Avatar of Jollan
  • Last Seen: 8 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1959 (0.52 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Jollan 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current doing trade school online is like reading about a sport and expecting to be able to play it without practice.
5 yrs ago
Trade > bachelors
1 like
6 yrs ago
Desire to type "git gud" intensifies...
6 yrs ago
okay, watched the first episode of goblin slayer, not nearly as bad as what it was made out to be. Still a bit depressing but hey, saved 2 of 4 rookies, coulda been worse.
6 yrs ago
So i figured out, as much as id love the equivalent of an anime doom guy slaying goblins, i dont like seeing the lovely anime chicas catch a case of the mutilation.


Why hello, you little stalker. As you can see above I have recorded your visit for potential future stalking purposes. In that list you may find some other recent stalking victims. You may wonder, "Oh no! I've been caught! Whatever shall I do! What will become of me!" Well... I can assure you nothing....as in really...nothing. Except the fact that you may have wasted a precious few moments of your life with this bio. In this, I can say for every person that reads this, I have stolen that moment in your life that you could have been doing something else. Anything really.....Are you still here? Shouldn't you...I don't know, be posting in one of your RPs? I'm sure somebody is waiting for your response, it might even be me. You are procrastinating aren't you? I know I am. At the very moment I typed this I was supposed to be writing papers for class. See? Now I've been wasting time on both our accounts. Look what you made me do.




Ok, that is enough stalking...


There really isn't anything else here...


I'm gonna call the police...


(What's the number for 9-1-1?)

Most Recent Posts

Allard towered over the other delivery men, who were either moving wine barrels in pairs or with cattle. Allard on the other hand, had a barrel in each arm and one on his back. He picked up a job for the day to help deliver wine to the royal banquet, and with how many barrels they were bringing in, they must have been a thirsty lot. The one on his back he was told was a special one and must be treated with care, which is why he strapped it on in the first place. He noticed that it was particularly light, and that it didn't seem to contain wine, but he shrugged it off with somewhat of a knowing grin. He placed his two barrels on the racks in the wine cellar and went to unstrap the other on his back, carfully making sure not to rock it around too much. He walked over and set it off to the side.

It had been around a week since he had escaped from the Fotian arenas, his heart still heavy. Since he had recovered, he had been milling about wondering what he wanted to do next. Everything he had worked for in life was now gone. Cruel fate had given him back his daughter and had taken it away just as quickly. His mind drifted as he gripped the blade at his side. He shook his head, thinking that maybe he just needed a drink. He wiped his face with a sigh, all drinks had seemed bitter recently, even when he 'sampled' some of the fine wine. He went back to the cart to retrieve more wine when he overheard some of the regular deliverymen talking.

"Did you hear? The king is putting together a force with warriors from around the five countries!"
"Really? Seems odd, whatever would we need something like that around here for?"
"I dunno, maybe its a political move to bring everyone together."
"Doubt it'll last long. These alliances never seem to last more than one conflict. Wonder what has them so worried."
"Don't get me lying, but hear this. I heard that if you can prove your mettle, you'll be right as rain."
"In what way?"
"WHY IN BLOODY MONEY, OF COARSE! Why else would ya risk life an limb!? Aye, I believe a man could be rightly set doin' it."
"Maybe I should give it a go then, eh?"
"Horseshit, with your two left feet? You would die tripping down the stairway of the castle on your way out the door."
"Aw, shut it and help me get this unloaded."

An Alliance Force? That could be promising. He lifted another two barrels with ease as he walked by the two men who were still struggling to get one from the cart. After setting them down he noticed them headed his way. It was the last barrel so he picked it up from them and rested it on his shoulder. "So, this alliance business. Where would ya go ta sign up fur somethin' like that?" The two men exchanged glances as the older one spoke up. "Well, you might here the king say something about it soon, but I'll tell you now, keep on working like you are, and I'll offer you Hobb's job," the man said with a chuckle. "Ey! Don't even joke, I've got me and mine to take of too, you know." they both laughed as they went back around to the front of the wagon. Allard set the last barrel in the racks and walked over to meet them to collect his pay. 'Maybe if I join this 'alliance' I can find those damned Therosi,' he thought, 'and send each one ta meet their maker.'

Acquired Equipment

its nice to have money in your pocket, but i am definitely taking advantage of being off this summer from summer classes. I still have work here and there but its only part time
Im off today, so cheers!
yaaaaaay, double dose of the big bad wolf!

lol, anyway, would Drake actually turn still or would he be able to hold himself fairly well since he had lost control already?
@booksmusicanimetis true lol
@Dread Hey, we have no problem with long posts, just means more content!
@Keyblade87 You could follow Ris as I'm sure most the group will as she just leroy jenkined on over to where the bad guy is before a plan was made lol
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