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    1. JohnWolff 9 yrs ago


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Just an average anime/movie fan with a lot of spare time. I'm 24 years old, and I'm from Singapore. I don't really have much going on in my life right now, so I thought it would be nice hanging out in this forum for a while.

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John, can I also PM you my Master CS?
Yeah, sure. Go ahead.
I'm a bit confused by this statement in the Type-Moon wiki:
Even the Holy Grail lacks the power to summon a true Heroic Spirit, so the process is facilitated by summoning them into one of seven vessels prepared beforehand. The Greater Grail makes a copy using information from the "main body" of the Heroic Spirit, an "emanation", that returns to them as information, in the form of a soul, upon the death of the Servant. Disconnected from the "main body", they are able to know of the actions of the Servant through records, as if reading a book.
So does a Heroic Spirit knows about his actions as a Servant, or does he not? If he does, then if his Spirit is summoned again in another War, how does that work? If he doesn't, why does the wiki says "they are able to know of the actions of the Servant through records"?
May I PM you what I have of Michael so far?
Welp, might as well get my Berserker up, then. Progress so far. Gonna add the personality and backstory in when I'm not feeling totally lazy/when I'm on top of things.
Looks good so far. Could use some paragraphing between some of the more congested descriptions (like the Noble Phantasm descriptions), but otherwise, it looks okay. On a side note, Heroic Spirits don't retain their memories as Servants, right? I know that in terms of Servants based on real people (as opposed to mythological/fictional figures) who have ascended to the Throne of Heroes as Heroic Spirits, and that "Servants" by definition are mere copies of those spirits, is that correct? So, after those spirits are copied and summoned as Servants, when they are defeated, are the memories of their lives as Servants returned to their "main body", or would they not remember a thing about their experiences in the War? I know that there are special cases like Arturia who retain their memories, but what about normal Heroic Spirits?
Are you guys still accepting? I'd be happy to join this as Fate is my life. And Madoka is my no 1 magical girl series to date.
Yeah, we're still accepting. As Paladin said, we have open spots for Masters. But you know, spots for either Masters or Servants are only 'officially' taken once a player submits his CS, not before, so you know, the 'dips' others have placed on Servants... not really official. *shrug* Take those reserved spots with a grain of salt.
All three families are not high tier within the Mage's Association actually. They'd be just above mid tier with the Einzberns being the bosses in Homonuculus creation. Other families like Kayneth's which are ninth generation ones are significantly more powerful than any of the three founding families and Kayneth even went into the Zero war thinking the three founding families would be trash compared to him. If they had fought like regular magi, they would have been decimated by Kayneth. The Matou may as well not even exit at this point considering how much its decayed as well. Rin Tohsaka is a 1 out of million potential average one magus so she shouldn't be counted in the power loop and even then she has little experience and is thus not on the upper echelons of mages. ETC. tldr; The founding families aren't all that powerful.
Ah man, and I was just about to finish up my newly edited codex too. Sigh... Ah well. I'll see if there's anything in the new codex that might implicate the Three Families as the most powerful magi. Speaking of which, I've made drastic changes to the 'Servant' section of the new Codex. One of the changes is that fictional Heroic Spirits are no longer beings from another reality; they are truly fictional and non-existent, like Kojiro Sasaki, and are only capable of being summoned into existence thanks to Kyubey's alien-tech that materialises these artificial consciousness. I figured it would give a deeper sub-plot about whether if artificial life can still be considered life.
Like he promised to defeat Satan or something?
-.- It's your character. Use your imagination, mate. ;)
Plot dilemma here: How in God's name, did Kirei and a Cat/squirrel demon thing manage to imprison an archangel? Much less Michael, the warrior, and head of God's army.
Kyubey traveled through multiple realities to form contract with individuals to become Heroic Spirits, and in turn, Servants. Kyubey is crafty, so you could always pull some kind of scheme it came up with to trick Michael into forming a contract. Ironically, on an off-topic note, Sayaka Miki of the Madoka franchise had her surname based off Michael, and she was contracted nonetheless. lol I'm sure Kyubey could appeal to Michael's sense of honor or something.
...I'm just going to make sure that you were intending to imply you were sending children and teenagers to rapists (since Shinji was strongly implied to be raping Rider). Is that what Kyubey's doing to the Magical Girls?
Hah. Don't be crude. I know what I'm doing. I'm not going to pull something that blatantly obvious. Kyubey won't actually be raping the girls, not literally. If you have seen the show, you would know that the context of it was actually ambiguously sexual already anyway, pubescent girls forming contracts with a stranger and ending up falling into despair, so what I have planned isn't going to be any worse than the stuff portrayed in the show. He will still take pleasure in mentally tormenting the girls by sending them to shitty Masters though, of course. I mean, come on, Kyubey's taking revenge against teenage girls. What do you think it's going to do? Wound their manhood?
Also, another Latin grammar fix: If you're saying Puellae Magi, then that is Slaves of the mage. But if you want mage to be plural, then it would be Puellae Magorum.
Technically, the 'magi' in "Puella Magi" means "Deceiver", as in Kyubey the Deceiver. I don't know if "Magorum" means "Deceiver" in plural form though, and the only one doing any deceiving around in the story is purely Kyubey (and to a lesser extent, Kirei). Furthermore, the Masters controlling the Servants are innocent for the most parts, so calling the Servants their slaves is a bit of a stretch.
Oh! And last thing: there are Magical girls in the Nasuverse! (Fate/Prisma Ilya Kaleid-Liner I believe it's called.)
That's a spin-off and an alternate reality; I'm not going to involve that. And besides, I've got enough on my hands already trying to work Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero's canon alone into my RP; I don't want to muck it up by bringing in other spin-offs and sequels. It will be a mess, and I'm already having some trouble trying to think up of a way to ensure the Incubators' invasion would make sense in the Fate timeline. Which is why the RP will be delayed for a while. Having "Kyubey suddenly invades Fuyuki!" just sounds so cheap, especially with both the Church and the Mage's Association not doing much about this. I'm trying to work between either the idea of those two organisations discovering Kyubey and Kirei's schemes sixty years after the events of F/SN (would serve up interesting sub-plots about the Church discovering the fictitious nature of God and the MA discovering the futility of their magic compared to galaxy-destroying aliens), or the idea of a Holy Grail War set in the future, six hundred years after F/SN (this one deals more with the futility of struggling against an inevitable fate as slaves; the great length between F/SN and the RP is to drive home the point that after 600 years, no hero could rise up to save the day, despite the original Holy Grail War being ended after five Wars). All that being said, I'll try to get the OOC thread up by the end of this week.
Actually relevant to the codex, if by 'abusive' you mean people like Shinji then Kyubey just graduated to the top of the 'worst people in the Nasuverse' list considering that the Magical Girls are supposed to be teenagers at oldest.
Well, Kyubey is already pretty detestable by everyone. :) And yes, it is as 'abusive' as you could imagine with teenage girls, Japanese stories, and a space-pimp involved. That creepy little ferret just discovered the pleasures of human sadism, after all. Think of it as something like Kotomine discovering the pleasure of enjoyment in Fate/Zero. I might come up with a more complex motivation for Kyubey in the future, but we'll see.
A preview of the Codex that will serve as information for those unknowledgeable about the Fate and/or Madoka universe. Feel free to add anything I've missed, or suggest anything that I should deduct from this lengthy writing. Edit: I've decided to display only the information about the RP's changes to the lore fans of both Fate and Madoka franchise would need to know. The roles for the Church, the Mage's Association, as well as Kirei Kotomine in the story are rather weak as of now, but I might come up with better uses for them in the future. Feel free to drop suggestions until then.
Lore Changes to Take Note
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