have wilderness, such as it was, within easy reach. The comfort of easy isolation was something she would miss, Laurel realised, as she paced the streets of Exodus, noting the stalls and any significant looking buildings. Truth be told she had lost track of her surroundings some time ago but perhaps her memory might be sparked usefully if she was in the area again? It was the best she could hope for and, realising that she was reaching the limits of usefulness in her exploration, she turned back on herself.

Eyes followed her as she walked, the surcoat she wore over her hunting leathers emblazoned proudly with Earthica's insignia and marking her loyalty out for all to see. At first she had refused the garment but one of the older guards had insisted she wear it for her own protection, reasoning that no one would be stupid enough to attack someone from any of the royal entourages in broad daylight. A lone Levonian woman looking lost in the wrong part of a foreign city, though? She would be prey to near enough any desperate lurker and she had no desire to get into unnecessary fights so she had yielded to the man's wisdom. Now, she was happy she had for the looks cast her way were curious, searching and occasionally hostile but never threatening. The thin cloth was like a shield against indiscriminate violence.

She passed a tavern, hearing the sounds of brawling inside, and quickened her pace; getting into such a melee would surely not be expected of someone wearing Earthica's colours. A thirst for ale did rise, though, as she smelt the questionable aroma of stale beer and heard the raucous cheering of drunken onlookers to the brawl.

As she made her way back toward the royal Levonian entourage she offered up a brief prayer that the Freyja would not enforce their twisted taste for blood onto all their visitors.
I'm also still here, I'll post tonight if I can.
I'll try and get a post up tonight, we have friends coming to stay with us for the weekend so the last minute tidy might take precedence though!
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