Avatar of kagethekiller
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    1. kagethekiller 10 yrs ago


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I'm sorry I fixed it. It lmk if it's still messed up xD
@Hopeless Swan
Ash walked down the hall to his new room wondering who his roommates might be. He played with the ballpoint pen in his hand as he examined the hallway he was venturing down. The place had an odd mixture of ancient and modern that would take some getting used to. He pulled his satchel in front of him checking it's contents, confirming they were all still in there proper place, he rounded the last corner before his room. He couldn't remember the last time he had slept in a proper bed, and supposed that was for the best. There was no telling what sort of dreams he could pick up on in this place.

His long black hair had been left down today and his red beanie was snug on his head. He wondered to himself if anyone had reached the room before him. Before coming he had checked the roster for the rooms and found two other names next to his. A small part of him hoped they were nice, he was tired of people fearing him for his strange appearance. This would be his first time encountering any other magic creatures? Mythological beings? He wasn't exactly what to call them or what would be in store down the hall. He realized he had been standing there in contemplation far too long when he was struck by an odd feeling, almost like something was drawing him toward the other side of the door.

There was a woman standing in the hall in front of the door. He wasn't sure what to do or how she approach her.‘Hi. I'm Ash. I like reading and old kung fu flicks and oh yeah I can change my appearance at will and watch your dreams like a creep. Want to be friends?’

He decided quickly that wouldn't be a good approach. He debates on weather to focus on changing his eye color like he had on the streets when strangers were around. An administrative clerk with green tinted skin had told him it would be best to be his self when meeting the people here, but he wasn't sure. He was taking to much time now and began to panic.

“Hi.” He said his voice cracking slightly. Great now he sounded juvenile and timid. This place was probably going to eat him alive. “I'm, uh. I'm Ash I think your knocking on my door.”He stammered trying to be as friendly as possible, allowing a smile to show on his face. He hoped it looked genuine. He also realized it might sound rude and quickly thought if a way to recover the situation. Yeah... eaten alive.
@RyuShura sorry got used to putting 1's I guess lol it's fixed
Name: Orpheus

Appearance: Orpheus is tall with a lean build, and broad shoulders. His arms and feet are scarred as well as large sections of his abdomen. He prefers to keep these covered. He has one deep blue eye and his left eye is white softly glowing, the white one having a tattooed rune meaning “light” under it. His hair is long and pure white and often left hanging around his head. He has a scar running from his left eye to the corner of his mouth.

STR: 1
END: 1
DEX: 1
SPI: 0
Pain. Utter blinding pain ran through the wisps being. Unimaginable agony racked it's body as it felt like it was being turned inside out by the Goddesses touch. The worst of it was the heat upon it's eyes, as if hot pokers had burrowed into his soul. He screamed as he fell to a knee, wondering how he had failed. Surely he had done something wrong. Failed some sort of test he had never intended to take. But the pain, as quick as it had come, was no gone.

It had felt to him like years of torture, but had only surely lasted but a second. He felt his body coming into form, bone hardening and muscles growing tight over them. As he watched scars developing over his forearms and legs, seemingly scorched by fire, images flashed behind his closed eyelids.

A young boy, light blond hair like tendrils of silk and eyes as blue as the oceans, laughing and throwing his arms wide as he fell into a pile of forgotten leaves. A woman with the same hair but deep emerald eyes staring as if into his very soul, a strange sensation washing over him as he glanced at her perfectly shaped full lips. The reflection of a man with long dark black hair and a tattooed symbol below his left eye, he knew it was a rune meaning light. The feeling of touching his own face where a scar ran just next to it from the same eye to the corner of his mouth, a jeweled crown atop his head. This was him.

A city burning searing the image into his memory, the boy dead in his hands, the woman ran through on the steps to a castle. Raklorn. His castle. He wept deeply as the cities wooden structures blazed, and the screaming of innocents was heard. Soldiers being slain, as they ran towards him. More soldiers coming to his aid as he torn them apart inhumanly.

War. Years and years of war. Blood coating his body until he could no longer see the color of his skin. Until his vision was the same red. Smiling men growing silent as he approached their camp in a vast array in camps. More war. Capture. Torture. Pain. Torture. Torture.

He pulled himself out of his own mind, finding himself weeping where he kneeled. Seeing his reflection in a crystal he approached it. His now white hair falling in his face over his left eye as his other deep blue eye took in his surroundings. He brushed his hair to the side tucking it behind his ear and stared at his reflection. Just above his tattoo his right eye was now a white orb which he could still see out of, shining with a dim glow. Orpheus. That was his name.
Also I'm confused on whether we start with 1/2 Or 1 in everything but SPI.
So should we create our characters first and then post? Just to be sure. And also where are we starting off? In diffrent areas or the same one? And final question, I have an idea of what the world will be like but I don't want to overstep my bounds in thinking we will shape the world slowly through narrative, so I just wanted a quick run down if that's possible. Sorry if this was alot but I'm really anxious to post 😅. @RyuShura

First Name: Ashlin

Surname: Ramiel

Nickname: Ash

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Demi-God, son of Morpheus.

Personality: Ash tends to stick to himself when he can, finding groups overwhelming, he never had many friends espescially not after his abilities started showing up. Most of the time he has his face shoved into some old book as this tends to keep most people from approaching him unnecessarily. He almost constantly looks like he hasn't gotten enough sleep though he never looks worn out or tired.

Ash tries his hardest to stay out of trouble but can't seem to keep is opinions to himself at times. He has a rather high I.Q. but doesn't like to flaunt it over others. He grew up in a foster home but was turned out, after his abilities started going haywire, and was forced to live on the street. He never knew either of his parents until he was 16 when his father appeared in one of his dreams.

Appearance: He has long black hair usually pulled back and is of a slender build. He generally dresses in all black and wears a beanie of some sort. His eyes shine in a prismatic way, looking like gleaming jewels in the light, and flashing diffrent colors depending on if his mood is strong enough.

Hobbies: Reading, video games, martial arts and free running.


Dream Walking: Can enter into other people's dreams and slightly effect them. Works strongest on those nearest him.

Dream Inducing: Can cause others to dream what he wants them to.

Lethargy: Can cause people to grow tired and fall into a day dream like state.

Mind Manipulation: Can cause people to see visions and perceive feelings. Those are the limits of this ability as of yet.

Shapeshifting: Can his appearance as he sees fit. He's attempted animals but can't seem to hold the form for very long.

Extra: Can't fully control all of his abilities and often falls asleep without warning.
@kagethekiller I have one up right before runes second one... It's been there for two days
I get i guys chats a bad idea lol
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