Avatar of Jolteon
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 88 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Jolteon 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Did the raccoon win?
5 yrs ago
Easy. They're all in middle or highschool. No one in their right mind would want to relive it.
5 yrs ago
Well you're negligible! ...heheh, sure showed them.
5 yrs ago
I prefer Level 100 Ugandan-Chungus-Shaggy-Mob-Boss myself.
5 yrs ago
I'd rather destroy Florida instead of California tbh. Maybe a compromise and we destroy both?


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I'm sorry guys, I started this interest check when I was really desperate for some role plays and for some reason I actually succeeded in finding some stable ones. I also didn't expect this interest check to get more attention than from a few people and actually work since my last one didn't work out.

I currently have a lot on my plate and managing this rp right now would probably make me tired of dealing with the complexities of rps, which would mean I would let a lot more people down both on-site and off-site.

So as for me continuing on this rp, it would be fun and I could be willing to once one or two of my existing rps fall off the face of the earth. But y'all would need to wait days or even weeks for that to happen.

If you guys want to get together and make your own Kaiserreich rp, that'd be fine by me. I might join as a nation, I might be able to handle that.

If you guys get together and make a Kaiserreich rp that I end up not liking, thats fine too. I have things to keep me busy, and I have loads of other nrp ideas to make interest checks out of too.

Plus, it doesn't help that I don't even have the game mod yet.

So, sorry about this. Hope you don't hate me I like having acquaintances/friends here. If you do hate me for this, well, its no skin off my back.
discord.gg/ej8te4k There you go, a link thats all nice and permanent.
Wow, I'm surprised people have responded to this. I'm glad there's interest. We still need more people, and I really, really need a Co-GM for helping me to manage stats. I've been in rps with stats, but I'm not one to manage everyone's myself when I'd rather focus on events and results and such.
Hopefully I'll never have to clash against your dangerous horse people. @kvg

I'm going for a naval and industrial power thats used to cold weather and conditions, but starts with a rubbish army and no colonies (Do Iceland and Greenland count as in Edoniras or in the New World here?). I should get in a CS today.
@duck55223 'Edoniras' is spelled 'Ednorias' on the map. Also can we claim land before we make our CS?
Since I am unable to get the mod and if/when I do it will be for Hoi IV, that what we'll be doing. Not to mention its the more popular one and is easier to find stuff about online. For example this nifty map: https://plus.google.com/photos/115882792744130116318/album/6428125036956219393/6428125033596312642?authkey=CNO8k_bAzey7ogE&sqid=110964305361592210203&ssid=360f0f84-31fb-436a-9c38-d9b7e62c9115

Hello there boys and girls. After my mostly failed attempt at getting enough people for a no-stats nation roleplay, and seeing how many people would only join one with stats, I decided to try and make it happen. Lo and behold, the Kaiserreich is a mod so it already has the beginning stats in-game and some are even on the wiki.

All that I need are Co-GM's/Assistants to manage stats (How long it takes to produce stuff, what's needed to produce stuff), and people to reserve some nations.

So show some interest and pick a nation already! @willy vereb and @captainbritton have already shown interest in Austria-Hungary and America respectively. I tentatively reserve Germany.
This is an interest check, and I know I'm not the GM, but could people please not post in here if they have no interest? Its kind of rude and deters other people from joining.
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